R | 01 January 2010 (USA)
Endure Trailers

After a shocking photo of a young woman is found inside the twisted metal of a fatal car crash, veteran detective Emory Lloyd must risk everything to identify and find the woman before it's too late.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
myopnionis This is a comically bad movie. Judd Nelson used to be a good actor - not in this - it broke my heart to see his acting so horrendous! His performance was truly awful- Given, the script was terrible and the directing was too, but it broke my heart to see how bad the acting was. His wife/story line part didn't even fit into movie at all. He was more emotional about his partner that he supposedly didn't like than his dying wife. And why didn't they like each other - it is like they tried to manufacture animosity but never gave any clues as to what the issues were. There are too many things wrong with this one to list them! I wanted the wife to hurry and die so we could get back to the movie. I laughed every time they mentioned needing to hurry and do something because they talked and moved so slowly in every step! HA! HA! I would never recommend this to anyone.
blondien46 Overall a good movie that grabs you for the 1st few minutes and then kind of drags a bit. I wish the movie would have explored the psycho killers more so you knew what made them that way... The movie was only 1 1/2 hours so even if they added another 15 minutes, it would have helped. Also, there was no urgency to find the girl. The detectives upon discovering the photo and other evidence in the car should have brought in search dogs and at least made an attempt to find her. They wouldn't have had to go into the woods very far. But then, we wouldn't have had the movie.... But overall a good film. The filmography was beautiful.
pgamble-3 I don't know what the other reviewers saw - but I was blown away by the movie particularly the performances by Judd Nelson and Joey Lauren Adams. The rest of the cast were just going through the motions but every scene these 2 were in was mesmerizing. Main story is a girl is brutally kidnapped and left in the woods, her kidnapper dies in a car accident and a photo of the girl is discovered in the car wreck. Meanwhile a seasoned detective who is put on the case has his own story - his wife is dying. Also he gets a new partner - a college kid still wet behind the ears.I loved the script -especially the scene at the end where Judd Nelson visits the girl they saved and his partner in hospital and then walks past the newborn babies in the hall. Brilliantly filmed, brilliant scene - definitely worth watching again just for Judd Nelsons acting and the final scene. Where has Judd Nelson been hiding?
fire-58 So i liked this movie a lot. The opening scene gets you interested right away and the movie moves fast enough to entertain but does not rush the story. There are some little side stories about characters that pull on the heart strings. Over all i really liked the movie.My only issue with the movie is with some of the dialogue between the characters. There is a scene where one of the leads in sitting on the bed with his wife and they are talking. The entire scene seemed forced and not real at all. There are also a few other scenes where the two leads are exchanging sarcastic blows to each other where it seemed really forced. I think the older lead was trying to hard at times, but later in the movie the acting leveled out and was fine.Watch this movie!