Empty Rooms
Empty Rooms
| 19 May 2010 (USA)
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A single mother and her mute, autistic son are terrorized by supernatural entities in this haunting story of love, loss and the occult.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Leofwine_draca EMPTY ROOMS is yet another indie haunted house flick utterly devoid of any horror content or even any suspense. Bad camerawork abounds in the story of a single mother who moves into a haunted place with her autistic kid, where absolutely nothing proceeds to happen. It's all about wooden acting and trite dialogue and nothing in between.
Michael Ledo Maddie Usher ( Ramlah Frediani) ushers her autistic child Jonah (Charlie Koudsi) into a new home and has the support of her New Age sister Amber (Tegan Ashton Cohan). Jonah, who is mute, doesn't like the house, He draws pictures of a large naked man....and we know where this is going.The script attempted to change up the formula a bit, but there is only so much you can do. Jonah gets blamed for things and then...We do have options...Captain Howdy, ghosts, mom is crazy, or maybe someone is living in the walls of the house. Dialogue and soundtrack was similar to a made for TV film. Odd twist.Guide: F-word. Attempted rape. FF nudity (Ramlah Frediani)
harrisonlionel23 i was impressed with this little movie. i think it might be mis-marketed (is that an expression?) to die hard fans of the genre. there is very little blood. more of a drama about girls with some freaky ghost sexual assaults in it. the pacing is deliberately slow and subtle and only a few horror clichés make an appearance and are then kind of turned upside down. from what i am able to tell, a bunch of obscure artists came together and did something very well with what seems to be no money. the performances are spot on. the director really managed to get them to emote honestly, which is not something you see in most horror movies. what i enjoyed is the fact that it didn't talk down to me. almost felt slice-of-lifey only with ghosts. i'm not really that much of a horror fan. i found this one to be scary enough, though i can see horror fans being irked by how much horror is replaced by skillful drama. this is one for people who like craft, and artful efforts to tell a story with subtlety and no money in the bank. judging by the stats, women are digging this movie more than men. i think i understand why. nonetheless, i loved it. the critics seem to agree.
Paul Magne Haakonsen "Empty Rooms" is more of a drama than it is a horror movie. I wasn't fully aware of that when I sat down to watch this movie, so it was somewhat of a disappointing experience for me, as I had expected somewhat more scary from the movie.The movie is about a single mom who moves to a new house with her autistic son. However, the boy is not fond of staying in the house and is drawing a strange, naked man. Soon things start to happen to the mom and the son starts hiding in the basement. It turns out that the house is not empty at all.Storywise, then the horror in the movie was really tame and rather dull. In this aspect, the movie progressed in a really slow and dull pace, and the events taking place weren't really scary.However, if you look at the movie from the drama aspect, the story dealing with a single mom's struggle to raise an autistic child by herself, then the story was actually good enough, it had potential, but it was initially worn thin and stampeded by the 'horror' element.As far as the acting go, then people were really doing good jobs with their given roles and characters, and this is what makes the movie somewhat bearable to sit through.The synopsis says: 'A single mother and her mute, autistic son are terrorized by supernatural entities in this haunting story of love, loss and the occult.' - if that was to be the case of the movie, then these entities had mightily physical manifestations. And you don't really believe them to be supernatural entities at all."Empty Rooms" receives a 4 out of 10 stars rating from me, given the acting and the drama part of the movie. I think the 'horror' element was an anchor weighing down the movie, because it was anything but scary or disturbing.