Faces Of Gore 2
Faces Of Gore 2
| 25 May 2000 (USA)
Faces Of Gore 2 Trailers

Join our fiendish host, Dr. Vincent Van Gore, as he leads you into the forbidden world of the dead. Only the nastiest car accidents, suicides and murders are here; faithfully and explicitly documented through actual crime scene investigations by police and emergency response teams from around the world. Everything you see is real; nothing has been faked. There are no boring autopsies or old World War II footage. Only the best and bloodiest corpses killed within the past 10 years are good enough to become the FACES OF GORE! If you cannot handle smashed brains, bug-eyed corpses and char-boiled fetuses, then DO NOT WATCH THIS DVD! Nothing you have ever seen before can prepare you for this breakthrough new horror film by TODD TJERSLAND, the Visionary Overlord of American Horror!

Bardlerx Strictly average movie
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Greencow_87 Part 2 is without a doubt even more disturbing then its predecessor.We basically get the usual stuff from the first one: Gory police-footage taken in southeast Asia (probably Thailand) although its supposed to be from Japan.And then there's the annoying narrator, mr Tjersland himself always ridiculing the victims for some tragic reason.Still some differences can be found, mainly due to the fact that part 2 focuses on the Philippines (mostly circulating around this serial killer named "Machete Joe" that we get to know)a bit more But mostly, its till "japanese" footage.The host "Dr van Gore" also seems to have had a haircut since last time but he also uses a louder & more hysterical voice each time he mentions humanity and her being "obsessed with violence" (he kinda reminds you of a cult-leader actually) And mr Tjersland...im sorta used to his controversial comments on the victims but at one point i almost felt like turning it off completely: In one scene he mentions that the victim will probably be "molested by AIDS-infected homosexuals when it arrives at the mortuary! Think about that the next time someone you love dies!" What a jackass...2/10 due to the fact that you're being reminded of the cruel nature the human race carries in her womb. And that it for some bizarre reason reminds me of the "Stupid footage caught on camera" shows that you find on every cable channel.Its true, while taking a break i actually changed channel and found one & i saw the similarities! Although there is of course a major difference there is still something they have in common: Ridicule the victims that get hurt (or in the FOG case: the ones getting killed!) Just my 2 cents
Paul Andrews Faces of Gore 2 starts with one of those warnings that what your about to see contains graphic imagery & is not suitable for persons of a weak disposition, blah, blah, blah. After that we are treated to the most tacky & embarrassing on screen graphic I've seen, a skull & crossbones with the skulls eyes flashing red, oh please. The next paragraph of text is both interesting & revealing 'Ladies and Gentlemen in the interest of privacy for the families of the deceased and for dramatic purposes, certain names and circumstances have been changed. However, the footage you are about to see is entirely REAL.' Basically this depraved documentary offers up gruesome clips of real death & injury while adding a supposedly funny, witty & amusing commentary track that has absolutely nothing to do with the actual events being shown. We, the viewer that is, are then introduced to our guide through the world of Faces of Gore, one Dr. Vincent Van Gore Assistant Chief Pathologist American Institute of Gornology. It gets worse as this guy just shouts inane comments & shakes his fists in the air or plays with fake brains, this is amateur hour kiddies. Faces of Gore 2's first segment is entitled 'Crash' & revolves around traffic accidents, we witness the removal of three young women's mutilated bodies from a wrecked car with the narrator (writer, producer & director Todd Tjersland) making horrible comments about how the morgue attendants will have some fun with their bodies & the nastiest scene involves a poor man whose head has been run over by a truck, cue lots of close-ups of his almost totally destroyed head complete with slow motion replays & more sick insensitive comments. Then Faces of Gore 2 moves onto 'Suicide' where we have the pleasure of seeing a woman who has supposedly blown her brains out because of the cancerous lumps & growths on her breasts, again Tjersland provides some insightful commentary by saying she was a 'wench' & should have committed suicide much earlier & saved her poor husband the pain of having to sleep with her. He also points out that 'in this case not was her wound only life threatening it was life ending'. This segment also features a sequence with horribly burned corpses, as the grisly footage is played a recipe for 'Mama Gore's Casarole' flashes up on screen for a few seconds, this guy Tjersland has serious problems. Then it's 'Murder' which features a baby foetus among the various exploits of 'Machete Joe' & a disgusting scene of a man who is lying in the road with half his head missing. Besides these three main segments Faces of Gore 2 also features a scene of a poor man whose arm has become caught in a printing press & has been crushed, an on screen caption helpfully informs us 'Dr. Gore recommends regular maintenance of all flesh-mangling equipment for optimum performance.' To round things off Faces of Gore 2 does the war footage thing. Todd Tjersland has some issues, I cannot believe someone could come up with a concept such as this & think people would actually enjoy it let alone find it funny. Tjersland talks of police officers stealing victims money & raping their bodies, he talks of how he wished the deceased lived longer & suffered more & it doesn't stop there as he spouts all sorts of sick & inhuman comments during his running commentary. It doesn't even stop with witty remarks either, Tjersland also uses over-the-top comedy sound effects, exaggerated dripping blood & people gasping, reacting in disgust & clapping at the goriest bits. All the footage is real to my eyes & it could have made for a decent documentary but in the hands of Tjersland he turns it into a juvenile sick joke that isn't funny in the slightest. The footage is quite poor in quality much of it obviously shot on a camcorder at crime & accident scenes. Almost all of the clips are after the fact, none of them show any actual on screen killing. Faces of Gore 2 is twisted filth that I just can't see who would gain any sort of entertainment from, definitely one to avoid watch Faces of Death (1979) again instead. One more thing, I have the American DVD released by 'Asfaroth Entertainment' which features a gory still on the back of someone with their face ripped off, a scene which isn't even in Faces of Gore 2.
AsparagusTrevor This 'shockumentary' is really truly bad. Not bad in the way I expected, but a horribly made feature. The gore footage was tame, and I had trouble sitting through the whole thing due to the god-awful hammy unnecessary narration and Tom and Jerry style sound effects. If I wanted a cartoon burp while watching a corpse being pulled out of the water, while listening to some guy in his echoey bedroom narrate in a cartoon mad scientist voice, I wouldn't even be watching this kind of thing in the first place.After about 10 minutes, I muted the damn sound and watched the mediocre footage, the narration and dubbed on cartoon sounds were just too damn annoying. After all the hype about how shocking this sub-genre of shockumentary is supposed to be, I was highly disappointed, websites like Rotten Dot Com provide more shocking scenes and cut back on the bollocks and give you the interesting stuff, minus the bastardised dubbed soundtrack. Avoid this at all costs.
Logan-22 I saw the first FACES OF GORE video last year and thought it was the sickest shockumentary film ever. When I heard they were making a sequel, I thought "Man! There's no way they can top Part 1." Happily, I just watched FACES OF GORE 2 and was proven DEAD WRONG! Part 2 is even SICKER, NASTIER and more SHOCKING than the original, and that means DO NOT WATCH this movie if you are faint of heart because it will make you puke within the first ten minutes! Seriously, I can't show this movie to anybody it's so disgusting (but with a hilariously twisted sense of humor with the narrator making fun of the dead people!). Finally, somebody has made a sequel that is even cooler than the original, so I can't wait for FACES OF GORE 3 and THE BEST OF FACES OF GORE, which are supposed to be coming out on video later this year. I hope they make a bunch more in this series because I will buy them all--no fake or boring stuff on these tapes; it's all totally real (and real gory!). If you like REAL DEATH videos, nothing beats the FACES OF GORE series!!!