| 13 September 2005 (USA)
Erosion Trailers

Haunted by a failing relationship, Gabe devises a risqué game for escape. He invites Irene to dinner at a lavish mansion. Unhappily married, Irene finds the temptation irresistible when Gabe invites her on a second date. To her surprise, she meets him at a humble suburban home. Playfully, Gabe admits that he broke into both houses for their trysts. A frightened Irene returns to her husband. Unable to make peace with his past, Gabe escalates his pursuit of Irene, who ultimately surrenders to the thrill of abandoning her life and having sex with Gabe in strangers' homes. House after house they push the limits, defying reality by living stolen lives. But is there really an escape from life? And how far can they go before their past catches up with them?

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
rlange-3 Possible spoilers follow, if such a thing is possible for this movie Obviously some people liked the movie and rated it highly. I cannot imagine why, but clearly the world is made up of people with different tastes and so be it.For me, the movie was intriguing for the first ten minutes, admittedly titillating at times, but so slow as to turn into utter boredom about halfway through when the initial intrigue and minor shock eroded into pointless banality.My sympathies to anyone finding this film "realistic". I'm in my 50s, have experienced two marriages (one of which ended in tragic death), and my share of erotic fun, adventure, and lovers along the way. So I am not unacquainted with the underlying themes here. No doubt there are some out there who are so artless, inexperienced, or inept as to find this kind of sex play of more than passing interest; I give thanks that I am not one of them. And how do you come? Oh, I break into houses and it takes about 30 seconds with a mascara pencil wielded by some guy with situational impotence. Realistic indeed. I pay for it with a blind barmaid who doesn't speak English, then can't get it up. If this is your reality you need to seek help, better lovers, and better movies.I guess this movie would work for someone who feels the need to be depressed, bored with life, and is having problems working themselves into the mood. The failing marriage is certainly painful to see, but one has to wonder whether there really are people as dumb as these two who cannot seem to lift a finger to change things. Certainly the mysterious stranger into kink is an oft repeated theme in literature for hundreds of years. I can't recall any who broke into houses, but how is this original? Worst of all, it draaaaaaaaaaaaags painfully for the last 30 minutes. There is nothing left to hold your interest other than some guy getting the worlds fastest and most mechanical handjob on film. Just doesn't do it for me.The one shining moment in the film was the three women at the bar comparing notes. That was hilarious and I give it credit for bumping the movie up a full half a point. Other than that, pffffft. To each his/her own. No thanks on this one.
Befromm Members of the Desert Film Society were treated to a screening of the west coast premiere of a new film, EROSION, written and directed by Ann Lu and produced by Peiti Feng on Saturday, September 10th, 2005. The Desert Film Society in Palm Springs, CA is made up of 350 + members who are avid film enthusiasts who meet twice-monthly to screen important and sometimes undiscovered gems from the world of independents and foreign films. Filmmakers who's films are often out of the mainstream but worthy of exposure are invited and encouraged to bring their projects to the Society. EROSION did not disappoint the audience who were enthusiastic and appreciative to have the opportunity to view the latest film from these two talented filmmakers who were in attendance along with the lead actors Emmanuel Xuereb and Charis Michelsen, all who participated in a lively Q & A with the audience following the film's presentation.EROSION is a psychological portrait of two people whose lives have left them empty and sore. The young woman is dissatisfied with her young husband and the man has been betrayed by his dying wife and his best friend. Together they cleave to each other for the purely physical and sexual release in the time they spend with each other. Only at the end of the film do we see the man begin to knit the fabric of his life together which is symbolized by his donning a red wool hat. Red, the color of life as depicted here.Beautifully filmed and well directed, the editing has been juxtaposed to challenge our ability to link scenes together in linear fashion and the film focuses on the way these people come together for satisfaction rather than lasting coupling.Desert Film Society Board of Directors
edgarmorrisonmorrie My wife and I saw this film at the Desert Film Society in Palm Springs. We just joined the society and it is a wonderful place to see new cinema. I was very much impressed with the message in this film. It's not crude despite the subject matter, and I really liked the actors, especially the lead woman. She was at the screening after and is even more beautiful in person than the picture! The director and producer were there and they answered many questions. It was interesting to get to ask them about the film and what it meant first hand. Try to see this film when it's at a theater near you and if you live in the Palm Springs area, visit the Desert Film Society, you won't be disappointed.
hugh_ryn I saw this movie with a friend at a benefit screening in LA a few months ago, and for days after the screening I was still thinking about it. The acting is superb, especially the lead actor who plays the role of GABE. I saw a lot of myself in that character, and that's what this movie does, it makes you think about yourself and your life whether you want to or not. The scenes of the failing marriage between the lead actress and her husband are painful to watch because of their realism. But the film isn't just a pure drama, the sex scenes and game playing are erotic and dangerous, without being graphic. The entire production is very original from beginning to end and is really what independent films are supposed to be about. This is one of the movies that's an experience that can enlighten. I encourage anyone to see it for themselves when it gets released to theaters.