Save your money for something good and enjoyable
It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Jenna Walter
The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Laurel Wilson
Extinction is a stylish European movie with more in common with Resident Evil than Night of the Living Dead. If you watch this expecting a "zombie" movie, apparently you'll be disappointed, swear, & spew garbage about the actors' accents. :) This is actually a witty, stylish flick about an apocalyptic event that causes humans to mutate into zombie-like creatures. If you're a zombie addict, you'll see bits of 28 Days Later, Diary of the Dead, and the above-mentioned Resident Evil - along with the countless retreads. The acting is surprisingly good. The accent thing is a non-controversy. The people are from different areas of the world. They speak English with accents. The End.The plot evolves nicely. I was reminded of The Walking Dead at times, as the survivors try to make a home in an abandoned military base. The weakest aspect is the infected. Makeup is terrible and while the creatures are clearly not classic zombies, they seem to have gotten different direction on how to act. Some shamble, the majority run like hell, and for some (admittedly laughable) reason, the favored way to kill them seems to be to slice them on the back repeatedly. Regardless, I think zombie-philes and folks who like B-movie horror will eat this's on Netflix right now. Give it a try & tell me what you think.
This movie initially seems like it's going to be great but as it rolls on it becomes increasingly obvious that it isn't going to go anywhere and indeed it really doesn't. There's very little sense of danger except in the odd scene and as the survivors aren't scared why would the viewer be? In terms of characters every last one of them in underdeveloped even by horror movie standards. It's impossible to care about them because the loss or gain of a survivor has no impact at all on anyone regardless of their prior relationship. Talking of dud characters the second you see a Muslim woman in a EU film you know, without doubt, that she is going to be a doctor. They're all terrible, especially the whining husband who you know is only acting that way to justify his inevitable chomping he's got coming.Giving your first movie a silly title with chronicle in it implies they think this is going to turn into a profitable little series. I really don't think so though, there is no pace, virtually no story and abysmal characters. The inclusion of parkour zombies wasn't exactly a bonus either. Parkour, if you're not aware, is the hobby of being 13 and filming yourself jumping off supermarket walls.This isn't unwatchable, just very disappointing when it's over and you find there is no actual story, characters or frights.
This isn't a great movie, I thought there was a bit of promise very early on but I was very wrong. There are occasionally some neat seedlings of ideas but they seem to be passed over and instead the main protagonists do idiotic things to endanger themselves and others.As to the title of this review, I nearly spat out my cereal when I first saw them, just hilarious, oh and very pointless. This film would've been much better if it didn't try to break away from zombie convention, the addition of the other breeds is so badly thought out, explained and executed that I really can't see the point. I've seen high rated reviews of this film on IMDb, those people should seek serious medical help straight away.
This film was worth a view,for zombie film has good acting,and a good story starts off as a lot of these type of films do,and follows the same plot as most-the world is affected by a virus ,that leaves about 90 % of the world dead,and looking for a warm meal...some un-affected people make a stand ,and try to find a safe place to only real problem i had with the movie was some of the camera work(i HATE "shakey-cam" effect)-other than that ,its worth a view!-some good make-up s.p.f.x.,and some cool shots make it cool.i,m a sucker for any zombie movie,thats NOT a comedy. the locations are great,and a lot of cool places were used to set up some good scene,s.i was lucky enough to see a screener of this film last year,while it was still in post has a gritty sort of look,and its not like the basic Hollywood type of film,with a real happy ending.the end of the world will not be shiny,or happy,and i like movies that don't show things working out like that,because we all know ,thats NOT how things really are.