Escape from Hell
Escape from Hell
| 27 March 1980 (USA)
Escape from Hell Trailers

A women's prison camp is located deep in the tropical rain forest. Sadistic guards and a warden from hell make life almost unbearable for the inmates, and any infraction of the rules is dealt with swiftly and savagely. The camp doctor is horrified at what he sees happening, and drinks heavily to push the horror away. Finally the inmates have had had enough, and they enlist the help of the doctor to try and escape.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Ky-D For my money, this the best WIP flick I've come across. Or at least the most watchable. Being a WIP flick, however, means it's a trashy exorcise in sleazy cinema.The story...well...gee whiz, there isn't much of one. In an all women prison camp located in the steamiest jungle on earth, guards regularly abuse the poor inmates. They decide to do something about it. Can you guess what? It's a prison's called "Escape from Hell" the math.It's nice to see lost 'gems' like this can still turn up in the age of the PC movement. The goings on are what would be expected: gang rape by guards, lesbian hook ups by inmates, sadistic wardens, a sympathetic doctor, violent revolt, etc. What made this work for me was the setting, it really seems like a plain nasty place to be stuck. Seeing where they are, it's no wonder guards and inmates alike are hostile toward each other.As far as the violence goes, it's bloody, but not excessively so. The sex, on the other hand, is really graphic. In several of the encounters it is clear as day that the action is not simulated. One rape scene in particular features a guard obviously performing actual oral sex on an inmate. There are no 'hard-core' shots however, for better or worse.The picture is really grainy and often so dark as to obstruct the action. Also, the sound is pretty poor with some laughter inducing dubs. But, again, it's about what would be expected.If one is thinking about watching this, then they should already know what they are getting into. Otherwise, this probably won't be your cup of tea.6/10
duffyy A film so good they made it twice (they shot the equally lurid `Hotel Paradise' at the same time), and even released a scratch mix version called `Savage Island' with Linda Blair which wasn't so good. We all know by now that the plot involves a couple of dozen half naked women being terrorised by the brutal guards in a jungle prison camp. It also has a host of titillating titles which translate as `The Torture Camp of the Dear Witches', `The Dear Witches of the Rio Cannibale' `Escapees from the Love Camp' and `Infernal Women', although that was the original. In Britain it was called `Hell Prison' and back in 1980 when I saw it the cover was enough to get me interested, probably a bit too interested. I've seen it twice since and might even buy the DVD one day.On the cast, everyone seems to know about the late Ajita Wilson, but have you noticed that Christina Lai (Vivien) appears in Moonraker for all of two seconds (credited there as Christina Hui)? So 1979 was a big year for her. All of which set me to thinking who she really was, and what was her real name. Well, she was Miss Italy 1978 (then known as Loren Cristina Mai). Further `research' reveals that Zaira Zoccheddu, who plays `Lucy' was a Miss World contestant in 1974, but she finished nowhere. Don't you just love the internet?Also Anna Maria Panaro (aka Annamaria Pace) appeared in a couple of `Sword and Sandal' epics in the 60s and then seems to have disappeared until she turned up in an episode of Sex and the City. Here she plays `Marie Antoinette' who pretends to be mad and has an affair with a dog to keep the guards off her case, smart move.Handsome Serafino Profumo (`Martinez') has a scary list of film credits, though I think the IMDB has missed at least one of those icky Italian Nazi-sex epics of the 70s. And Brazilian born Anthony Steffen did a lot of spaghetti westerns before landing his greatest role here as the alcoholic doctor.Wow, there's certainly more to this skin-fest than meets the eye. I'm going to write a thesis on this movie. Or maybe start a fan club which is long overdue. Help me out and I guarantee a million hits.Whoever has the rights should be informed that some of us are crying out for the director's cut. Or maybe we could arrange a 25th anniversary reunion somewhere in Italy.
thelegendarywd Great family entertainment! OK, maybe not.... But, man, what an excellent piece of sleaze. Great sex scenes (in the first sex scene you can see that the girl is actually performing REAL oral sex on the male guard),the stand-out being the sweaty lesbian scene in the jail cell... very steamy. The rape scenes are a little too rough and suprisingly realistic (one guard holds the lead actress while the other gropes and performs REAL oral sex her) but my guess is that the cast is probably of the hardcore background due to the scenes they perform in this film. It may not have the wit of Caged Heat or the originality of The Big Bird Cage but it sure does know the right parts to imitate. While this may not be the "watch with the girlfriend" type movie it's a great guilty pleasure... and one hell of a Sleazy/Trashy/Morally devoid piece of filth!!! GOD, I LOVE IT! 9/10.
kevin-167 Naked helpless babes trapped on an island where they are brutalized and used by the powers that be. What more could an exploitation fan ask for? It's just a notch above your average babes in prison movie since the characters are believable in their desire to get out. Also, When the setting says tropical island they are not kidding. The island our beauties are stranded on looks about as tropical and steamy as you can get. Not for the squeamish!