First Monday in October
First Monday in October
R | 21 August 1981 (USA)
First Monday in October Trailers

For the first time in history a woman is appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court, where she becomes a friendly rival to a liberal associate.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
calvinnme This is a film about the first woman appointed to the Supreme Court, released about the same time that Reagan appointed the first woman to the Supreme Court - Sandra Day O'Connor - with the female justice, Justice Ruth Loomis played by Jill Clayburgh, and Walter Matthau as her fellow justice and ideological nemesis, Justice Dan Snow. The chief justice is played by Barnard Hughes who seems to just want to keep the peace and keep a low profile, not really what you would expect from a chief justice. Weirdly nobody calls him by name, they just call him C.J.This thing is really a time capsule, and that was surprising since I was 23 when it was released and thought of 1981 as modern times. At Loomis' confirmation hearings she is asked if being a woman will influence her decisions and why she doesn't have any children! Even the justices make sexist remarks like saying "the perfume will make the place smell better" and wondering if she will put up curtains! The really interesting thing for me was that I had a hard time telling whether Loomis and Matthau were just disagreeing on individual cases or if one was right and the other left or if one or the other was supposed to be a moderate! Not until the end does the film clearly tell you which is which with a funny line about cab fare and liberals never having money.There are two cases the justices spar over - one is about a pornographic film that the maker says is actually an educational documentary, and the other is a large corporation's possible attempt to squash the development of an idea that would have competed with their established products.Loomis naively talks about the virtues of big corporations and how they only want to build up America and their stockholders. Matthau does a monologue about defending everybody's right to free speech no matter how offensive. Today nobody believes big corporations are inherently good, and both libs and conservatives would like to squish the other side's free speech rights if they could.The dialogue could have been better for the material, but there is a mini-mystery towards the end that gives the film an interesting twist. Matthau is basically just playing a more erudite version of Oscar the slob from The Odd Couple. Matthau's character's wife (Jan Sterling) leaves him in the middle of the movie because - I'm not sure - the reason she gave was that her husband did not know what kind of wallpaper they had, but she made sure to take that fur coat with her! Probably she left so that there could be a possibility of sexual tension between Matthau's and Clayburgh's characters. I'll let you watch and find out if that actually happens.I loved it if for no other reason than to take a look back at how politics used to be. I'd give it an 8/10 but YMMV. Especially when you see the credits and find that Robert E. Lee co-wrote the play and the screenplay! It probably could not get screened today because of that! Oh how times have changed!
bkoganbing Though First Monday In October didn't last too long on Broadway, the Jerome Lawrence-Robert E. Lee play made one fine sparkling movie for Walter Matthau and Jill Clayburgh taking over the roles that Henry Fonda and Jill Alexander did on the stage.In 1978 when this was on stage, the iconoclastic William O. Douglas had been gone three years from the Supreme Court and the idea of a woman justice was yet untried. So imagine the serendipitous joy with the producers when Ronald Reagan added Sandra Day O'Connor to the court. You couldn't buy better publicity.Matthau is clearly based on William O. Douglas who was a far seeing advocate for social justice and change on the bench. Matthau if you can believe is a kinder, gentler version of Douglas. In real life Douglas was not a nice guy, in fact personally he was a swine. The banter with which you see him engage his law clerk James Stephens would never happen, he went through law clerks like he did wives. Ditto with Jan Sterling playing Mrs. Matthau. The first Mrs. Douglas had taken a hike years earlier and Douglas was on wife number 4 in her twenties at this time. He died in 1980.O'Connor replaced Potter Stewart in 1981 on the bench so in real life these two never served. Still First Monday In October you'd like to think would be how they got along with even a little romance thrown in once the two got to know each other. Douglas never got along with colleagues, especially those who had a different point of view.Still Matthau is one of his patented curmudgeons and Clayburgh do have a good cinema chemistry which makes First Monday In October a pleasant piece of viewing.
edwinalarren The first time I saw this movie I thought it was good, however, it was nothing spectacular! After seeing it again last night, I realized that this film "First Monday In October" had a very sensitizing identification with the American voter and movie viewer. Exploring the haunting conundrum of "What exactly is the role of government in our lives?". This motion picture elaborates on the necessary challenges which plague our Supreme Court Justices. The general role of the Supreme Court is to assume the role of Devil's advocate when dealing with an issue which requires a final decision. So, if it is up to nine individuals who determine the resonating outcome for the most important issues facing our nation, why then, shouldn't one of these people be a woman? Undoubtedly inspired by the appointment of Sandra Day O'Connor by President Ronald Reagan, the first woman to ever be appointed to the Supreme Court in the history of our nation, this film delves into the redefinition of a woman's role in modern American culture.Now what exactly is the big problem with having a woman on the bench of the Supreme Court anyway? Here's my interpretation: Initially, all Americans, women and men alike, garner a delicate protectiveness towards the feminine gender. Here lies the core issue: We live in a world where rough and tumble prevails, and ultimately, left handed compliments are, emphatically, the most coveted ones. If we act gingerly around women, we ultimately conceal our real feelings towards them, hence, we have manifested a patronizing demeanor towards women that winds up being one of the most heinous insults which women can be the recipients of. What becomes the scourge while being in the company of many typical females; Emotional tip toeing, a pusillanimously yielding deference which is extremely nauseating, or, worst of all, while in front of a crowd of women, men start masquerading a ludicrously childish, sans vulgarity condescension to them. These social amenities serve as a subterfuge for men to provide a proverbial and unrealistic pedestal for women. All of these charades are wry and conciliatory actions which comply with a stilted decorum towards females. Aggregately, there arises a belittlement of women which brings on an onslaught of disconcerting mannerisms. This insincere politeness towards women is a mendacity that vitiates our candid and visceral feelings which are essential in attaining a thorough communication dynamic with each other as people. Ultimately, our societal etiquette which "reveres women" concurrently shortchanges them as human beings. The film "The First Monday In October" establishes an egalitarian criterion for all citizens, such a philosophy was a harbinger of things to come for the 1980's. I found this movie to be insightful and prescient, not to mention a well-made movie with a lot of talent!! I give it a thumbs up!! By the way, I am politically conservative, however, I did concur with Walter Mathiau's contention that our government should not be like scratchy outfits that we cannot wait to take off of our bodies the first chance we get. Our government's policies should correlate to the analogy that the rules and regulations set forth by our nation should be like old clothes that are comfortable!
rhoughton Walter Mathau left many wonderful performances for us to enjoy, and here is another one of them. In what could be a rehearsal for GRUMPY OLD MEN, it's great to see how he and Jill Clayburgh bounce off each other. Their characters are so different and opposite, yet they're like two pillars holding up the roof of the system. I find it difficult to fault this movie, It's enjoyable from start to finish.