Excess Flesh
Excess Flesh
| 13 March 2015 (USA)
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Obsessed with her sexy roommate, Jill violently imprisons Jennifer in their apartment in a twisted attempt to bring them closer together.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
heartpurple At first viewing, Excess Flesh is a story about an obsessed woman who imprisons her sexy roommate in a twisted attempt to bring them together -- a story of self-loathing, jealousy, love-hate, rage and, finally, about revenge and making right all things evil. Ultimately, it's a scathing commentary on hyper-consumerism, where more is more and never enough. Excess Flesh is the state of the world through the lens of its empathic, embittered interpreter, Director, Patrick Kennelly. This is a world of consumerism, a world where one's identity is determined by what they wear, how they look, who they know and how they measure up to the cruel and impossible standards or abandon all hope. This work is both a seminal work and a masterwork – a view of a dysmorphic world through the piercing mind's eye of the film's creator. This is not torture horror. This is a cunning complex film and the film reveals more and more the more you watch it. More is more. Consume. More.The acting in this film is cult status. Bethany Orr's performance places her firmly in the ranks of Isabelle Adjani in Zulawski's classic "Possession." Orr's performance is not to be missed … nor is it to be misunderstood. Take time to indulge in this actor's revelations of character, nuance and the human condition. It is a visceral, infinite, and a deeply instinctive interpretation of one's loss of one's soul to the societal mediation of one's self.Excess Flesh was a risk to make. Films like Excess Flesh are a risk for investors. Excess Flesh is a smartly produced hybrid genre film and the filmmakers deserve praise. Congrats to Exec Producer Dennis Garcia and Walking to the Moon Productions, for taking a chance on a film that needed to be made and for recognizing the talents of the filmmakers. You're a hero to indie filmmakers everywhere … Make more, please.Excess Flesh is not for the weak of mind, heart, or soul. Take a look. Take your time and let happen. I recommend that you watch it more than once. Do it in excess.
in1984 6.25 of 10. Are they roommates or just 2 versions of the same person happening within a psychotic aspiring model with a tendency to binge on eating, sex, and self abuse? Either way, you get 2 similar looking actresses, a slender model and a plump mess, playing the lead rolls.As simply horror and gore, it doesn't pick up until the latter part of the film. The first half is essentially dedicated to setting up the characters and their/her various disorders/psychoses. That does set up a mystery angle to it and make the film more enjoyable and less predictable as to where it's going.It's rare to get so much character depth, plot, gross-out scenes, horror, and hot ass shots in the same film. Worth a watch even though it makes a mistake at the end with not really completing the story and going with more of a setup for a sequel.
skylightdawn It's too bad because from watching the preview it looked good. It's very misleading. Seems like they tried too hard to make an "artsy" movie (lots of unnecessary slow motion, close ups and over exaggerated noises). It's a shame because it could've been a really good psychological thriller. I can say that the actresses were somewhat good. Both were annoying and I believe that was their goal in this movie. The downside was, I didn't care about what happened to either of them. They never pulled me in enough to root for one or the other. If you are into slow burning thrillers that have a big time indie feel to them and fall short at the end, you may like this. To me it was a complete waste of time.
kosmasp Which is really a shame. Because the movie or rather the idea behind the movie has a lot of potential. There are glimpses of genius hidden here somewhere. Unfortunately they are very well hidden and can actually not be found. And that's because the movie indulges in hammering its point home. I don't think you always have to be subtle, but you also have to be respectful to the viewers and their intelligence.The acting has its ups and downs too. The social commentary drowns in that as it does in the editing (or rather lack of it at times). Of course some would argue that it's necessary to have a scene go on for a very long time, so that the dread of a situation is felt by the viewer. And I would agree to that but just to a point. Because if you have scenes after scenes, that are telling the same story/point, you're way beyond proving a point, you're into boring territory to put it mildly. A shame, but maybe also a learning process for the next one