Floods of Fear
Floods of Fear
NR | 05 July 1959 (USA)
Floods of Fear Trailers

A man framed for murder escapes from prison during a flood and helps a young woman in distress.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
gordonl56 FLOODS OF FEAR – 1958 This is a UK production set in the American Northeast during a rather nasty flood. A group of convicts are put to work reinforcing a levee with sandbags. The levee however gives way and everyone is sweep into the rushing waters. Two convicts, Howard Keel, Cyril Cusack and an injured guard, Harry Corbett all make it to safety. They are joined by local, Anne Heywood. The four take shelter from the rising waters on the top floor of Heywood's home. Keel immediately starts building a raft. He has no intention of returning to prison. He has murder on his mind. Keel got a life sentence for murdering his business partner, John Crawford's wife. The two had been having an affair and when she had turned up dead, all the evidence pointed at Keel. Crawford and Keel had been partners in a river tug outfit located just down the river. Corbett does his best to protect the girl Heywood, from the unwanted attentions of the oily Cusack. Cusack arms himself with a large blade and hints that Corbett will get his soon. Keel finally gets his raft done only to have Corbett swipe the thing in order to get away from Cusack. The rising waters soon push the rest of the house off its footings and into the river. Keel, Cusack and Heywood manage to survive by holding onto a piece of the roof that breaks off and serves as a raft. As luck would have it, they find a small boat and transfer to it. Keel soon grows tired of the rat, Cusack, and his constant attempts at Heywood. He fires the rodent off the boat at the first bit of land they come to, before continuing towards his "date" with Crawford. Heywood realizes that Keel is not the vicious murderer she had thought him to be. Keel simply wants the truth to come out about the crime he was sent up for. Keel lands Heywood at a safe spot and carries on. Guard Corbett has made it to safety and contacts the local law, Eddie Byrne. He tells Byrne that Keel intends to murder Crawford if he can reach him. Byrne hands Corbett a revolver and assigns him a couple of National Guardsmen to escort him to Crawford's place. Now we find out that Cusack has knifed a would be rescuer, and stolen his small motorboat. Cusack plans on reaching Crawford before Keel. Cusack intends a bit of blackmail. He believes Crawford to be the real murderer as well. Cusack is sure Crawford will pay for the warning about Keel, as well as for Cusack to keep his silence about the murder. Heywood has also reached the local law. A quick word with Byrne has the Sheriff send Heywood and a couple deputies racing to Crawford's in case Corbett might need help. Guard Corbett and the two National Guardsmen have by this time reached Crawford's tug boat pier. Corbett warns Crawford about Keel's break out, and his planned attempt on Crawford's life. Soon Cusack comes puttering out of the rain in his little motorboat. Everyone mistakes him for Keel, and Cusack collects several bullets before being collared. Heywood arrives with the extra men, everyone now just sits and waits for Keel to put in an appearance. Keel however is already there, and has been watching everything for the last 20 minutes. He sneaks under the dock and enters Crawford's office. He gets the drop on the man and proceeds to give Crawford a most vicious beating. He cannot however bring himself to kill Crawford. He turns himself in to Corbett. Corbett, who has been busy questioning Cusack, tells Keel that enough questions as to his guilt have been raised, that a new trial is likely. There are some fairly intense moments in the film and Keel is surprisingly good in a non-musical role. What throws the viewer off to a degree, is the rather ineffective American accents used by the UK members of the cast. It would have worked better being set in the UK. Having said that, the film as a whole, works quite well. There are several noir touches throughout, murder, revenge, infidelity being the foremost. And the raging waters do well at replacing the alleys and dark streets of an urban setting. Both are empty to the man on the run. The look of the film also works with D of P Christopher Challis, supplying a nice assortment of black and grey tones. The four time BAFTA nominated Challis did some top fight work with, THE SMALL BACK ROOM, FOOTSTEPS IN THE FOG, CHANCE MEETING, NEVER LET GO, SINK THE BISMARCK, ARABESQUE, VILLAIN and EVIL UNDER THE SUN as examples of his work. The director, Charles Crichton, is best known for the films, HUE AND CRY, THE LAVANDER HILL MOB and A FISH CALLED WANDA. He also touched on suspense with HUNTED and THE THIRD SECRET. (b/w)
