Feline Frame-Up
Feline Frame-Up
NR | 13 February 1954 (USA)
Feline Frame-Up Trailers

After Claude frames Marc Antony, making it look like the bulldog ate the kitty, Marc must try various methods of getting back at Claude from outside the yard.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Edgar Allan Pooh . . . this androgynous feline becomes a dead ringer for Crooked Hillary. Of course, this is no accident, because Warner Bros.' uncannily accurate Looney Tunes prognosticators absolutely loved to churn out episodes giving blow-by-blow accounts of the (then upcoming) 2016 U.S. Presidential Election Campaign. In FELINE FRAME-UP, Claude is the feline doing the framing up. Bulldog Marc Anthony represents Rugged American He-Men, exemplified by Leader Trump. Their bone of contention here is a kitten actually named "Pussyfoot" (Believe it Or Not!--you can check the cast credits at this site). Claude fiendishly slanders, libels, and otherwise besmirches Marc again and again, and Harriet's husband--Marc's owner (representing our U.S. News Media)--falls for these crooked lies hook, line, and stinker. Media Man kicks Marc beyond the pale of his Homeland Security nearly a dozen times, before the powerful pooch is able to obtain a signed confession from Crooked Claude about all of "his" nefarious schemes to rig the election for Pet Of The Upper Stairs (POTUS) through allegations of improper Pussyfooting. Hopefully, Leader Trump can be as successful as Marc Anthony in getting the goods on Today's Crooked Feline.
utgard14 Great Chuck Jones short starring lesser-known Looney Tunes characters Claude Cat and bulldog Marc Antony. It's the third short featuring the two fighting over a little kitten called Pussyfoot. Claude pushes the kitten around and Marc Antony beats him up in return, only to be scolded by their master. So Claude gets Marc Antony kicked out of the house but that doesn't stop the bulldog from finding ways to get at him. What a fun cartoon. The animation is lovely with bright colors and well-drawn characters and backgrounds. The music is lively and whimsical. The gags are cleverly done and very funny. It's an excellent cartoon that I definitely recommend you take a look at. These characters may not be among the more famous ones but they work together well. If that final line doesn't make you laugh, nothing will.
Robert Reynolds This is my favorite of the shorts starring Marc Anthony, though one of the others, Cat Feud, is a better cartoon. Claude Cat is thoroughly unlikeable in this one. He's deceitful, disgraceful and devious and those are his good qualities! Marc Anthony (clearly a dog's equivalent to Prince Valiant) wins out for the cause and for Truth, Justice and the American Way (oops, wrong hero) and the dim bulb that is the human "master" finally realizes that Claude's been playing him like a pipe organ in church. Marc Anthony's final ruse to get inside is priceless, as are Claude's facial expressions as the plot unfolds. The ending is marvelous and Claude's exit line is perfect. Well worth tracking down and watching. Most recommended.
archiveguy Terrific Jones short, with the interplay between Claude and Marc Anthony being consistently funny, inventive and unpredictable. Hard to pick a favorite among the various gags, though the mailslot is a killer. The two would battle again in "Cat Feud."