| 31 May 2003 (USA)
Filthy Trailers

When WMIA news reporter Dana Diamond goes in search of the ultimate story she gets more than she bargains for. On a riot-torn Halloween night (Devil's Night) Dana is lured into an old, decrepit house by Leonard, a sadistic transient, promising her real-life violence she can capture on camera. Inside, her worst nightmares are realized as she now becomes the ultimate story. Dana is kidnapped by Leonard's crazed, incentuous family; Fermentia, the matriarch, and Pussey, her daughter, who live in a house full of stinking, rotting, decades old-garbage. Will Dana survive the unrelenting attacks of her merciless tormentors? Find out in the savage, unflinching, tour-de-force "FILTHY"

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
dwanshon There are three ways to completely destroy the power of a film without touching the story and those are through sound, sight, and mind. If a movie sounds great, you have captured some of your audience. If it looks good as well, you have captured even more and finally, if you can keep them mentally involved than you, as a director, should have most to all of the audience in your hands. Sadly, Filthy did none of the above. The sound was horrendous. Synchronizing your actor's voices to match what they were saying when filming and the emotions they were feeling is not hard. Apparently, director Andy decided robots could make this English spoken poorly dubbed in English feature. I found myself laughing whenever anyone opened their mouth. I couldn't tell if anyone was actually interested in what was happening, or if the amount of beer drinking that occurred before the dubbing was finally taking effect. Second, the sight of this film was just as bad as the voices. No apparent acting classes were needed from any of the actors or from the killers. There needs to be some level of class with the both the actors and killers, but in this film there were not. Everyone else seemed like they were going through the actions that were given to them that minute and trying to remember what exactly they were doing. There were no genuine moments in this film visually, just non-actors remembering to be robots. Finally, the mental involvement is key. I am not talking about just story here, because you can have a bad story but still keep people guessing for more. I am talking about just the apparent want to see what happens. Does your audience want to see what is going to happen next? In this film, my answer would be "no". The ending does not provide any moments of shock. It is just unoriginal, flat, amateurish, idiotic, and mediocre...well just like the filmmakers.
jackson leigh What attempts to pass itself off as a near feature length production is actually a very deceptive short that showcases some of the worst excuses for film-making. Fans of bad acting will rejoice. Those that love and adore horrible special effects, unoriginal plot twists, lame situations, bad characterizations, and banal cinematography will be completely riveted to their seats. Filthy tries desperately to shock and scare but ultimately just fails. About every horror classic is ripped off, oops I mean played homage to. It is obvious that the filmmakers behind this low, low budget exercise in schlock cinema are horror fans, but they could have attempted to insert some originality into this mess. Instead, we get a lame rip off of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Figures since the film is only self distributed, meaning you get ripped off of fifteen dollars and some "filmmaker" ships you a DVD from his parents' basement. And speaking of parents' basements, is that where this film was shot, since it features some of the worst sets I have ever seen. Horror fans, please save your money, unless you desperately wish to burn a copy of this train wreck. Otherwise sit back and be insulted by the on screen "brutality." Every scene is poorly composed and shot and the direction for the actors is completely missing in action. Actually the only "brutality" is what the audience feels for having to endure this over long (and that's bad for a short), amateurish, and completely uneventful movie. Bravo guys, here's to another feature, I can't wait to see what you come up next, let's hope its even shorter.
w00f A creative, succinct, excellent film. While amateurish in spots (due to a low budget and it's being an initial effort), the cast is excellent and the story is one-of-a-kind. It would be well worth any horror fan's time to travel far off the beaten path to see this film.I look forward to what the future holds for Lalino and the rest of his cadre with giddy anticipation. More! Encore!!!
chuckc1 ...i saw this piece of crap at Chicago's legendary Three Penny Cinema last night as part of the "Chicago Horror Film Festival". It is SO amateurish, ill-concieved, badly shot, and derivative, that one can't help but think that this is exactly what the film makers were shooting for.Emptying catheter bag on faces, bobbing for scrotum, eating out of a freshly vomited into bed pan, and fingers removed with cigar cutter cauterized with a cigarette...this covers a lot of ground in 32 minutes. I laughed a lot...a kinda neat little Halloween surprise.