Feeding the Masses
Feeding the Masses
| 25 September 2004 (USA)
Feeding the Masses Trailers

A darkly satiric horror film that takes an acid look at the current state of the news media while a mysterious plague is bringing the dead back to life. A small group of news reporters and their military escort set out to tell the truth about what's happening in the world, despite the government's efforts to take control of the media.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
The General Although nothing can compare to Vampires Vs. Zombies...in any realm of film making i will attempt to judge this movie.Firstly, the special effects were breath-taking. When there was an explosion on the television screen i thought my entire house was going to explode, and when automatic machine guns were fired i thought the shells were landing on the floor right next to me. Simply stunning my friends.But the scene when the Jack Black sound-a-like is giving the worst monologue i have ever heard i nearly killed myself, but don't worry since he was getting blazed in the movie he can pass his awful acting off on "I must be high". Seriously, he must have watched himself mindlessly babbling about non-congruent thoughts that make absolutely no sense and just added that he must be "high" to justify his awful acting. Well if you can say that to excuse terrible acting then if you talked to the writers, directors, executive producers, sponsors you will probably get the same response...seriously.With a production team called "Shock-o-rama" i was shocked i didn't place a sawed-off shotgun in my mouth and ended my life after this shockingly terrible excuse for a movie was played.If you want to see this movie, then you should be murdered Yours Truly,The General
DjfunkmasterG Indie cinema sometimes gets a bad rep because anyone with a video camera now thinks they are Steven Spielberg or Stanley Kubrick, I even say this about myself as I am an indie filmmaker as well.I have a huge love for zombie films. Those and Vampire flicks are about the only horror movies I enjoy and sometimes they can go very wrong when not treated with respect. I recently rented feeding the masses of blockbuster online and it arrived Yesterday in the mail so I popped it in the DVD player.I almost immediately turned this off when I watched the opening scene of a piece of meat being cut, and it had the "Video Look". I hate when people make indie films and are to cheap to fork up for at 24 fps Progressive Camera or at least use software to de-interlace the image. Thankful I waited it out and was glad to see a majority of the film was shot as I expected it would be (de-interlaced - no video look).Feeding The Masses suffers from a few problems...1. Budget - This could be argued for any indie film made for under $100,000, but this film had a pretty huge scope and I think they pulled it off pretty nicely with what little money they had, but you could tell the budget affected a lot of things in the film.2. Visual FX... I don't mind the occasional CG muzzle flash or bullet hit, but for the sake of all that is holy never try to create a huge explosion or fire with CG programs on a zero budget it comes off hokey, but I will say the CG work on the guns was very nice... the fire and explosions really made the film feel corny at times.3. Corny Commericals... The Party bus and reburial commercials were just plain stupid and really served no purpose, and really hurt the momentum of the film. When the film started getting really good these annoying commercials would come on and totally mess with the films feel. Bad choice.4. Acting - I only had an issue with the blonde female reporter, no one else.Feeding the Masses is a fun ride at times because it spoofs how the Gov't does one thing while completely doing another. I really felt it did nail some of the feel of how the current administration dealt with Iraq and how they would use subterfuge(sp?) to keep the public un-informed it was a great touch to the film.The story is a god story, it made me keep wanting to watch to see how it ended, and aside from the distractions listed above this film is pretty entertaining at times. If you do consider the film keep a few things in mind: A. This is down in the dirt low budget indie cinema.B. Don't look for any really outstanding performances or great film techniques.C. It is made for a zombie fan, and you have to have a true love for the genre to appreciate the work in the film.This is not a horrible film, nor is it a great film. It is a film shot on the digital video standard and at times has the Video look, and at times has a film look... however what it is is a decent way to blow 90 mins when you're really bored, and the nice part you won't walk away feeling cheated... I walked away feeling entertained.I give it a 6 out of 10 because of the issues I listed above, other than that It was good.
D. Ryan Mowry (SB-Films) I don't see how all of these people think that this is the worst movie ever, or worst zombie movie ever. I just don't get it. The acting was not bad, especially for a very low-budget film. The effects were OK, again low budget. Where this film shines is the writing, the satire.It's f*cking good writing. Intelligent, funny, and poking at the viewer and all of America... I think all these people who hated it just weren't smart enough to get it. If you're an intelligent zombie movie fan, go check out Feeding the Masses - available for rent at Hollywood Video. If you're NOT intelligent, if you're not interested in more than just "what's on the surface," go see DEAD LIFE or some other piece of zombie crap.
lvis Indies, or independent filmaking, is an acquired taste. Lacking big budgets, big names, it is definitely a labor of love for the filmmakers, rather than profit-driven. As such, they are outside the mainstream society, if you will. It is precisely mainstream society in general, the news media more specifically, that is skewered. Using a zombie epidemic as a backdrop (caused by the aptly named 'Lazarus virus'), this film has a not-so-subtle take on the government and the media's responsibilities to it's citizenry. It has some genuinely funny bits, mostly tongue-in-cheek, such as how to deal with zombie attacks and more than one entrepreneur grasping the opportunity to make lemonade out of lemons. One brief scene even details the bland apathy and ignorance of today's youth. As with many indies, it's usually the acting that suffers. The exceptions are the main character, "Torch" and the newscaster. While not being magnificent, they are definitely passable. You can see that these actors are more accomplished, but are just not quite "there" yet. The story is good, and while not relying on the zombies, have a fair amount of gore. The camera work is good as well. The cinematography is better than most, not relying on a single theme, but incorporating some nice color palettes--actually reminded me a little of Argento's "Suspiria" at times. The "breather scene" was different. Normally where a long, slow sex scene is usually placed, the writer had a different take (for those in the know, the lava lamp should be your first clue).The extras on the DVD definitely gives the viewer a feel for what goes into an indie film. You can see the fun, spontaneity and resourcefulness of the players (think fire engine).All-in-all, a fun little indie film to "chomp" on.