Flight of Black Angel
Flight of Black Angel
| 23 February 1991 (USA)
Flight of Black Angel Trailers

A US Air Force pilot steals a nuclear bomb and sets off on what he believes is a divine mission against an American city.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
efftup This is a made for TV movie and due to budget restraints all the flight footage is reused from the Iron Eagle films. Hence Israel has to pass for Nevada. So I originally went into this not expecting too much but wanting an aerial film fix. Despite what one or two other reviewers have said, this has a very believable plot (especially compared to Iron Eagle films)and the acting was very good. The reviewer who thinks it's totally ridiculous to land a plane on a road and take off again needs to Google the Swiss and Swedish Air ForcesAn ace aggressor squadron pilot has some kind of breakdown and decides to shoot down his fellow pilots and attack Las Vegas with a Nuclear weapon. Spoiler ALERT+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ At first, this might seem a little ridiculous, but the way he achieves all this actually all seems very plausible. Far more so than the way the kids get everything Chappie asks for in Iron Eagle. He holds someone at gunpoint to get live weapons programmed, brushes off concerns by the armourer who loads the plane and then has to dismantle the nuclear weapon with the aid of a stolen wiring diagram,getting radiation sickness in the process (but as he's on a suicide mission, he doesn't care.) END OF SPOILER ++++++++++++++++++++++++++William O'Leary puts in a good performance as the cold, disturbed pilot,and Peter Strauss is pretty good as the older pilot and mentor who is eventually forced to take on his protégé. While the pace is a little slow in paces (especially if you are used to the moronic modern Whizzbang Hollywood rubbish),the plot isn't totally predictable and no-one does anything out of character. The Flight sequences are pretty well edited, especially considering that they are cut together from an entirely different film. This obviously lends itself to a few continuity errors but I think that's forgivable in this context. They are no worse than in bigger budget films like Top Gun. Overall, I found it a very enjoyable and well made film, and one I would certainly recommend, even to those who aren't that into planes. The complete opposite of a film like Flyboys.
spriggan43-1 Flight of Black Angel is easily a great film because it relies on storytelling and characterization rather than special effects to get its point across. It's low budget but I think that is what works in the movie's favor. It doesn't have to rely on whiz-bang special effects. William O'Leary is awesome as the psychotic Air Force pilot who's slipped a gear and decides to carry out God's will and Peter Strauss plays it straight and to the point as his mentor trying to stop him. The story is very believable and hooks the audience instantly. Easily one of the best films i've ever watched from a storytelling aspect. If this movie had a bigger budget, I could see it winning some awards.
jhousdan the flight scenes look like they were filmed in Israel because they were. This movie borrows all of the action sequence footage from the movie "Iron Eagle"... which was shot using IAF F-16A/Bs and Kfirs (a Mirage III derivative). Pretty low-budget, I guess if I hadn't seen Iron Eagle so many times before, I wouldn't have paid attention to it. I rather rented the movie hoping to see more Tomcat footage (an F-14A is displayed quite prominently on the cover of the movie) but there is none. The acting is good enough, all things considered... even if the plot line is full of holes. This is the only time I've ever seen O'leary in a truly serious role... and he's wickedly good at it!
brendonm Before he had the big budget of U-571, director Jonathan Mostow proved back in 1991 that he has what it takes to create a gripping movie. I rented this because I was writing a screenplay with a similar premise. The aerial combat sequences here are just as -- if not more so -- thrilling as anything in TOP GUN. I wish they would have got someone else to play Cpt. Gordon aka "Black Angel" -- still, the thesp gets across a spooky desperation. The script doesn't fully explain his motivation, but it's clear he has some kind of God-complex. Peter Strauss is also believable as the Mentor.If you like military or doomsday thrillers, this is worth a rent or watching on cable.Also of note: screenwriters John Brancato and Mike Ferris (THE NET, THE GAME) are billed as assoc. producers, though I don't know what their role in the production was.