| 06 February 2009 (USA)
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Ex is a 2009 film directed and co-written by Fausto Brizzi and interpreted by a rich and large cast of characters. The film, produced by Italian International Film, in co-production with the French company and Mes Films in collaboration with RAI Cinema. It was released February 6, 2009 in Italian cinema and has been recognized as "national cultural interest" by the Directorate General for Cinema of the Ministry of Heritage and Culture.

TinsHeadline Touches You
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Kirpianuscus a romantic comedy. different by many others. for the Italian scent, for the humor mixed with rears, for the large categories of themes, for music and for the links between stories. a film who has love as axis for many other subjects, each defined with grace and precision. a film about life, options, mistakes and decisions. with a splendid subtle charm and right directions for be a complete show. the choice for romantic puzzles is not original but used in Ex with inspired art. because all is simple. the need of the other, the fight with the past, the discover of truth. and that does it a special film. not great. only the most inspired options for a Sunday evening.
jotix100 This sunny romantic Italian dramatic comedy directed by Fausto Brizzi, was a surprise we found in DVD format, recently. Judging by the great ensemble cast that was gathered for the production, was our guide for getting it, and it sure paid off. Mr. Brizzi has been writing for the Italian cinema for quite some time. It appears he decided to try his hand at directing, with amazing results. It is quite a feat to gather so many of Italy's best actors working in films today and turn a good movie in the process.We are presented with a plausible adult tale involving a few couples that are in some ways interconnected to the story in ways that one could not imagine. Some couples like Luca and Loredana, long married, find themselves in an almost certain divorce. Others like Sergio, the university professor, must deal with the sudden death of his wife. Elisa, the beautiful fiancée of Corrado comes face to face to an old love, Lorenzo, whom she had not seen in many years, only to find out he is the priest that will be performing her wedding.The comedy co-written with Massimiliano Bruno and Marco Martani, has some good moments. Claudio Bisio makes a wonderful Sergio. The gorgeous Claudia Gerini appears as Elisa. Silvio Orlando, one of the best actors working in Italian films today, is Luca. Notably in the cast we found some sons and a daughter of famous actors like Alessandro Gassman, son of Vittorio Gassman. Gianmarco Tognazzi, the son of Ugo Tognazzi and Cecile Cassel, daughter of Jean-Claude Cassel, and sister of Vincent.A fun comedy that is about the best thing in lieu of not being in Italy at the moment!
lacin What a rich movie! Rich by the number of characters, rich by the show of affection and unhappiness with humour, rich by the shortcuts to tell us what's going on (even though the film is literally two hours and the length sometimes causes short sighs by the spectator). Watching the long-distance-relationship couple, I was reminded of a recently-watched movie "Nights and Weekends", but then I thought Ex has a better way to show the complexity as it combines many stories (although it's now boring more than interesting to see the aesthetic touch of those films that pull many private lives as single stories and clash them, push them or make them public around one lovable, profitable theme, while still every story belongs to their private boxes during most of the film). In the movie exists the kind of humour that gets you ready to smile even there's no occasion to; faces of actors are chosen well; it's even been a nice surprise for me to see the surnames Tognazzi and Gassman at the end, and to learn these are the sons of two remarkable names in Italian comedy. But to me the film lost its richness a bit and turned to normal comedies at the very end. Until the last scenes of "many kisses later", the movie was flowing. At the last scenes of couples kissing -except maybe the two lovers who finally get together at the airport-, the act told the spectator: Hey, you're a spectator! Suddenly you're out of the film, which wouldn't be a problem if you never were in. But.. hey, we were in! Maybe the film should have ended when two ex's, the policeman and the doctor, brought together by fate, by the common cause of stalking, looked as a team under the bar lights.
rbischoff Just saw this movie Saturday night at an Italian film festival. It came out in Feb. 2009 and was nominated for and won several awards. There are numerous interwoven stories, with a talented cast of veteran actors who are perfectly chosen for their parts. Filled with episodes of both roll-on-the-floor hilarity and tears-in-the-eyes poignancy. Best movie of any kind, in any language, that we've seen in the last couple of years. If only it were easier to rent (from Netflix, Blockbuster, etc.) or in general distribution in U.S. theaters! The only way to get a copy that I can find is on Amazon--at $30+ for Region 2 (Europe) DVD! The soundtrack is terrific, too. All in all, a perfectly put together movie. Not sure why the 312 IMDb.com ratings thus far average only 6.3...