Evil Town
Evil Town
R | 02 June 1987 (USA)
Evil Town Trailers

A mad scientist seeks eternal youth by developing a drug derived from human pituitary glands, aided by the local townsfolk, who help abduct visitors to their town for his experiments.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Uriah43 From what I understand this film was actually started in 1984 and completed in 1987. However, it used segments of other films which were produced earlier such as "God Bless Dr. Shagetz" and I suppose this is the reason "Evil Town" carries a production date of 1977. Regardless, this movie is essentially about a scientist named "Dr. Schaeffer" (Dean Jagger) who has invented a serum extracted from the pituitary gland which can extend a person's life. This is great news for the elderly residents of the small town who benefit from Dr. Schaeffer's research. Unfortunately, it is terrible news for any unlucky travelers who have the misfortune to stop there for gas as they are subsequently abducted and used as donors. This results in their becoming mindless creatures who are incapable of supporting themselves. That's not to say that they are necessarily "zombies" but rather poor souls who are reduced to a semi-vegetative state. As such, I don't consider this to be a "zombie movie" by any current standard. In any case, although the movie certainly had potential, there really wasn't any great horror or suspense which might have made this movie stand out and as a result I have rated it accordingly. Slightly below average.
wildpeace10 This is a film where former playboy playmate lynda wiesmeier exposes her wonderful breasts once more after WHEELS OF FIRE two years previously.So if you're searching for that kind of stuff you may be satisfied but pass the film's first 20 minutes you won't find anymore nudity even though the story still concerns the kidnapping of other women.After reading the other comments,i was expecting a worst movie than it is but it's STILL pretty bad.One of the highlights is a scene (about at 64 minutes after 20 minutes of dullness)where this doctor with an accent is explaining his medical experiments to the james keach character but it's pretty short and the ending of this film(which isn't even 90 minutes)is unsatisfying and makes you ask: is that all?is that it?Some of the acting(lynda is alright but there's just something wrong with this keach character)is pretty terrible and unconvincing but perhaps it has to do with a shoestring budget.The music is pretty terrible too because it doesn't fit with the film's themes.The scenes featuring Lynda gets a 3 and the doctor's explanation & performance gets a 1.
brandonsites1981 Wretched film was the result of three (or two) unfinished films being edited together in order to create one film. The final results are a choppy and dull. What little plot there is, is about a crazed doctor bringing the dead back to life in order to create an army of zombies in a small town. Virtually no gore is present in this so called zombie outing and the film doesn't even entertain in a so bad it's good way. One of the absolute worst horror films to ever be made. Rated R.
Kastore At least that's how I was hoping this movie would end. I managed to NOT absolutely hate this movie, although the rental synopsis was misleading. The only reason I tried "Evil Town" was my weakness for zombie movies, and this movie promised to be about a doctor who creates an army of the living dead. Not quite.I regard "Evil Town" as an ultra-cheap "Pulp Fiction" of B-grade horror movies. It basically has three plots, all involving the same group of people in a sleepy town. (If anything, watch this one to see the sign in the opening minute of the movie - Smalltown, Pop. 666, Elev. 13) One plot involves two perverts who get a kick out of kidnapping girls who are passing through. Another is about an escaped patient from the local hospital. And the third and major plot is about the aforementioned doctor performing experiments at the same hospital, creating an army of the brain-dead who don't end up doing anything anyway.So the acting is terrible. So the gore is non-existent. So the directing is flat and talentless. (The movie had 3 - count 'em, three - directors!) So the entire thing could be made by a group of friends and their immediate families. Hey, I know I've never seen a movie involving a town of rampaging senior citizens! If you want to see a movie where the only thing that sets the hero apart from all the other characters is his willingness to beat up old people, I say give "Evil Town" a quick view.