Fist of the Vampire
Fist of the Vampire
NR | 29 September 2007 (USA)

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1977. A family is murdered in cold blood. The case goes unsolved for decades and remains a mystery. Enter the present day, detective Lee Southward is sent on assignment to infiltrate an illegal underground fighting tournament and bring in the organizers. Lee battles his way to the top of the tournaments in attempts to get closer to the organizers. As Lee draws closer and begins to piece clues together he is brought back to the case closed decades ago. However there is a problem: The organizers are of the undead and crave human blood! Lee must fight his way through all the sex, drugs, and violence of the underground while trying to piece together evidence with the help of an undercover officer and find a way to stop the undead!

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Steineded How sad is this?
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
jcromwell66762 OK, I try to see artistic merit in the films I see, but I'm just not seeing it here. I mean, really?!?!? I usually prefer to have crackers with this much cheese.The "fight" scenes were just, well, awful. I freely admit, I am not into the whole martial arts and vampires thing, but I do enjoy a good movie, providing its good. I understand that this is, primarily, a "booby and blood" film, but even that was left wanting at best. Poorly written, poorly filmed, poorly acted, and a cast of ugly, ugly people.If you are really just hard up for some back ground noise, and have nothing better to do, I suggest you stick a roll of quarters in a blender for 96 minutes. It will still be less painful than sitting through this disaster of a "movie".If I had paid more than $.99 for this movie out of the bargain bin at (i wont name the retailer, i am sure they would be ashamed) I would be beyond mad. As it stands, could someone PLEASE tell the producers of this movie I would like the 96 minutes of my life back that I wasted on this abomination.On the upside, if you take a DVD, drill a hole in the edge, and suspend it over your garden, it helps keep the birds away.With this said, I bid you all, good day!!
Woodyanders It's always nice to see a low-budget effort that's not only done with a great deal of passion and enthusiasm, but also offers a funky and energetic handy-dandy combo of elements from both the action and horror genres. 1977: A man witnesses a vampire attack in a back alley. The vampires kill the man and his wife. However, the couple's son survives the attack. Thirty years later the man grows up to be Lee Southward (neatly played with rugged conviction by the brawny Brian Anthony), a tough and fearless undercover detective who infiltrates an illegal underground fighting ring that's run by the same trio of vampires who killed Lee's parents. Writer/director Len Kabasinski tackles the mean'n'lean material with a pleasingly fierce'n'frantic adrenalized style: the brisk pace, ferocious fisticuffs, a thrashin' hard rock soundtrack, the suitably rough'n'gritty cinematography, a pulsating score by Figblots and Chylum, the hyper-kinetic editing, and the copious graphic gore (blood squirts and spurts all over the place from severed jugular veins) all add up to one immensely entertaining movie. Better still, the actors portraying the vampires have a ball with their supremely evil parts: Brian Heffron makes for a fearsome head villain as ruthless leader Nicholas, gorgeous soft-core feature regular Darian Caine burns up the screen with her steamy portrayal of the wicked and predatory vampiress Jade (yes, fans, the delectable Ms. Caine also shows her delicious goods in a tasty lesbian love scene as well), and Leon South does well as the vicious and insatiable Reno. Moreover, there are nifty supporting contributions by Cheyenne King as formidable lady brawler Davidson and Victor Kuehn as Lee's pragmatic superior Agent Williams. The action set pieces are staged with real rip-roaring go-for-broke flair, with a drug deal that degenerates into a total bloodbath and the exciting climactic to-the-death confrontation between Lee and Nicholas rating as the definite stirring highlights. Granted, the dodgy CGI effects ain't too impressive or convincing, but overall this lively and frenetic item sizes up as good trashy Grade B fun just the same.
jimbob9210 Want my advice? Avoid this film at all costs. I, in all honesty, wanted to like this movie. It looked at first glance like a Fight Club/Blade crossover, and how wrong I was...I've heard of low budgets, but this must have been REALLY LOW. I mean, they used special effects for most of the blood, when it would have been a lot better to use stage blood. Because the effects are officially the worst I have ever seen, and need I remind you that this was made in 2007? Muzzle flashes, are also poorly added, as is fire and smoke.The acting is just terrible, especially in one scene. The fighting and action scenes (actually the reason I watched this movie) were slow and unengaging, and the (terrible) CGI was un-necassarily added and only served to degrade them further. Nothing that happens can save this film from being one of the poorest decisions I have ever made. Action fans will be disappointed at the sheer awfulness of this movie. Vampire fans will be disappointed at the actors chosen to be the neck-biters. This film promises so much but delivers NOTHING! Just steer clear my friends. Well clear.
tcoll32 Killer Wolf gain has hit a home run with their latest film "Fist of the Vampire" Those who have read my blogs or reviews know that I personally love the films they put out in Killer Wolf Films and this one was no exception. Once again this is what I love about independent horror films and what I loathe about most Hollywood ones. Len and his crew put together films for one purpose entertain you. It's not about making a art house flick or getting on Sundance Channel but in making sure the audience had a good time watching their movie. Fist combines really scary vampires with a dash of Fight Club mixed in for good measure. Being an exceptional martial artist Len populates his films with many other exceptional fighters. Brian Anthony plays a DEA agent who infiltrates the illegal underworld fighting den run by Brian "Blue Meanie" Heffron, Len (credited as Leon South ) and Darian Caine. Unfortunately for him it isn't just about illegal gambling and drugs but the folks who run the ring are in fact vampires. The film was shot with great cinematography and really good acting to boot. Killer Wolf fans will get a kick out of seeing Rene Porada in her first bad girl role as well as Brenna Lee Roth. If you are fan of Killer Wolf this movie will exceed you expectations and if you have never seen one check it out. You won't be disappointed.