Expiration Date
Expiration Date
| 01 January 2006 (USA)
Expiration Date Trailers

Charlie Silvercloud III lives with the family curse, on his fathers and grandfathers 25th birthday they were killed by a milk truck. It is now Charlies turn.

Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
KC Quinn Light, refreshing, different from the same old same old same old stuff out there.Does definitely stand on the threshold of black comedy.Much more than what I expected upon movie start up.My suggestion? Give it a chance it picks up quickly and keeps you captured.Don't know what else to say - I love being succinct; however, some sites do not believe in brevity...there must be a reason so I follow the rules.Do yourself a favour, if you want a 'feel great after watching movie'....this is one of the few I have come across....good, clean, a bit dark and different. Loved it!!!
Randolph James (Solipsisticblog) This quirky romantic comedy is the story of Seattle resident Charlie Silvercloud (Robert A. Guthrie), a man destined to die on his twenty-fifth birthday like his father and his father's father. Both were killed by milk trucks. We meet Charlie eight days before his demise as he is trying to get his affairs in order. He breaks up with his girlfriend, purchases a funeral plot, cancels his cable, and tries to spend some quality time with his quirky mother (Dee Wallace Stone).While prepping for death he meets Bessie (Sascha Knopf), a quirky, carefree spirit with a dark secret. Though he wants to enter the afterlife with no attachments, he finds himself falling for Bessie. We also get to spend time at Charlie's job--a coffee shop--where he is hounded by his quirky boss and quirky ex-girlfriend. In this film there are no quirks left unturned including Charlie's portly boss who will only marry a woman who knows the lyrics to every Jimi Hendrix song, including the bootlegs. (Are the lyrics that much different on the bootlegged tapes?) The movie is obviously a labor of love, but it is too quirky by half. Robert A. Guthrie is not charismatic enough to carry the film and Sascha Knopf as the quirky love interest is trying too hard. Unfortunately, the movie is also filmed in DV which is the wrong choice for many films. For claustrophobic tales, horror movies, and documentaries, DV can be a great choice. But this comedy needs air--room to breath. As quirky as this movie is, it needs sharp edges and a hyper-real presentation. DV, though, stifles the comedy and places the film firmly in our mundane universe. DV uglifies and adds authenticity to a film, which is the just the opposite of what this comedy needs.The comedy also carries a message about not forgetting your ancestry. Charlie's father and grandfather ran away from their roots and--given the movie's conclusion--we know this is what led to their deaths. Will Charlie embrace his heritage and be saved from the sins of his fathers? The message feels shoehorned into the movie which is unfortunate because it seems to be the major point of the film.Dee Wallace Stone gives an exuberant performance and it's always fun to see David Keith--as a quirky café customer--on the big screen, but the movie never gels. A misfire.Read more at http://solipsisticblog.blogspot.com/.
jordanstevens A great film. Truly enjoyed the story and acting. Very funny film. Catch this film if you can and you won't be disappointed.Just won Best Feature and Audience Award at the Omaha Film Festival. The presence of Rick Stevenson at the festival answering questions made the event and film really enjoyable.Hopefully a wider audience is able to get to see this movie soon. Look forward to whatever is next on Rick's list.The Omaha Film Festival was in its first year and was run like a top notch festival with quality films, documentaries and shorts. This festival should be a huge success for years to come.
movieman529 I saw expiration date at the Omaha Film Festival in Nebraska. The film is about Charlie Silver cloud who's father and grandfather were both Killed by milk trucks on their 25th Birthdays. Charlie Has accepted this fate and is preparing for his death,( Buying a grave, getting a plot, buying a suit, taking his library books back, etc.). Charlie Pissis of a girl when he buys a coffin she planned to buy for her mother. Now Charlie just trying to die in peace but this crazy Girl Wont let him. I Loved this film it is Original and Has lots of Black Comedy bu t also some romance.Experation Date took The best Film at the Omaha Film Festival It also took best feature Film by Viewers Choice. DON"T MISS IT if its near you!. It is coming out on DVD in September (roughly)