Fields of the Dead
Fields of the Dead
| 04 February 2014 (USA)
Fields of the Dead Trailers

Seven friends find themselves on an isolated farm. Here, they discover an ancient book, which summons demons from the surrounding woods. Now, these friends will have to find a way out of the fields, if they want to survive.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
dramawatcher I won that film for wearing a good costume on a Halloween fancy dress night at a pub. I would not recommend this film and think it should be discontinued. If you are interested in seeing it by all means borrow it from someone who has it already but don't waste your money on purchasing it. Worse than Nightmare on Elm Street I'd say which is quite old now, that involves people getting killed by some demon but in the end turns out to be a bad dream and everyone is alive and well. It's pretty unclear how Fields of the Dead ends, one of the survivors discovers something but I don't know what exactly. It would be better if the film continued where the mystery is solved and reversed.
Paul Magne Haakonsen I should have paid heed to the low rating reviews of this movie here on IMDb. Oh how I wish that I had. This movie is really as bad as the reviews made it out to be, and then some.The movie is about a group of young people at a remote farm, surrounded by a seemingly endless field and with an otherworldly evil stalking them.Right, well the idea was not too bad, but it is just something that has been done and seen in many other other horror movies, such as the classic "Evil Dead" movie to mention but a single one.But the movie just was as far from interesting as it could possibly be. And I quickly found myself with my phone and dividing my attention between the movie and phone. And I wasn't missing out on anything, unless you consider an unfathomably dull storyline, questionable acting, lousy dialogue and sheer boredom as missing out on a cinematic experience.This movie came and went, and left no lasting impression or mark in any way. It will most likely be long forgotten the following day after having seen it.So, do take notice of all the bad reviews or the rated score of the movie, and stay well clear of this snoozefest.
metalrage666 I didn't really get this movie at all. It's supposed to be a horror movie but the fact that this mess was even made is what truly makes it scary.Several university students/friends agree to go on a four day cultural dig at some abandoned corn field for native American artefacts. Most of them seem to have tagged along just for the extra credit they believe they'll get.Anyway, one of them chances upon some old diary and this releases a bunch of spirits that look like pilgrims. One of the group is possessed and they use her as their means to dispatch the other members of the group. There is also some kind of talisman that they find but there is no real explanation on how this is supposed to work, or whether it's a good or bad thing to even have it.So for me, there wasn't a whole lot in this that made any sense. Most killings in movies of this nature are either to collect souls or some other kind of end result, but this was just some kind of bizarre blood- lust which is not thoroughly explained. I watched this before knowing anything about it and that was a big mistake. It looked like this was another reanimated scarecrow movie and some of those can be fun to watch, however this was anything but fun.Most of the movie revolved around college humour and exaggerated stereotypes. By then end of it all, the only thing that came to mind was "what the hell did I just watch?"The ending made no sense at all. One of the students ends up leaving due to the weird happenings, so she gets driven to the nearest town to catch a bus back home. Inexplicably while she's unpacking, the talisman has somehow ended up in her backpack, the pilgrim spirit appears in her apartment somewhere and the movie just ends??! There is no story or direction to this and I could've lived quite happily not knowing that this garbage ever existed. Watch it at your own peril.
Flow OK,low budget film, in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by corn, with an antique, possibly haunted yarn, with a scary old story surrounding it, with 3 blonde chicks...I mean cliché is the perfect word to describe this.All in all, no excuse for the extremely,EXTREMELY, used plot, with ABSOLUTELY nothing new whatsoever, just a re-rewritten thing you've seen 10 times already. So if they couldn't bring anything different, with the help of budget, or maybe a cool horror actor, or something, anything, why make this? Yes, it is bad, the acting is amateur mostly, the plot, as said, is...just impossible to comprehend how can anyone say that THEY written it? Really? So it's like original too I guess...Anyway, "Fields of the dead" doesn't go in the "to pass some time" category, nor in the "so bad it's good", it has a decent first half for a low budget horror, but then, when it tries to become horror, it becomes pitiful. I really hate trashing movies, especially horrors, because, well, people try to show what they can do, with a micro budget, so maybe one day someone will give them a chance, but this right here, is what we call, wasted-money! Avoid it! Pretend it does not exist! Best advice I can give you.