Fantasy Mission Force
Fantasy Mission Force
| 13 February 1983 (USA)
Fantasy Mission Force Trailers

A force of loners and fighters is put together to try and rescue the generals and save the war effort with the promise of gold and pardons of past crimes.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
tom_bombadillo-1 This is the silliest, most over the top, insane movie I have ever seen! It has it all; a musical number, amazons, wizards, Nazis, and even a haunted house. The first time I saw this movie half way through, I realized that I could no longer be supprized, I was waiting for the robot pirate ninja Martians to make an appearance! Too often I think movies try too hard and as a result damage or sometimes even destroy themselves in their own pretentiousness. The people that made this movie knew exactly what it was. In order to fully appreciate this film you HAVE to be in the right mind set because it's just so silly. So if your in the mood for a wild and crazy film; check it out:)
steve-toes I saw this movie in a bin at the local department store. I remember thinking "wow a Jackie Chan movie for 4.99" Little did I know that Jackie only has a small role,(His face was all over the DVD case). When I got home I watched the movie and it made no sense at all. It was supposed to take place During world war two and there was a guy who looked like Abe Lincoln and the allied forces were talking about sending 007 in (There was a sean connery photo) to rescue the generals and they mentioned Snake Plisskin and even Rocky Balboa. That was weird enough. But it got worse when in another scene, cars obviosly from the 70s came driving up with a gang in them. I gave up and turned the DVD player off. I never watched the movie since. These are just my views though...
CitizenCaine This is not really a Jackie Chan movie; because, Chan is only a minor character in it and appears briefly. A group of mercenaries is supposedly trying to rescue a group of generals being held captive by Japanese soldiers during World War II. There is another group though that's after the generals, so the mercenaries have to contend with that group as well as the Japanese. Along the way, they also run into a collection of weirdos, including vampires, ghosts, and even Amazon women. You know the quality of any movie is in doubt when Amazon women characters appear. It's always a lame attempt to corral the male audience's attention. The action is laughable in this movie and so are the effects. The soundtrack was stolen from several American movies of the time, which means this was a very low budget film. By the time that the end of the movie arrives, so many characters have died that you really don't care anymore. This is easily one of the top five worst movies that Jackie Chan has ever appeared in. 1/2 star of 4.
Jittersx4 Well i bought the "Fantasy Mission Force" in the Jackie Chan triple punch pack for about 6 bucks and I tell you what, I did not have a clue what I was in for with this movie. First off there is no real plot there is everything from Jungle women and Nazi's to Abe Lincoln and Haunted Mansions. Then Jackie Chan is barely in the film, maybe for a good 10 minutes at the most. When I finally finished the movie all I could say was "Wow" I had no clue what I had just seen. A bad dream? A hallucination? I don't know, the best thing this movie is for is a good laugh because thats all I did. The description on the back of the movie box says "Fantasy Mission Force"-"Japan is trying to take over the world and during an attack on the Chinese forces, the Japanese capture four Western Generals. Fearing that if this news were to reach their troops it would affect their morale greatly, a force of loners and fighters is put together to try and rescue the generals and save the war effort with the promise of gold and pardons of past crimes." Well I guess thats what its supposed to be about but this is the Weirdest movie I have ever seen,ever.