Fist Of Golden Monkey
Fist Of Golden Monkey
| 25 January 1981 (USA)
Fist Of Golden Monkey Trailers

A young boy must learn Kung-Fu like his father while helping keep the "secret manual" out of the wrong hands.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Sanjeev Waters A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
winner55 I have a soft spot for the kung-fu comedies starring Elton Chong. Although technically inadequate, with humor low and broad as it can get, they are usually amiable enough, and Chong is usually amiable enough a character in them. Also, the kung fu tends to be quite good.Not so here. The kung fu stinks. Also, there is hardly any story line, the film just wanders about from scene to scene, just as Chong's character wanders about from one unresolved conflict to another, utterly lost. And the humor, seemingly forced on the actors against their will, falls completely flat.Not just the worst Elton Chong film ever, but one of the worst films ever.
non_sportcardandy For the most part I'm a big fan of the overseas kung-fu movies from the era when this movie was made.One short scene that I enjoyed was an apple exercise between the main character and the old teacher,it lasted about 70 seconds.After that the only other positive points were...the ocean-view..the island scenery...the martial art trained ladies(maybe a total of 5 minutes) and the fact that I only payed $1 for the movie.The main character is sort of a combination young Jerry Lewis/ace ventura/daffy duck but without timing or a good script.Without those two elements he's just an everyday annoying person.So as in real life people want to beat up that kind of person,oh does he get beat up.He takes several beatings any one of which that should of left him sore for two months.For the reasons just stated the main character rather than funny comes across as being looney.When watching kung-fu movies from this era I don't look for full contact but some of the fight scenes in this movie were close to horrible.There was a lot of swinging at the air that looked to be at least one foot away from the opponent.There was a real lack of choreography.Amongst the gang of toughs was a fella with a black/white skunk hairstyle,one muscular guy with a leopard cape and the typical dumb sounding fat Baron that usually misses his mouth when drinking.They and the other gang members are typical kung-fu baddies in appearance but not actions.Usually it takes two or more persons to beat one villain in these movies.In this movie the gang of villains beat up on the misfit main character,that makes them annoying too. That's good other persons felt the movie was very funny but I felt the need to give a warning.
mwiehr Fist of the Golden Monkey is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen, which is more impressive when you consider it's not a comedy. It's the story of a young kung-fu fighter in training, who meets new people, insults them and spends the rest of the movie either running away or trying to kill them. I think. I've seen it dozens of times, and I'm still not sure what the plot is. Something to do with a manual, possibly. It doesn't matter, because the beauty of this film does not lie in the story.This is one of those movies that's great because it's terrible. I don't even know where to start. The fight scene set to the Peter Gunn theme? The learning of all a fighter's moves with a series of seven stick figures? Or that guy with the crazy eyebrows? And then there's the dialogue. There is so much great stuff in this movie, I could go on and on, but I don't want to ruin too many surprises. You have to see it for yourself.
docwhatever First off, this movie has nothing to do whatsoever with anything that could be mistaken for a "golden monkey". It is a reference to the kung fu style employed by the main character (which has to be seen to be believed). The story makes no sense whatsoever (the characters keep trying to find "the manual", and there's some sort of rivalry between the good master and a circle of evil kung fu goons), but there are some (unintentionally) hilarious scenes. My favorite line: "You're getting bald! Bald...because you're dead! I hope you brought your coffin!". Eagle Han is no Jet Li, but if keep your expectations low, you'll enjoy it.