| 09 August 1998 (USA)
Extramarital Trailers

An aspiring writer gets involved in the investigation of her best friend after she is killed while having an affair.

MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
sandcrab277 This film fails because jerk fehey non-performs as usual...he is just a terrible actor and never seems to know the score...traci lords is far and above this cheap piece of fluff...just aim her at men and things happen....but this film doesn't use her potential...i gave it two stars for lack of support and a creditable story
MBunge Traci Lords began her career in the movies as an underage porn star. I'm pretty sure she considered going back into that business while making this film, because nothing in the world of XXX could be more embarrassing or degrading than watching her stink her way through this turkey. Seriously, even doing porn with midgets and donkeys would be more ennobling than starring in Extramarital.Elizabeth Barton (Traci Lords) is a woman who's left her career in corporate America to try and become a journalist, much to the chagrin of her husband Eric (Jack Kerrigan). He thinks she's just wasting her time while he has to pay all the bills. Elizabeth is working an internship at WE@R magazine, where her lordly editor Griffin (Jeff Fahey) is like a slicked back, heterosexual version of Tennessee Williams. The upcoming issue of the magazine is all about sex and Elizabeth is inspired to do a story about a woman she recently met on a plane trip that is having an affair. Anne (Maria Diaz) is perfectly happy to tell Elizabeth all about her adulterous liaisons with her lover Bob (Brian Bloom). But when Anne disappears, Elizabeth investigates and uncovers some shocking revelations. Well, the guy who wrote this crap thought they were shocking revelations. They're actually painfully obvious plot twists, stuff that doesn't really make any sense and exposition so clunky a character practically stares directly into the camera and slowly reads off a list of story details to the audience.It's hard to know where to begin with this movie. The script is awful. It's a story about journalism and sex apparently written by a virgin who doesn't know what a journalist does or how they do it. The direction would be considered below average for an industrial training video. The dialog sounds like it was transcribed from an extended improv session by a troupe of deaf-mutes. The acting is massively uneven. Jeff Fahey is giving a rather stupid and silly performance, but he does it quite well. Brian Bloom as Bob and Natalie Karp as Lori, a friend of Elizabeth's the script manufactures to serve the Almighty Plot Hammer, are basically competent. Jack Kerrigan is terrible, however. He sports a shaggy pompadour hairdo that's a more talented thespian than he is. Maria Diaz is as stiff as a man whose Viagra-powered erection has lasted longer than 4 hours. And Traci Lords is…good grief. She's like robot whose emotion chip is malfunctioning. She randomly slides from one expression to another, never finding the appropriate one for the moment. When she and Fahey are on screen together, it's like a scene from a David Mamet play featuring a man and a very smart chimp.This allegedly erotic thriller is about 90 minutes long and has two sex scenes in it. In one, Diaz gets naked but you only see her nudity from the side or at an angle, as though director Yael Russcol was afraid to look directly at her because he'd be turned to stone. In the other, Lords is nude yet her nipples remain covered at all times. So unlike other low-rent garbage that gets run in the middle of the night on Cinemax, Extramarital doesn't even offer up a satisfying amount of skin. Oh, and in Diaz' sex scene, the guy she's with is wearing what looks like a spare Michael Myers mask from Halloween 4. That pretty much kills off any prurient interest you might have.Extramarital's only value as a movie is as an object of mockery.
Hollywoodshack Let's face it folks. Traci Lords is not a person. She is a controlled, marketed and merchandised commodity. Web sites sell Traci books, music, photos, T shirts, films, and even Traci dolls for kids to play with. A critical review or discussion of her porn career could be deleted mostly because sales might go down for these marketers. She is badly miscast in this film as an intern reporter who wants to do a story on a woman's affair who she met on a plane. After the gal is murdered by her lover, Traci senses the missing woman might be in trouble. There is a scary message on her recording before the murder happens. She tells her husband and her boss, "I can hand-uh this story myself-duh," then goes on to ask them what she should do next, giving the secrets away before she writes it. No missing persons report is even filed. She trusts the suspected killer even after he walks up and hears her playing back the recording of the girl's distress. She even trusts him enough to meet him alone at his apartment. Now, the film was not endured to the end, having seen dozens like it, I had already guess-duh what is was. Traci's star vehicle is partly produced by her, contains some lines from her former husband, Brook, and badly acted in an aloof, unemotional way. She wears phony glasses to appear smart, but seems to say "duh" at the end of each sentence. Somehow, The Emperor's New Clothes fable is repeated here. She's The Bad Actress Without Clothes and people are afraid to tell her that her acting is bad-duh! But working Without Clothes more often would improve her next movie. She needs to relax in a nudist colony, someplace.
ResponsibilitySeat Traci features in one of the steamiest mainstream sex scenes I've ever seen in this movie and all the more hot because it doesn't show everything (but does imply she's getting anal sex which was an extra turn-on especially when she's getting ice rubbed all over her naked body and butt at the same time she's having sex...) She sizzles- and is a damn good actress too! I'd love to see her getting more challenging roles in the future- she has so much presence and ability she deserves so much more! I hope she also carries on with her music career because her album 1000 Fires is a classic and features very highly amongst my most played albums....
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