| 13 July 2021 (USA)
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A group of scientists, researchers and activists sail around the globe to unveil the truth behind the deaths of millions of sharks, exposing the criminal enterprise that is leading to the extinction of these misunderstood creatures.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.