Filth City
Filth City
| 25 March 2017 (USA)
Filth City Trailers

When a mayor running for re-election is caught on video smoking crack, he'll do whatever it takes to keep it out of the wrong hands.

Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
eatcrowepls This is a very low budget independent movie with the sole purpose of piggybacking off of the Rob Ford crack scandal and making fun of him. It was probably rushed into production at the time and you can tell based on the incredibly weak script and poor production values. It's not worth watching unless you're really into the whole Rob Ford drama, I am and still wasn't that interested in this. It's kind of boring and very weak. The guy playing Ford is decent but the rest of the actors are very weak.
Twilk987 First off let me start by saying that there are no politics in this film. It is loosely based on the infamous "crack smoking mayor" but the actual film has very little to do with his life. This is not a biopic.What it is, is a brilliantly written and performed comedy that will have you laughing and engaged throughout the entire run time. There was probably not a span of over 3 minutes where I wasn't laughing. Every character you're introduced to is funnier than the next. They really brought in some seriously hilarious and professional comedic actors to star in this. Some are so funny that all they have to do is give you one look and you're on the floor laughing.The story is outrageous and extremely fun and exciting and the action and comedy never stops. If you're a fan of South Park or Family Guy than you will love this. If you're a fan of comedies and having a good time in general than you will love this!My advice to you is to not take it too seriously and sit back and enjoy it for what it is; a fun film that will make you laugh and make you forget all of your problems.Anybody who gives this film a bad review either has a bad sense of humor or is pulling out the political card.
slouchpotato As soon as I read the description for this movie I realized it was about Canadian mayor of Toronto Rob Ford.This poor man was ridiculed on talk shows, in newspapers and now a movie. I am sure his family has suffered extensive humiliation on all levels. Now this! The man is dead...please allow him and his family some peace.Obviously, the people involved with the creation of this so called movie do not have a creative bone in their body if this is all they could come up with. Shameful, just Shameful.
sezme Filth City is an excellent low budget satirical farce, using Toronto's Rob Ford years as a jumping off point and ending with an impressive body count. It may not be everyone's cup of tea (or bowl of crack), but I found it entertaining from start to finish with a well-written script, credible acting, and engaging characters. Almost all of the characters are deeply flawed, but at the same time, hardly any of them come off as irredeemable villains, and that's a tribute to the writing. There's a bit of pathos here and there, and a high degree of gore, but mainly, the filmmakers are delivering up comedy. Standout comic performances include Pat Thornton as Mayor Hogg and Chris Locke as a bumbling cop. But really, there are laughs to be had in almost every scene. The film doesn't take itself too seriously, and as long as you don't either, and you're willing to laugh at all the absurdity, I highly recommend it.
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