| 05 April 2013 (USA)
Favor Trailers

Kip's perfect life is put in jeopardy when the waitress with whom he's having a casual fling is accidentally killed in their motel room. Desperate, he turns to childhood friend and loser, Marvin, to help get rid of the body. Marvin agrees which begins the unraveling of their friendship and ultimately leads both to murderous acts they never thought themselves capable of.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
NickyCee I am very, very critical of most movies. Especially these type of indie flix where the 2-bit actors recite their barely memorized lines one after another after another with little emotion. Or overact using the f-word to show their "range." Or act in ways no normal person ever would.You won't find this in Favor, my friend.I caught Favor on Comcast Xfinity Streampix last night and its the best movie I've seen in 5 years. Maybe 10. The casting, acting, script writing, character and plot development, and entertainment value are all 10 out of 10. I put it up their with Blood Simple, one of my top 10 of all time. The main character (Blayne Weaver) acts exactly like you would expect a man to act in his predicament. His wife (Cheryl Nichols) was amazing and it was hard to believe she was acting. What a star, and what a gorgeous woman. And the bad guy - Patrick Day. Wow. Maybe the best acting I have ever seen, and I mean ever. Yes, there are some flaws. The policewoman and her smart alec demeanor was over the top and a throwaway part. The plot had a few minor holes, but so did The Departed and The Godfather. But even with these minor flaws, I still cannot recommend this movie more. It's low budget indie look and style add so much to the realism. Compare this to the piece of indie trash called "At The Sinatra Club" I saw the night before or the ridiculously stupid waste of celluloid "Iron Doors" I saw the night before that and one can see what a true masterpiece this is.To all involved with this movie: Well done! BRAVO! Please make more just like it and this time get a major release so I don't have to catch your fine work two years later on Comcast.
spioncap I honestly don't know what to make of this film. I think if it had two major stars as the main characters and a great director it could have been an Oscar winner. It really wanted to be good but in the end failed. The problem is, I'm not entirely sure where it failed. I think it was the acting. There again, it may have been the direction. I don't know, so it was probably both. Great idea and I found that I really,really,really wanted to enjoy it but in the end, just felt deflated. Having said that if they'd put say George Clooney and Brad Pitt in as the leads and Tarantino or Fincher directing, I'm sure I'd have loved it. Just shows how shallow I am, but I bet 100 to 1, most who watch will secretly agree. Worth the watch though!
Terry Halmshaw I went into this movie knowing nothing at all about it, so perhaps that's one of the reasons I scored it so highly. Sometimes it's great to just watch a movie for the sake of watching it rather then go in expecting something only to be disappointed.The story is not new, but the way it's delivered is quite good and not what I expected at all.I have never heard of any of the actors in this piece and given their sometimes wooden acting and sheer (seemingly) lack of talent helps deliver this movie in a fashion I'm certainly not familiar with. I am hoping that the actors were directed in such a fashion as to seem wooden and inexperienced to add to the impact they have on the audience.There are some rather ridiculous moments of 'special effects' but I'm not going to detract too much from the movie for what seem like 'after thoughts'. There are a couple of bad editing points, I can't fathom why they needed two Toyota Camry's, but clearly there is more then one and in a couple of scenes there is some annoying lens reflection, but I guess most wont notice anyway. Why do I bring these items up???, well I am of the opinion that this movie was a fluke, however I'm not totally convinced, but it seems to me that if you take an old script use unknown actors, use poor visual effects combined with poor camera work and still have a winning combination it's either a fluke or bloody good direction. I'm not knowledgeable enough on the director nor the actors to offer an 'informed opinion', but let's hope the next movie from Paul Osborne shows me that it was great work from him that pleased me so much about this movie. Overall I was glued to this movie for the simple fact that the actors had me wondering if they could deliver the goods, they delivered in spades as did the director, as mentioned the script is by no means new, but it has some interesting twists and turns that carry the movie and keep you guessing, to turn a old script into something that is interesting and is not 'too' predictable is an achievement in itself.I thoroughly enjoyed this.8/10.
Pamela Powell When a friend asks you to do a favor, you do it, right? How about helping to cover up an apparent murder? Would you do that favor? That's the situation in "Favor," a dark, intense psychological thriller. Kip, a successful marketing director, and Marvin, an out of work loser, had been friends since elementary school. As they each went in their separate and polar opposite directions, they grew apart. But when Kip's affair went awry, he called the one person he knew he could trust; Marvin. As Marvin cleaned up Kip's mess, Kip was completely indebted to Marvin. How far did Kip have to go before he paid his debt? When is it truly "Even Steven?"This sharp, intelligent, and even at times witty, psychological thriller was unbelievably intense. The twists and turns it took were more wicked and dangerous than Mulholland Dr. on a dark and stormy night. The hole that Kip dug himself got deeper and deeper until you thought there was no way out. I was on the edge of my seat in anticipation of the next move. And when that next move occurred, it was shocking. At times, the inferred violence was a bit much for me, but added to the overall intensity of the movie.Blayne Weaver and Patrick Day starred in this film by Paul Osbourne. Outstanding performances by all! I left the theater in awe. "Favor" is now one of my top psychological thrillers! Beware, there is violence, but if you like intense, smart, unpredictable films, this is one you won't want to miss.