Evil Has a Face
Evil Has a Face
| 20 March 1996 (USA)
Evil Has a Face Trailers

A talented young female police sketch artist uses her abilities to track down an evil child molester.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
sol1218 ***SPOILERS***Sean Young as Chicago police sketch artist Gwen McGerrall looks so bored to tears in the made for TV movie "Evil Has a Face" that at times she looks as if she's about to nod off and pass out right there and then.Given an assignment to travel to far off Redmond Minnesota to help the local police track down a child kidnapper Gwen is about as interested in going up there as she would be in going to the Arctic but does it anyway. As we soon learn Gwen has very personal reasons for going to Redmond beside all her expenses being paid by the Redmond Police Department. It's there in the "Land of Ten Thousands Lakes" where Gwen was brought up.Gwen had been abused by her step father Henry Wills McGarrell, Cheicie Ross, who died in a car crash back in 1964 when Gwen was five years old. It was that the unknown serial child killer and kidnapper who's on the loose in that part of the state that reminds Glewn of her long dead "Daddy" whom she hates with a passion.With the help of local Redmond cop Tom Sawyer-yes that's his real name- played William R. Moses and kidnap victim Bria, Brighton Hertfort, Gwen gets wind of who the serial killer and kidnapper really is! Or does she! The evidence that Gwen comes up with later turns out to be bogus in that Bria, the only survivor of the serial killer,described him to be Gwen's own father who been dead for at least 30 years!***SPOILER ALERT*** It soon turns out that Bria accurately described the person who kidnapped her, which Gwen did a police sketch of, but she was off in how old he was supposed to be by almost a generation!The movie started getting itself lost in time and space by the time Gwen finally realized whom the mysterious serial killer was. In that it showed that Gwen wasn't anywhere near the sharp and smart cookie that we were lead to believe, by both the Chicago and Redmond Police Departments, that she was. The killer himself was anything but a master criminal in that he was so out in the open and clumsy in his actions it was almost a miracle that he wasn't spotted and caught before he committed his first of a string of some dozen crimes.Even though she was anything but convincing in her acting I have to say that Sean Young, as cold and icy looking as she was, was a real turn on even, it gets pretty cold up there in Minnesota in the wintertime, with enough clothes on to withstand 30 degree below zero wind gusts.
Faimadio This is one of many movies that were 'prescribed' to me by my shrink who believed in their effectiveness in therapy. At first I could not understand the connection between a film and a psychological problem. But then it became clear that both are about a 'fantasy'. Almost everyone in society is living a fantasy that can be as far removed or as close to reality as the person wishes. Of course, if the that person is a head of state dragging his country into war or running after Utopian dreams then the harm done is that much more greater.Now a film is also a fantasy, but it is the very exact and deliberate fantasy of the director. When we see a movie we are transported into that fantasy and we live it in vivid detail and color in all our visual and mental senses. We also live it in our subconscious senses as well, and herein lies its value. Seeing what has been thus far deeply embedded and intertwined inside us now on screen and out in the open helps begin the separation process (between reality and fantasy). Since the distinction between the fantasy of the movie and your current reality is very clear, and since you willingly entered the movie fantasy by your own choice until it overlapped with your inner similar fantasy; you can get to experience the willful 'exiting' of the movie fantasy that would subsequently help you to 'exit' your inner fantasy in the future. Well, it's a little more complicated than that, but this isn't the best place to discuss in deep psychotherapy techniques.Of course I'm not suggesting that, in and of its self, a movie would cure anybody of anything; that has to be the work of a professional, and it's his or her decision as to whether or not to incorporate it into the therapy process. But I am curious as to whether anyone else has ever 'used' this film (or any other movie) in this sense or at least experienced their psychological effect either consciously or subconsciously.
whpratt1 Always like the great acting of Sean Young,(Gwen), and in this picture she does a fantastic job as an sketch artist along with some Spiritual Powers which help her seek out the EVIL that seems to haunt her and Brighton Hertford,(Bria), a little girl who has been abused and needs help. However, Gwen also has some hidden secrets in her past childhood which also seem to haunt her through out the picture. There is a great scene in the picture where Bria manages to hand Gwen a gun under the table and all Hell breaks loose. Gwen does draw a wrong sketch of a man that Bria does not seem to recognize and it does give the film more suspense. If you want to get away from watching the World News for awhile, this is a great film that will entertain and will keep your interest right to the very END. Enjoy!
Alex-372 This movie is about a female sketch-artist who is called out to a small rural town where a little girl has been kidnapped and may give a description of the perpetrator. The sheriff suspects he may have been involved in more, and the sketch-artist must confront horrors from her own past.This is actually a pretty good, low-budget thriller. Sean Young is great, and William Moses (of Perry Mason fame) is sympathetic.The movie's main achievement is avoiding the traps of improbability (there's only one) and cheap scares, where lesser well-thought out movies go for the Michael Myers/Jason Voorhees thing of the killer being everywhere.Sean Young acts well and believably - what happened to her career, though, which seemed so promising at the time she had a small role in Wall Street and Blade Runner. She needs to pick movies with more potential.