Feeding Grounds
Feeding Grounds
NR | 03 December 2006 (USA)
Feeding Grounds Trailers

A young group of friends head out to a cabin in the desert. Something has landed in the desert and it needs to eat...

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Paul Magne Haakonsen ...but director Junior Bonner just didn't manage to fully utilize the full potential and turn "Feeding Grounds" into a properly entertaining movie. The movie dragged on at an excruciatingly slow pace and very little happened to liven up the movie or bring it into a proper pace.The whole unknown supernatural thing that was going on in the desert and changing people was interesting, but it was savagely cut down by bad direction and with a myriad of one-dimensional characters that you never rooted for or formed any kind of bond with.I am sure that the actors and actresses were giving it their best performance, but they were badly hindered by a lack of detailed character gallery and everyone were essentially just playing one and the same character.There weren't all that many special effects throughout the movie, but what was there was alright and served their purpose well enough.However, for a horror movie then "Feeding Grounds" just didn't stand out or leave a lasting impression in the genre. If you enjoy horror movies, then there are far better movies available worthy of your time and money.
jeffa123 this showed up in one of those bargain bin 'horror packs'as my tag line implies, some truths are unavoidable and speak for themselves. it took me literally 4 tries to make it through this thing; and it's only barely over 1:15 in length. that speaks for itself. i would just get bored and doze off. try again the next night. same thingthere was a version of the 'Elephant Man' i saw once as a kid where the guy playing Elephant Man wore absolutely no makeup. he just looked like a normal guy. with no context as to what the real Elephant Man looked like, that version made utterly no sensesame problem here. i get a 'horror' movie trying to let your imagination run wild and picture the creatures, but in this; we don't get anything to go on. some tufts of fur and few bits of goo on the ground and our mind is supposed to supply the terror.second issue is there are too many characters. too hard to keep track of who's who here. are we supposed to like this guy or that girl. no time to develop back stories. so then, when they start arguing amongst themselves (the creatures affected their minds, i guess?) my reaction was 'stop it! that's so annoying.. and btw, who cares?"ultimately a jab at meat-eaters where the lone survivor is also the lone vegan. direct quote: "why aren't you sick?".. "because they know i won't eat them"plot hole: why do the cops come and go and not get lost or eaten?second plot question: what's the point of the opening sequence with the two lesbian girls?comes off like a film school project with zero budget for effects. post edit adds a bunch of creature sounds, but this thing barely held my interest. might have been made a better short?
Woodyanders A group of young adults venture into the remote desert for a weekend vacation. The group get themselves seriously lost in the stalking grounds of a vicious predatory monster. Director Junior Bonner, working from a crafty and engrossing script by Alex Ballar and Jamie Gannon, not only ably evokes a strong feeling of dread and dismay, but also milks plenty of nerve-wracking suspense from the tense premise, makes excellent use of the isolated dry'n'desolate desert location, and creates a grim and despairing tone that becomes more increasingly dark, bleak, and hopeless as the gripping story unfolds towards a startling conclusion. While the characters aren't totally sympathetic, they are nonetheless all distinct, well drawn, and believable as hapless individual beings stuck in a dire situation; it's genuinely upsetting to see these folks succumb to panic and turn on each other. Moreover, there's a pleasing and intriguing ambiguity to the film which adds immensely to the overall eerie atmosphere (for example, we never get a clear look at the beast). The uniformly sound acting from the capable no-name cast rates as another significant asset, with especially stand-out work from Ballar as the nerdy Stephano, Gannon as the obnoxious Marcus, Kiralee Hayashi as sensitive, yet resilient Vegan Mary, and Kathryn Ely as the sarcastic Rhonda. Tarin Anderson's crisp and agile cinematography makes inspired dynamic use of a hand-held camera and offers plenty of cool artsy angles. The shuddery score by Robert Hawes and Eric Lindsay does the spine-tingling trick. Well worth checking out.
nekojiru67 Two cars full of twenty-something friends head out for an excursion into the desert, passing many abandoned cars along the way. Little do they know their own cars are about to be abandoned as well...Feeding Grounds is ultimately a frustrating film. As viewers we don't get a single glimpse of the creature(s) who have entrapped the characters. (Unless you count one clawed hand.) It seems the characters are drugged and confused by their attackers, for they continually turn off of the highway onto the same dusty road, and some seem to hallucinate. But your guess is as good as mine, if you dare to watch this film.The acting is, for the most part, well above average for a low-budget film. Special effects are sorely lacking, except for a few bits of gore. Only the occasionally artistic camera shot kept me from falling asleep.If you like watching college kids bicker, and hate the sight of monsters, this is the movie for you.