Fat People
Fat People
| 11 September 2009 (USA)
Fat People Trailers

"GORDOS" is a comedy about life's excesses and deficiencies; about our insecurities, phobias, obsessions, traumas, mistakes, fears, blame, desires, hopes, challenges, concessions, goals, relationships, love, sex, health, family... about survival in the widest and "largest" sense of the word. The movie is pizza, ice-cream, chocolate, sweets, calories, lot of calories. It is also guilt, desire, fear, hope, dreams, sex, family, love. But it is happy, optimistic, painful, tender, harsh, light, profound. A comedy. A drama. A collection of contradictions. It's life, the life of a gay actor presenting weight loss products who lose his job because he get fat and who starts dating a ... woman.

Micitype Pretty Good
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
mundodelreves In my poor opinion, "Gordos" its a film that conceive that the problem in many times it is not the obesity of the people if not other problems very hard as the infidelity, fear of having a children, the toxic relationship of two brothers, etc.Those problems, also, are problems very serious of the society. Even, those problems are very serious than the obesity.In this film, Daniel Sánchez Arévalo get to transmit this item in many differents lifes where everyone intersect in the weekly meeting. It is a good way to mix the comedy and the drama.
irikawa-874-630096 It helps a lot if you master Spanish when you see this film, not only Spanish but a good amount of lingo from Madrid, as some of the comments, twists and jokes loose quite a bit during translation.You laugh, laugh and laugh but at no time you miss drama nor plot, the movie evolves well and, though the ending is not my favorite, wraps a great comedy.Seem no human emotion goes untouched by this movie, love, sex and relationships displayed constantly in a very smart fashion.Last, the amazing transformation of the characters, speechless.It is so refreshing to see smart, well presented movies, in an era where CG and FX dominate the American movie industry, some should go to Spain to take a class ( or two), but again, it seems the majority of American public is not ready for anything that goes beyond video game quality, pity.
mangafan 2009 was a really bad year for Spanish movies, till the very end of the year din't arrived any good title to our cinemas. Then suddenly arrived Rec 2, Agora, Celda 211... some great movies than saved the year. But between all that great movies was a very nice title than passed walking on tiptoes... not great promotions, not great supports from celebrities or TV channels... just a great idea, a great director, a nice script and a solvent actors.This movie is not only about some fat guys than try to get his nice weigh, is about humanity, about how everyone try to get his way, about how people can avoid the obstacles and look to the future. It is about everyone, every guy/girl takes a different perspective of the problems... and much more. But It is not everything, is a great comedy. Maybe you will not burst out laughing, but you will show a great smile all the time, and maybe some laugh. The very nice part of this movie is than don't mind how sad is a that moment, always show a happy face of everything.Is some more positive points in this movie, the dialog are realistic, fun and VERY intelligent. All the characters are perfectly defined, but maybe the gay guy fails cause his stranger relationship with his best friend wife. Every actor does a great work, no one looks like over-acted or trying to remember his dialog just like the most of the Spanish movie. Seem than Daniel Sánchez is really a very solvent director, and was not only lucky his Azul Oscuro Casi Negro the previous movie.I really want to recommended this movie for everyone than are looking for take a nice time with a intelligent movie.
Nicolás Lichtmaier This is a bad movie. It has some few funny things, you will smile sometimes. Not laugh, just smile. Other than that this movie feels too long. The characters are very plain, they were taken directly from the "drawing board", they doesn't feel like real persons.The performances are not bad, and because of that it's nice to see some of the characters in this movie, but the plot ends up ruining the movie.The only attraction here might be to see the weight changes the cast had had to make this movie. If the weight changes were real (and they seem so) it's a pity these people have risked their health for such a bad movie.
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