PG-13 | 11 November 2011 (USA)
EVA Trailers

In 2041, humans live side-by-side with robots and androids. A well-known cybernetic engineer, Alex Garel, returns to his hometown to create a new model of robot child.

Wordiezett So much average
Nonureva Really Surprised!
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
TxMike I came across this movie on Netflix streaming movies. At about 90 minutes long it is just right. Set in the future when robots are fairly common, filmed mostly in the mountains of Switzerland in the winter, a snowy village in a valley surrounded by mountains. The language is Spanish with English subtitles.I really like this movie, it is about family and friends more than about robots. But the lead billing goes to Daniel Brühl as Alex Garel, a very creative robot designer who left a project unfinished some 10 years earlier. Now he has returned to the town and to the institute, finding his former girlfriend married to his brother, but he has not lost his feelings for her.The couple has a child, young Spanish actress Claudia Vega as Eva. The title of the movie is "Eva" so we know it will be about her. Alex first encounters her when he is looking for a bright, curious child to model his new project after, to give this new robot a mind that is interesting. So he asks Eva to help him even before he finds out whose child she is.Yes, the robots are fun to watch, even the robotic cat that follows Alex everywhere. But the story is really about relationships and Alex coming to grips with some issues left undone.SPOILERS FOLLOW: As the story moves forward I began to suspect that Eva was really Alex's child, she looked more like him and had his curiosity. But the bigger surprise is about 20 minutes from the end when Eva falls non-responsive in the snow as her mother is looking for her. She is actually a robot, the project his girlfriend finished after Alex left. Mom revives her with a new power cell but when Eva discovers she really is a robot she pushes her mom who then slides down and falls maybe 100 feet into the snow below. She dies in the hospital, Alex is left to care for Eva and decides she cannot continue on, so he says the code for all robots, "What do you see when you close your eyes?" and she falls non-responsive.
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain Gorgeous Spanish fairytale set in a realistic not too distant future. Eva sees a robot programmer return to his hometown so he can help program a robot child. First he needs to find inspiration from children in the area.After finding the majority to be boring he comes across a young girl named Eva who just happens to be the daughter of his ex-love. Eva fascinates him and he soon begins research so that a robot can take on her personality, but will her characteristics translate well into the robot world? Eva is a film that remains quiet. It knows its ideas and themes are fascinating and so it underplays them and lets your imagination run away with your own ideas. This is expressed best of all when we are first introduced to the world. There is no huge fanfare or showing off. The robots merely exist in the world with the humans. We first get a glimpse of this when Daniel Bruhl returns home and is followed by a robotic cat. The emotions that are present throughout are truly moving as it asks, in typical robot/man fashion, what it is to be human and can science go too far? Bruhl is a wonderful lead, who clearly gets across his fascination with robots, but also his frustration with them. He really does fail to make the most of his gift, but maybe that is for the best. The cinematography is gorgeous, with Eva's red coat constantly standing out from the snow swept landscapes. An enjoyable and thought provoking drama.
G Reagan Watching this reminds me of the Isaac Asimov robot stories because it feels like the world his stories were set in. There's even an allusion to the Asimov laws of robotics by stating that robots have to pass a safety test and the cat is illegal because it has free will. The effects are well done and the interactions look believable. The animation physics are slightly wrong in a couple scenes but nothing major.My main problem with the movie is that there isn't enough character development which makes the motives a little ambiguous. The main plot lines are tied up by the end but there's obviously more going on than is ever told. I get just enough to want to know more and that is frustrating.The sci-fi is light enough that I would probably recommend this to anyone even if they would normally skip anything sci-fi.
joaotwin I've marked this review as containing spoilers because I'm afraid it might dis-guide you (and it will) or think differently about the way you approach this movie... and nobody deserves that! At least in not in this movie...But for a summary tag line, my only argument about this movie would be: "This is the first time I'm writing a review..."Should be enough, but still, this movie deserves more much more than just a pure emotional line from a very simple and common IMDb user...It's a beautifully told story about the old cliché "Robots vs Humans" (that one starts to think it's going to be) and the differences (or not) between them...It was the first time I was lead to believe that robots shouldn't be treated differently... and *****MAJOR SPOILER***** the movies final (awkward) seconds just try to prove it! (I must talk about the ending because most of my mates thought it was a bit too much... and it wasn't, it's there for this very reason!)I can only believe IMDBs poor user rating is due to the fact that Sci-Fi doesn't appeal the mass public...But its 12 wins & 28 nominations speak for themselves... and many more are to come...