Evil Behind You
Evil Behind You
PG-13 | 31 October 2006 (USA)
Evil Behind You Trailers

Abducted couples are victims of medical experiments that mutate their minds with supernatural abilities. As their mental capacities increase, so does the danger from something evil that is not of flesh and blood.

Steineded How sad is this?
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
shawnblackman Four couples wake up in a room with the men chained to beds and the women trying to help them. They are being used in an experiment with a mind altering bacteria that has deadly results.This thing is at a whole new level of bad. It felt like I was watching a grade 8 play. The acting was even more incredibly bad. For an hour and a half we have to listen to the guys give us a play by play of what these creatures are doing that nobody can see but them.Then I realize what's going on. This is a Christian film. They quickly slap a lame scenario together just to show us that demons won't pull you into hell when you die if you're a Christian. So that explains the acting because you know a guy got his friends from the church to be in his film no previous experience required.
rixrex All those who are into being PC are aghast at the dogmatic Christian view of this film, claiming it contains racist ideation and/or religious intolerance.Those who don't care about being PC, but are oriented towards slick production values and competent acting are dismayed at the lack of such here.Those who decry this film for both of these points are apoplectic that this production was let loose on the general public, as evidenced in comments here.What is an interesting premise, which isn't original, but is a combination of GHOST and FROM BEYOND, is dealt with in a rather immature manner, yet done with gusto. What the crew and actors lacked in sensibility, professional abilities and technical expertise is somewhat offset by the effort displayed.It isn't nearly as bad as many here think, and would have been fine in the hands of someone with maturity and common sense, though it is enough below mediocrity to elicit laughs and groans. However, it unfolds with enough intensity to keep interest throughout, and is close to on par with a Corman-produced entry of his earliest period of work, or the material of Arkoff or Sam Katzman. If you get it for $2 (or less) as did I, you won't feel disappointed, but will wish you could have had a say in how it was made.
atomic_age57 I would have given this LESS than a 1 rating if it were possible. The entire film should have been left on the cutting-room floor. What a pathetic waste of time, money and effort! Let's see...assemble the prettiest cast you can find (which of course is in direct proportion to the amount of talent they lack)...throw together the thinnest plot you can dig up...and viola! An abominable piece of trash that the director and/or producer should be ashamed to put their name on. How much WORSE can the horror genre get? And don't use "low budget" as an excuse...I have seen many GREAT low-budget films....in fact some of the best horror classics of all time were low-budget. If you don't have the talent and ingenuity to make a GOOD horror film, then for God's sake don't make one at all!!!
yurshta Let's see, cardboard characters like Muslim terrorists have forced a cardboard scientist to perform some exotic drug tests on some cardboard people who have been drugged and kidnapped. You'll be sure to laugh when these pathetic excuses for humanoids get their just deserts! Turns out the drug experiments have given them the ability to sense another world....the world of religious fantasy!--complete with cardboard demons who look like they are made of Papier Mache. Everybody gets dragged off to Hell except for one poor chap who goes to Heaven where he can presumably spend Eternity with the blockheads that created this Masterpiece of the Absurd. I think I'd opt for Hellfire myself. Go see something else, unless you are stoned, in which case, you might actually like it! Couldn't hurt!