Estômago: A Gastronomic Story
Estômago: A Gastronomic Story
| 26 September 2007 (USA)
Estômago: A Gastronomic Story Trailers

In a dog-eat-dog world, Raimundo Nonato has found an alternative way to move ahead: he cooks. No matter what social strata this deceptively innocent young man inhabits, he hones his skills and sharpens his knives—and then he falls in love. Jorge's nimble comic fable provides a smartly constructed gastronomic allegory for ambition and survival.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
femeverapova This is it. This movie have a lot of good idea. But the crew did not got it.
Keith MacKenzie There are few movies out there that I will take the time to watch a second time, and even fewer movies that make me sincerely chuckle at some scenes. Estomago was one of those movies for me. It's not well known outside the borders of Brazil, but if you're looking for some good Brazilian dark comedies, this one is one of the better ones alongside O Cheiro do Ralo. I won't go into the details of the plot, but suffice it to say, it's a fun watch for those who like revenge fantasies and messed-up characters from the fringes of society who diabolically plot revenge in clever ways. Repeat after me: "Nonato CANIVETE!" One of my favourites of many good bits in this fun-to-watch film.
fuufuu-1 A poor Brazilian guy (cliché) from the northeast(cliché) comes to southeast (cliché) to get something and be someone(cliché). He is so silly that does dumb things and get in trouble (cliché). Its a great movie (wow, not a cliché).I'm not complaining. The movie is really really fun. Its well written and you get into the story and the main character. I've just forgot about all the clichés and watched until I discovered why he was arrest (as you know in the first second of the movie).The only thumb down is about the others characters. Seems like they've put all the efforts on the main and forgot about make them look real or possible.
elinagoni I enjoyed very much this film. It seems to be a simple story about a man -Raimundo, who comes to the big city and earns his living doing the only thing he knows: cooking. His talent leads him to know the owner of an Italian restaurant, and a prostitute. I like very much the way the film shows the relationship between them: seduction, obedience and competition. the story is easy to follow, amusing and sometimes funny. Anyway, I don't think this is all. Estomago (stomach) provides an interesting and sharp looking to our society: Both in business and in prison, there are rules to follow; power relationships according to abilities, strength, or money. Everyone is a victim in some way, but it is also guilty.
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