Flesh, TX
Flesh, TX
| 29 September 2009 (USA)
Flesh, TX Trailers

In the middle of nowhere, in Flesh, TX, lives a crazed and disturbed inbred family, the Barleys. When Donna Parker (Eleni Krimitsos) and her daughter Tabitha (Jada Kline) stop for gas, little do they know what really goes on there. Once Tabitha disappears from the gas station, Donna summons the help of the local sheriff (Dale Denton) who is not all he is cracked up to be. Donna becomes convinced that somehow everything in this crazy town is connected; after she encounters Sugar Barley (Kathleen Benner), the local prostitute, the hunt to find her daughter is on. Will she have to visit the Barley house on the edge of town? No human should ever have to see what happens in the Barley house in Flesh, TX....pop.666

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
jackmeat Sometimes just the title of a movie alone should clue you in to how bad it is going to be. In this case, it allured me in to see just how bad it would be. Yes, I am a glutton for bad movie punishment. Yes, occasionally B-budget flicks will amuse, gore out, might have a shining star in the making but guess what, this movie has none of these things. Simple plot, stop in the wrong town and run across a lunatic family that kills and eats people. OK, lots of room to make this good, right? Well, it isn't. The acting in this movie is possibly some of the worst around, almost like they were trying to act poorly. If this were true, then this group deserves the award. Mix that into a stupid story with potential to be silly, or gross and you come up with nothing? That isn't the only drawback though. I am unsure if the film makers allowed their 3 year old children to do the sound and video editing, but it is almost laughable at how bad it was. Clear echoes from multiple mics being used in scenes, cuts to the completely wrong sound effect for what was occurring. At times, it sounded like a different person was speaking then the character (in a dubbed movie type way). I really can't stress enough how poor this was and up until the end when a funny line was said that made me laugh (the highlight of the movie, btw) was "A female dog" Not a spoiler at all, just the phrase earned this movie out of 1 stardom. Yes, I am a positive person and find the good as best as I can. Don't be so kind and abuse your senses with this one, at all.
Dave E ...the movie, or the review I just read.A person of even average intelligence can see early on this is a bad movie. I won't bore you with the details, because I'm certain if you have read what 'cometojammy' wrote, you'll get an idea of the IQ level of the people that sit through the entire movie.Therefore, I'm not surprised this incredibly illiterate 'cometojammy' person actually watched the entire movie. The atrocious grammar, coupled with the misspelling extravaganza, would indicate a person with minimal thought process capabilities.Naturally, a slow thinking, open mouth breather is going to take longer to figure out this is a very bad movie.It astounds me that people actually go through life with so little education.
geddyleeisgod This movie was absolutely a parody and an homage, and, as such, was very well done, I think.The acting perhaps lacks subtlety, but again, this is not meant to be your standard, dreadfully earnest spooker. If you're looking for a "serious" chiller, this isn't the movie for you.However, the cinematography is outstanding and the soundtrack is particularly topnotch. Additionally, Miss "Fancy" manages to be simultaneously spooky and tremendously erotic. Definitely recommendable for those looking for a lighter thriller to while away an hour and a half.
movieman_kev The Barleys, a tight-knitted family of cannibals living in a small town in Texas, send out Sugar, one of their kin, out for some of their special form of 'take-out'. This, of course, causes trouble when she abducts the daughter of Donna (who gets understandable peeved, only more so when the local sheriff won't help much), who decides to take in into her own hands to find her abducted daughter. This movie's main plot doesn't even start up until half an hour into to film and even then the movie seems content to leisurely move slowly along. What could have been a reasonably OK short is stretched so thin that it's merely boring.Eye Candy: Davina Joy gets toplessMy Grade: D