Extras: The Extra Special Series Finale
Extras: The Extra Special Series Finale
| 16 December 2007 (USA)
Extras: The Extra Special Series Finale Trailers

Andy Millman is finally no longer an extra and has his own sitcom, but still, Andy is not happy with everything. Whilst his longtime friend Maggie struggles to earn a living from any job she can get, Andy still wants to be famous amongst the A-List stars, even if it means cutting back on a few things, including close friends.

GazerRise Fantastic!
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
merelyaninnuendo ExtrasThe Extra Special Series FinaleA Golden Globe Winning series; Extras is another one of Ricky's gem that came out from his pot and just as it predecessor it stands out alone on witty humor, practicality awareness and no nonsense sequences that glues this majestic series. Ricky Gervais keeps it true and to-the-ground one of the main reasons why it works everytime when he draws the curtains. The season ended up in an intense point that proves Ricky Gervais's brilliant writing skills and keen towards the art on handling the characters revolving around its amusing world. The development towards his career is projected swiftly not to make look like all hoax but the more interesting and intellectual arc created is on his relation with Ashley Jensen that hopefully will turn out to be entertaining and delight to watch.It was not even for a single moment funny which makes it the best episode of the series for Ricky Gervais has been building up for this intense moment since the first frame of the show and he once again proves his amazing skills on witty writing that resonates with practicality of the nature.
Mr_Prowse Before this finale, I loved Extras, but I did not hold it up there with the legendary television programs. I thought it was excellent, but if every show could end with a finale like this the would of television would be a better place.First, let it be said that there is not that much comedy to the finale. Some people might have a problem with this, but anyone invested in the characters will be fine. This is not to say that there is no comedy. Wonderful little gags are placed around the "finale" or basically a made-for-TV-movie more than a finale. And the jokes hit their mark very well. Stephen Merchant, scene-stealer of the entire program, has some great scenes, and the only down part of the finale is that he does not have many scenes in it. I know he is a supporting character, but in my opinion he was the funniest character in the show.But there is little room for Merchant in an episode that spends most of time with Andy and Maggie evaluating their lives. This is the main point of the episode, and I'm not going to give any thing away here, but while many writers over the years have had character tackle this existential question of 'what am i doing with my life?', no one has done it better than these two fellows here. I never thought that a comedy could almost bring me to tears, but this finale did it without feeling like a depressing Oscar story.Job well done. Every time you expect a cliché plot point to pop up and take the story where every story like this usually goes, they go the other way. It's even more sad that this is the end of a great television show, but I guess Gervais and Merchant take quality over quantity to heart.
kjewitt So good I watched it twice! I have never seen "Extras" before but nonetheless I had no problem working out what was going on. The sinister thing is that I actually found Andy Millman in his comedy persona quite funny. The scenes between him and Maggie became quite moving as the show went on. Excellent writing as one would expect from the Gervais-Merchant team and a bewilderingly eclectic collection of celebrity cameos and not-so-cameos. Ashley Jensen as Maggie is of course the moral and emotional centre of the piece. The device of Maggie watching him on telly was sublime. So nice that people (including some celebrities) in the UK can still send themselves up! Are you listening America? Minor niggle: why pretend to be in The Ivy when they weren't?
psycho_randomnumber I've been a long time fan of Ricky and Steve's works over the past decade and was anticipating the Xmas Special for quite a while. We all know it wouldn't have the same emotional and comedic impact as the Office Christmas Specials, but they did very well.At 1hr 25, It's not a minute too long or short. We witness the development , rise and eventual fall of Andy, Maggie and Darren and we empathise. Those of you looking for 85 minutes of non stop gags, you won't find it here. The drama of Maggie's unemployment and Darren's working FULL time in the carphone warehouse are dealt with emotionally and sensitively. But, just like the rest of their work, there is A lot of well observed and well written humour.My personal best moments.1) The Carphone Warehouse Dance. 2) Clive Owen's cameo. 3) Andy in Dr. Who