| 15 December 2015 (USA)
Flipped Trailers

A famous model, trapped inside an upside-down car, reaches a mysterious man on her damaged cell phone. However, roadside assistance is the last thing on the stranger's mind.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
ShangLuda Admirable film.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
James Graham A model socialite has a car accident and ends up off the road, isolated and upside down. Stuck in her car and a phone that only a few numbers work. She dials random numbers till she gets through to a person who says they will help. Turns out that this person doesn't want to help and just dissecte her relationship.It is unique and well acted. A woman stuck upside in a car talking to a mystery person on the phone for a whole film is actually better than it sounds. However the film never really seems to go anywhere. You are constantly waiting for the big pay off but it never really comes. There is a big twist at the end but there are too big a hint to what that twist is, so its not really that big a surprise. There are some consistences which are explained by the twist at the end. However there are others which is just bad writing. For instance, in these days of mobile phones, no-one rings a popular pretty girl because no-one has heard from her for hours? Her phone is broken and she can't put numbers in, but who ever puts the number of someone you know in their phone? Also I am 90% sure that her boyfriend is a actually a dummy for most of the film. Its only towards the end it is a real person. Its not a bad film but I think it would have worked better as a short film. You will struggle through but won't want to watch again.
kj-36750 Incredible movie. For a movie like this, to get made, is an accomplishment in and of itself. Well made, great acting, suspense thriller which is more than just a horror film. It's a film with a message. Worth the purchase. This film should have seen national release. Ignored by the industry's film festivals. Eye popper. Not for the young of heart but Eye Candy for revelers of the horror genre. Reminds me of a young, fearless M. Night Shyamalan movie! With a blush of Hitchcock. Michael Madsen is, typical, unforgettable. First time director/filmmaker has left a mark on Hollywood with this one. This reviewers fingers are crossed that there will be more movie magic from Harris to come. You've been notified!
ronniecinema This was a well laid out, mysterious and excellent psychological thriller. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the finished product. The Director/Producer, Harris Demel, does a fantastic job in his directorial debut towards building suspense over the course of this film. It reminded me very much of the Colin Farrell movie, Phone Booth, where the plot was driven by a sinister and menacing character on the other end of a phone conversation. Terrific performance art was evident in this feature film also, particularly with lead actress Stella Maeve, whose portrayal as the main character was authentic and genuine. You could feel the intensity and dismay her character experienced while trapped upside down in a car in the middle of nowhere while at the whim of a madman on her cellular phone. Well done! 10 out of 10.
ericabeth82 What I enjoyed most about this film was that I didn't know what was coming. I am the type of person that can guess any ending to a movie and my mind was blown and mouth had dropped. The suspense kept you on your feet wanting to know what was going to happen. Would she be saved? Who was this mysterious man on the other end of her self phone. The best part was that the group I went with left talking about the film. Discussing what happened and what we all felt about the different aspects of the film. Those are my favorite kinds of movies and this one definitely didn't disappoint. I wasn't familiar with all of the actors prior to the film, but felt the acting was believable, especially Stella. You could really feel what was going on in Stella's mind and wanted to help her get out of the car and to safety. Overall, I really enjoyed this film.