Fatal Instinct
Fatal Instinct
| 03 June 2014 (USA)
Fatal Instinct Trailers

A police detective follows a trail of evidence that eventually seems to lead to his trusted partner's ex-con brother who he helped put in prison years ago.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
ClassyWas Excellent, smart action film.
Michelle Ridley The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Apathy772 I don't know who paid the other reviewers but what a crock. Im betting they were apart of this crapfest The ending was terrible and not a shocker. This was a B movie with B actors, a B script, and B special effects if you can even call them that. So much to say where to begin. If the Brother wasn't the killer why did he get a gun, then chloroform and kidnap a cops daughter? Why does corona make you fight like a wus. This was just cheesy from the cheesy car chase to the cheesy one liners to the cheesy plot. Who could possibly review this movie and give it more than 3 stars? I won't say it was the worst movie I've ever seen because I watch a lot of movies but it was a stinker. I was expecting a serial killer thriller and got none of it. The only believable character was the pimp at the beginning of the film and thats saying a lot. There was 0 character development so I literally had 0 interest in any of the characters. I will usually give up on films like this 10 minutes in but gave this a chance and now I wish I had the time back. I don't care if you get this for free it isn't worth watching. With all this being said even though this was the same ole same ole format of a thriller that just didn't build any suspense it really could have been better with just a tiny bit of effort. There were some believable moments where I felt the actors were not just phoning it in but they were few and far between. This film gets a solid D even though in school 30% was a F, I don't think it deserves a F but it barely ranks a D. Watch at your own peril.
peechygurl Seeing the unfairly low IMDb rating, having read the other 3 reviews -which were more like plot summaries- and being a lover of MYSTERY Crime Dramas, I had to post my thumbs up "defense" of this movie.Since I love the mystery aspect of any crime film and there is so little of that these days, I gave this movie a high 8 out of 10 for that reason. While I do enjoy big name, seasoned actors, lots of action and car or foot chases, too many movies rely on that for the "success" and suspense of a movie. Not this film: less experienced movie actors and a script that kept you guessing and second guessing "who-done-it" - I loved that!
Chris Piorkowski "Fatal Instinct" a police Action Thriller that keeps you bound to a seat until the end of the film .An action film that everyone has to see it! The film was shot in the city of Los Angeles that gives it the action flavor with many great locations It's a maze of potential suspects that keeps you guessing all the way through. The film very entertaining with great cast, amazing car and helicopter chases, investigation, love story and fun between the two main cops that sometimes keeps their friendship on the edge. Great written and directed by Luciano Saber. I hope we'll see soon another film made by this wonderful and creative director!
rhoades222-46-801157 A police detective Michael-Ivan Sergei follows a trail of evidence that eventually seems to lead to his trusted Jack Gates (Adrian Tudor) partner's ex-con brother-Danny Gates (Drew Fuller) who he helped put in prison years ago. The sequence of story is dramatic and interesting. Michael (Ivan Sergei) instinct is directed toward Danny (Drew Fuller) throughout the whole movie. The culminating part of the movie happens when Danny assaults and kidnaps Michael's (Ivan Sergei) daughter- Kelly (Anne Winters) and Jack Gates (Adrian Tudor) helped with the rescue and is compelled to kill his brother in order to save Kelly's life. Toward the end of the movie a flashback of movie events reveals new information to the viewers and the information points toward one of the detectives as a serial killer.