Feast of July
Feast of July
| 12 October 1995 (USA)
Feast of July Trailers

After an abandoned young woman in late 19th Century England is taken in by a rural couple with three handsome sons, tragic consequences result.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
dapplegrey13 A lovely film of a tragic story... of sympathy and small, seemingly small impulses that eventually lead to ruin and horror.Our heroine is a poor girl who's been seduced by a handsome, charming man who leads her to believe he loves her and will marry her. And after a month or two, he has vanished. She's left pregnant and decides to walk to the town where he said was his home (about 30 miles away). By then, she is very pregnant, it's rough terrain in terrible winter weather. She has no nourishment nor money. She miscarries along the way and the baby is formed, but dead. It's a tragedy. After a few more days, she makes it to the town where he said he lives, but no one knows him. Thankfully, she finds a kind man who takes her into his family's home. He can see she's young, ill, and desperate for a place to stay. The man and his wife have three handsome, unmarried sons who are living at home with them. When the poor girl has had a few days of rest and recovery, she gets cleaned up and dressed. It turns out she is quite pretty and charming. Slowly, tensions begin to mount as one by one, the young men make it known to her that they want to court her.In her kindness, and mannerly ways, (and in a state of confused grieving, too, I'd say), she doesn't make herself clear enough to each of the young men. There are some misunderstandings....The youngest son, Con, played beautifully by Ben Chaplin, is painfully shy and awkward. He stutters some and doesn't seem all that bright. But his strong desire for more in life, his jealousy of his brothers and his family in general, his overwhelming passion for HER is as clear as a bright blue sky. Eventually, he gets up the nerve to propose to her and she accepts him. They are floating on clouds, telling all the townspeople of their upcoming wedding and their joy.Unfortunately, their happiness doesn't last long, as the cad who abandoned her is just around the corner and they are about to have a fateful encounter with him.I won't go any further, but let me tell you that Ben Chaplin's performance is haunting. Haunting. You can see the anxiety, frustration, temper, and his impulsiveness in his entire manner. His passion for her is so strong, it seems he will just explode with it.For steamy kissing scenes and almost-sex scenes without nudity, they don't get any better than this. I caught my breath a couple of times and may have moaned! Embeth Davis and Ben Chaplin were beautiful together. Simply beautiful throughout the film.It's a very well-told story that seemed so real-to-life. It's still timely, or should I say "timeless". If you like historical romance and period pieces, don't miss it. It's lovely.
alicecbr Usually the heroine of a piece is smart and beautiful. How nice to see a movei where the usual doesn't apply. This poor child who miscarries at the beginning of the movie never seems to learn. Of course, preventing pregnancies must have been very difficult back then.But she falls in love with the dumbest of the boys, out of pity as much as anything else, I suppose. However, she is responsible indirectly for his death........seeking the rogue out who impregnated her, and then telling the retarded kid about it.I found the movie unique, and loved the wonderful English town life represented herein. The woman who played the mother of these boys did a great job, as she played a religious person, who loves her boys and wants the best for them. When she attacks the poor dumb girl who causes all the mess, you know exactly why. By taking this kid in, the mother has indirectly and unconsciously brought on the death of her baby. Similar to giving your child a motorcycle.
Tracee Sunday afternoon, I was flipping channels...looking for something new to watch...since I'd watched Wyatt Earp about 3 times that day. I stumble across this nice story. This girl is living with a family of three brothers and she seems to have a secret to hide. I recognize Ben Chaplin from The Truth About Cats and Dogs and I say let me watch the rest of this. He's kind of quiet and sweet and slow. Next, he's going to marry this girl after it seemed like she might end up with one of the other brothers...since Con (Ben C.) is so, well, interesting. Before they get married, he's slamming a rock into the head of a guy Bella (the girl) used to know way back in another town. I thought this was going to be a sweet story with a guy who probably wouldn't get the girl nowadays...getting the girl!!!! I was really p.o.'ed when he turned into a killer!!!!!!!! But I suppose throughout the film, we did get a glimpse of his violent tendency developing into a semi-insanity. Overall, I liked this movie because it was really intriguing and held my interest..which isn't necessarily difficult to do. Later on I watched it from the beginning to the end and decided that I do like the movie. Ben Chaplin is an excellent stutterer!!!!!
FlossieD Beautiful scenery and details, authentic costumes and language. After six viewings, Ben Chaplin still lights up the screen.