sol ***SPOILERS*** Movie musical star Howard Keel as escaped convicted murderer Donovan doesn't sing a note and is bear chested during, with a few exceptions, the entire film. Donovan tries to make his way back to Westmills to get his hands on the person who framed him for his wife's murder construction boss Jack Murphy, John Crawford. Not only did Murphy frame Donovan in his-Murphy's-wife's murder but took control of his construction business from Donovan when he was sent up the river. With the Humboldt River now overflowing its banks Donovan plans his escape by going or swimming downstream to get to Murphy and make him pay for what he did to him.But a number of problems arise for Donovan when he's forced to save Elizabeth Matthews. Anne Hayworth, fellow convict Peebles, Cryil Cusack, and injured prison guard Sharkey, Henry H. Corbett,on his way downstream to Westmills. This together with the flood waters hinders Donovan's plan to get Murphy and puts him on the spot in getting captured by the police and national guard units who are out looking for him. Taking shelter,together with Elizaberth Sharkey & Peebles, in Elizabeth's three story house Donovan knows that it's only a matter of time when the raging floodwater's engulf the place which makes his desperate situation even more desperate. And with both Peebles and Sharkey having it in for him for totally different reasons Donovan has to work real fast before he ends up dead by them or the by now over 30 feet high and deep floodwater's that covering the entire landscape.What seems like a precursor to what's happening now with the threat of global warming and climate change "Floods of Fear" addresses these two major environmental issues of our time some 50 years before we became conscious of them. The floods are caused by the melting of the ice and snow because of the unusual high temperatures in the mountain regions that's now turning the valleys belows into lakes. Of course Dovonan & Co. has no idea of this, climate change, happening their just trying to survive the flood which by now has reached Noah and his Ark proportions.It's pretty Elizabeth who soon realizes that Donovan isn't, in his gentlemanly manor and kindness to animals as well as her, the cold blooded killer that he's made out to be. Elizabeth does everything she can to get Donovan to give himself up and prove, even thought he was already convicted of murder, his innocence! That's before he ends up killing Murphy and proves her wrong!***SPOILERS**** Very wet, with all the water in it, and interesting film about an innocent man who's out to prove that he was framed for a crime he didn't commit. Where at the same time he has to deal with nature at it's most destructive in him proving it. Donovan who when he finally tracks down Murphy decides to let the law take care of him but only after beating him, with Murphy getting a few good licks back in return, within an inch of his life. It in fact was Elizabeth who got Donovan to see the light and not blow Murphy away, with a gun pointed at his head, that turned things around for him. And changed them for the better.
sol- A rarely seen film from Charles Crichton, the director of popular British comedies such as 'The Lavender Hill Mob' and 'A Fish Called Wanda', Crichton manages to establish an appropriately solemn atmosphere for this film, but even so, it is only passable viewing overall. There are some fine bits of drama woven into the tale, however the film has a tendency to be unrealistically melodramatic, and the dull, heavy-handed narration is no help. The floods effects are great though, and together with apt music, the film has a fair few moments of great power. It is only intermittently intense though, and the plot is completely predictable, with a typical love interest and obvious plot twists. Fans of Crichton or the cast members might find something interesting here. It is pretty watchable - just not especially well made.
jayjay95 I saw this movie only once - in 1959 when it came out. I was only about 9 years old at the time and it scared me. But at the same time I really liked it - to me it seemed to be an adventure film. Of course that was only the mind of a nine year old. I did not realize the real drama going on till now, as I think about it. The characters--of whom I remember Howard Keel most because I had seen him in a good many movies before this one. I expected to hear him sing--since most of his movies had been musicals. But he really was forceful and did a good job of making the most of his role. I thought he can act as well as sing! The film was tense- and full of suspense. To this day I am afraid of large bodies of water. All and all I found this a film I would like to see again. Unfortuanaley I have not been able to find it on video or on TV. I recommend it and hope to see it and also add it to my collection.