R | 27 April 1979 (USA)
Firepower Trailers

A mercenary is hired by the FBI to track down a powerful recluse criminal, a woman is also trying to track him down for her own personal vendetta.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
moonspinner55 Sophia Loren sees her husband's chemist lab blown to smithereens with him inside; turns out he was murdered after threatening to expose a case of contaminated pharmaceuticals that cause cancer to anyone taking them. She goes to the FBI, whose top operative hopes to lure bounty hunter/hit man James Coburn out of retirement to bring in a reclusive, crooked billionaire, while Sophia wants him to help avenge her husband's death; she may also have known Coburn intimately at one time...or is that his twin brother she once romanced? Director Michael Winner isn't very adept at working with actors, and yet at this point in his career he became very popular with passed-their-prime talents still looking to make a buck. Nobody involved in "Firepower" comes off looking good, particularly a bloat-bellied Coburn. Busy film jets across the globe in search of new plot points, but all of its action is stodgy or stilted. Too bad, this cast in these exotic locations might have made for a delicious, tawdry action-flick. Unfortunately, Winner (who also co-originated the story) doesn't have a sense of his own absurdity, and shows a robotic sense of humor. *1/2 from ****
bkoganbing Sophia Loren is out for revenge and the FBI wants to get one of the world's richest men who is a Howard Hughes like recluse. This guy put out a hit on her husband who was blown up in a laboratory with a mail bomb. What to do, but call in the FBI in the person of Vincent Gardenia. But getting the Hughes like gazillionaire ain't easy so the FBI calls in a consultation with the Mafia as represented by Eli Wallach. Lots of Firepower will be needed, but even more brains. The best guy for the job is independent contractor James Coburn who sets out to storm the rich guy's fortress on Antigua.The nice Caribbean location and the chance to see a few movie names are the only reason to see this ridiculous action thriller. Both Clint Eastwood and Charles Bronson turned this one down and poor James Coburn was left holding the bag. Bronson, who worked with director Michael Winner on any number of projects, left this cold, so you know he was hearing the faint sounds of Thanksgiving.Even Anthony Franciosa, one of the most underrated players ever, looks ridiculous in this as the doctor feel good to the rich and reclusive. Add to that Billy Barty as a midget mob boss and you get the idea how ridiculous this one is.Unless you like all the stars like I do and want to see O.J. Simpson get what's coming to him, stay away from Firepower.
JRogers714 This is a great movie. Now I am not saying that it is perfect but quite enjoyable. Its got great stars and the scenery makes you want to get on a plane for the Caribean. It is clear that the character of Carl Stegner is based to a certain degree on Howard Hughes. Billionaire, reclusive industrialist who has not been seen in years. Traveling at the center of a large entourage, that was Hughes in the 70's. James Coburn is fantastic in this role. He never fails to make the character of Jerry Fannon believable. O.J. Simpson is pretty good too only lapsing unbelievable when waxing nostalgic on the boat with Coburn and Sophia Loren. If anyone is off the mark in this one its Loren. She is great in spots but dos'nt seem to interested at other times. Tony Franciosa brings his usual blow torch intensity to the role. To enjoy Firepower you cannot take it too seriously. Enjoy it for what it is. Great cast full of recognizable faces, beautiful scenery and a fairly good plot. What else does one need?
Kurohambe 'Fire Power' is typical of a lot of 70's thrillers which rely more on plot and character than the Jerry Bruckheimer extravaganzas that we get nowadays. In a nutshell, Sophia Loren's husband is murdered because he is a witness to the drug dealings of a powerful drug lord who lives in the Caribbean. Loren suggests that James Coburn, her former lover and bounty hunter, be the man to head down to the Caribbean to catch her husband's murderer. Along the way, there are lots of plot twists and turns- for example, whose side is Loren really on? And indeed, Who is really this mysterious drug lord? Michael Winner was a director of numerous 70's thrillers, most famously with Charles Bronson (The 'Death Wish' films). He is a competent director who was dismissed by critics because his films were overtly violent and straight forward in their execution. The film probably has too many plot twists and characters, with the action changing from the Caribbean to the U.S too often and confusingly. The film is certainly not boring and you do get the glamorous Loren and the always good Coburn on screen together which can't be a bad thing.Overall, a little too ambitious for its own good but if you are a fan of 70's films and thrillers in particular then this one is worth searching for. A Region 1 DVD release will hopefully appear some time in the near future.