Food Evolution
Food Evolution
| 23 June 2017 (USA)
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As society tackles the problem of feeding our expanding population safely and sustainably, a schism has arisen between scientists and consumers, motivated by fear and distrust. Food Evolution, narrated by Neil deGrasse Tyson, explores the polarized debate surrounding GMOs. Looking at the real-world application of food science in the past and present, the film argues for sound science and open-mindedness in a culture that increasingly shows resistance to both.

Wordiezett So much average
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
md1255 I have no idea why the film director decided to blatantly side with GMO's, and accept only the science that points to some benefits right now, and totally ignore the science that proves the very real and dangerous effects it will have on our planet and our health in the long run. I can't say the director was paid off by Monsanto or someone else of interest because I don't know, but the film did come off as if every frame from beginning to end was hand picked by such companies to try and settle the storm of truth that's been coming their way. For a moment I thought to give this film a 10 because it forced me to look deeper into the truth about GMO's., but I had to get real and give it a 2 because it was so completely one sided. Sure there was science, but only the science they wanted you to see. They completely left out the dangers of dumping hundreds of millions of pounds of the chemical Glyphosate all over the earth. This film is obviously aimed at being a 100% propaganda film to try and convince us that GMO's are good and this poison is safe, while plenty of other scientist are pointing out a very real and wide spread danger. And from what I read so far it doesn't look good ir we let them take over.But don't believe me, or the film, do your own research. And definitely don't fall for all the phony reviews on here praising this film as if it's a breath of fresh wonderfully pure science. Those people for sure are either paid, or sadly not very aware of the facts.In any case, I sure don't like the idea of big corporations patenting seeds and owning our food supply. That's just one step away from owning us. If we let them, they will keep getting bigger until we have no choice but to eat what they have or starve. We'll be like dogs to it's master if we give up control of our food. Let's not do this. Have a happy, healthy life, sincerely, M.D.
terrasoleil That documentary is bias. It brings a very valid point: environmentalists are often presenting arguments that aren't based on scientific evidences. I wish it could have been presenting a revue of scientific studies that present us the pros and cons of using that technology. But it focuses more on bashing the opponent or trying to make them silly. If you are following the debate on GMO, this documentary is worth seeing for the covering of Hawaiians papaya or the banana crop in Uganda, as I don't think it was much covered in other documentary on the genre. It looks like it was financed by the industry. The filmmaker uses the same tools claimed to be problematic: manipulating the viewers to gain public sympathy.
Richard Bennett After seeing a dozen anti-science food documentaries this movie is a breath of fresh air.If you've seen Food, Inc., Super Size Me, GMOLOL, Food Matters, Hungry for Change, In Defense of Food, Cowspiracy, Vanishing of the Bees, Food Fight, King Corn, Fresh, Sustainable, In Organic We Trust, A Place at the Table, Politics of Food, or Food Politics, you need to see this movie.If you're freaked out about chemicals in your food, you need to see this movie. If you're avoiding gluten, GMOs, and non-organic foods because you're worried about your health, you need to see this movie.And if you're a garden-variety eater who believes organic food is grown without chemicals, you need to see this movie. If you share memes on Facebook or Twitter about the evil of modern agriculture, you need to see this movie.And if you think Moms Across America, Consumers Union, FoodBabe, Avocado Wolfe, Michael Pollan, Marion Nestle, Natural News, March Against Monsanto, Vandana Shiva, or any chiropractor, naturopath, or holistic personal trainer wants to keep you safe and healthy, you need to see this movie. And if you shop at Whole Foods, you need to see this movie (if you can afford it.)
goldie6175 There is so much information missing from this movie about the dangers of GMOs and Glyphosate that it is almost laughable. You want to make a movie that has a real impact, include both sides. Of course, the biotech industry won't allow that, as they know that the real science will clearly show that this is a dangerous technology and hurting the planet and it's inhabitants. This is clearly profit over people.