Films of Fury: The Kung Fu Movie Movie
Films of Fury: The Kung Fu Movie Movie
| 01 November 2011 (USA)
Films of Fury: The Kung Fu Movie Movie Trailers

Tells the story of the Kung Fu sub-culture from its ancient Peking Opera origins to its superhero-powered future. From Enter the Dragon to Kung Fu Panda and everything in between, "Films of Fury" features the genre's greatest on-screen warriors, and reveals the legend, the lore, and the loony of the Kung Fu film genre like it has never been seen before.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
MyOpinionIsFact I managed to sit all the way through this bargain-bin schlock only because watching clips of martial art movies provides a minimum level of entertainment. The animated framing device and the annoying, "Yahoo web clip"-sounding voice narration that link the clips together provided virtually no insight into history of kung fu movies. The intellectual level of the narrated "analysis" is about on par with a thesis-lacking essay from a below average student in high school. The historical analysis presented amounted to basically just putting a random movie on screen and mentioning who starred in it. Attempts at linking films together to provide a sense of historical development were largely absent and completely inept when present. The film might have worked better if it stayed in strictly chronological order but it jumps back-n-forth in time so much that it leaves the viewer confused. The film is shapeless and shallow. The writers seem to only have had a superficial understanding of subject matter and it just seems like a couple of kung fu geeks somehow managed to convince somebody to fund this. In this end, this is a movie built to ride of the coat-tails of the films it covers. Given the history of exploitation of kung fu stars (something mentioned in the film) makes this rather ironic.
Spirit_31 Having viewed Cinema of Vengeance and The Art of Action, I was on a quest to find a film that was an update on the current status of the martial arts genre in those two movies' same style, and this is it. A hilarious and fun look into the history of the genre, this film takes its own approach. The normal everyday guy who loves these films wants to tell you about them in everyday speaking and charming animation. I applaud the movie for sticking with this style. Its less formal than any documentary you may ever see, but its completely relatable in the excitement one may have for these movies.The movie follows the history of martial arts cinema, basically. The Art of Action did a better job of going in chronological order compared to this film, which jumps back and forth in the timeline. This can be excused though since it wants to group everything together that belongs in a certain category. The film's strong point though is that its up to date and covers more than The Art of Action did, being 9 years newer. A lot has happened in the genre and that's what I wanted to see. This film is heavy on using clips from several movies which is great. It gets you interested in some of the films shown.Some personal highlights for me: -Seeing Jacky Wu Jing get a mention! He is a very underrated modern star of the genre who deserves more serious roles. Sadly nothing was mentioned about Fatal Contact, an awesome movie that he stars in. -Showing how Hollywood ripped off Police Story, with side-by-side comparisons to prove it! -Everything about Bruce Lee was covered, and acknowledged that Bruce-splotation was terrible.My minor complaints: -Footage from Legend of the Drunken Master was used instead of Drunken Master II. The former release of the film had dull sound effects, a butchered soundtrack and a changed ending. Even though it was stated once in this film as Drunken Master II, the footage was not of that and was not stated about the American changes. -Sammo Hung deserved a bigger chunk of the film. He was breezed over and just sort of mentioned. What he has done for the genre is immense. -Yuen Biao was not mentioned at all! How can you have Jackie and Sammo and no Yuen?? -Woo Ping should of also got his own section of the movie. His contributions to the genre as a director and choreographer are legendary.For a big martial fan like myself, this movie is a godsend. It is a welcome update to The Art of Action. It makes you appreciate the genre and may get you interested in some new films you haven't seen. To any newcomer to the genre who may have seen only a hand full of martial arts films, this is a great film to see where the genre came from, where it's going, and what is out there for you to start watching. I recommend it to anyone!
CurtHerzstark For those of you who enjoyed the two documentaries by Mark Hartley, Not Quite Hollywood: The Wild, Untold Story of Ozploitation! (2008), Machete Maidens Unleashed! (2010) or enjoyed watching American Grindhouse (2010)will probably enjoy this entertaining film about the kung fu/wuxia genre.This documentary starts in silent era, moves quickly into 60's & 70's with names like King Hu, Cheh Chang, Bruce Lee, Gordon Liu etc.80's & 90's dominates by names like Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, Tsui Hark and of course John Woo.2000's with names like Donnie Yen, Stephen Chow etc and also what the future for this genre may be with films like Kung Fu Panda (2008)becoming box office hits.The film also depicts the women who did kung fu films such as Pei-pei Cheng, Michelle Yeoh and Cynthia Rothrock.Critics may say that the documentary only deals with the biggest names, most well known, renowned films of this genre but this film serves its purpose as an brilliant introduction and summary.The biggest flaw for this writer, is the lack of interviews & anecdotes that makes for example Mark Hartleys films so highly entertaining. But despite this I think anyone with interest for kung fu/wuxia films should see this.
kubrikahn This is a rare documentary that's actually fun to watch, and interesting. While there are probably dozens of other more "topical" and "academic" documentaries out now, this film is a great and guilty pleasure. highly recommended for serious film buffs or anyone who wants to know more about the Kung Fu sub genre. (Filler) This is a rare documentary that's actually fun to watch, and interesting. While there are probably dozens of other more "topical" and "academic" documentaries out now, this film is a great and guilty pleasure. highly recommended for serious film buffs or anyone who wants to know more about the Kung Fu sub genre. (Filler)