Essex Vendetta
Essex Vendetta
R | 11 April 2016 (USA)
Essex Vendetta Trailers

An ordinary working family man dares reach beyond his grasp. Even if it means risking death at the hands of the drug underworld.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Diagonaldi Very well executed
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Beng Garcia The movie was made realistically and the actors/actresses were becoming of the roles given them. There were some dragging dull parts but altogether, the movie had a story to tell... Spencer kept up to his character in the same manner that his wife did as well. The approach on how the movie was made was good, making a viewer see characters closely.
daniel-mannouch Essex Vendetta is a strange film, most evidently through it's editing choices. The narrative limbos between linear and non and at moments majesty occurs where at others confusion takes centre stage of the experience. An art film, maybe or maybe not based (partly) on true events (Aye, it's one of those), Essex Vendetta or (On A Prayer for it's original title) is both nuanced and neurotic. It's a hard film to remember due to it being so ambiguous with it's narrative structure. However, there are a few knockout scenes which hit the mark perfectly, whilst there are others which are on the level of YouTube parody. The father's suicide by hanging particularly makes an impact, mainly due to a well chosen music track. However there are other scenes (Longer ones), that feel like they were shot on the fly with an Iphone, which they probably were. On a Prayer (This ain't no Essex Vendetta, you're fooling no one) feels as if it was made by a genius with ADD. Director Terry Lee Coker (Writer of Hooligan Legacy (2016)) has shot scenes clearly edited in camera in places, which is corker for Coker as it shows confidence and individuality quite clearly (Which is the only thing that is clear in this), but some decisions in the film were too insular (cowardly even) for the audience to understand what's going on and ultimately they, and therefore the film, suffer. A potent monologue there, a well illustrated (if clichéd) character arc here makes the experience all the more frustrating. At least if it was a complete dud, reflection would be cathartic, but it's just a task. In conclusion, Essex Vendetta is misguided, On a Prayer is misconstrued, probably was deserving of a bigger budget, or at least several re-writes. It's nice to see Essexpolitation that puts the Art back in Artistic Licence, but balance, please, not this. This is a mess. Shame, because it's sincere. Maybe too much.
carlx123 I think you struggle with this one, because Essex Vendetta starts so positively, then all of a sudden your on a crash course of awfulness. The editing is diabolical, sound mix..... what sound mix. The attack on a Russian hairdressing assistant its creatively shocking, an editing abortion so shocking my five year old son could do better. Westbrook appears off her nut on drugs, alcohol or something else. Rhodes plays the same character she always plays, McKell does his best Dennis Waterman a'la Little Britain sings the theme tune, writes the theme tune, acts in the film, writes the story. The film feels like it was made up as they went along, the Maltese locations swapped sometimes for Maldon, the rest actually in Malta. Despite the poor editing, poor acting, and poor script, the worst part of the movie is the awful sound, recorded and "mixed" I use the term lightly terrible. Definitely a film to avoid.
steve-3249 A sixth former would have made a better job at directing this. Honestly, the worst film I've ever seen. Some bad acting, but it wasn't their fault, the director spliced it all to hell so it ended up making no sense. I very rarely share my thoughts on films, especially on the internet, but this drove me to.Poorly executed, how it's got 5/10 on IMDb is beyond me!Perhaps the film critics are related to those involved? Just don't! I wanted a cockney gangster to walk in and shoot me.I've seen chick flicks that deserve 2/10 and really bad films, but when I'd rather sit staring at my toes than continue watching the film I was looking forward to watching it deserves a very special 1/10.