Edges of Darkness
Edges of Darkness
NR | 22 September 2008 (USA)
Edges of Darkness Trailers

Three interconnected tales of terror set against the backdrop of a zombie apocalypse.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Brother O I've never shied away from a really bad horror movie (Zombiez, Ghosts Don't Exist, The Sick and The Dead) and this one didn't disappoint, thank goodness. It was 87 minutes of being on an edge of plots but they were way to far in the distance to recognize them. There were three story lines; 1) the couple whose marriage was not going well because the dude was on the computer all the time while a zombie apocalypse was going on outside (later the computer became an alien life form that eventually sprouted roots and killed his wife who dreamed of dancing with zombies), 2) the vampire couple who captured a female to feed on but she turned out to be some anti-vampire, 3) a kick-butt girl who is a wannabe Alice (from Resident Evil) and gets hooked up with the Anti-Christ. None of the three story lines actually crossed paths, except that they were living in a zombie apocalypse. It was 87 minutes of incredible lack of direction, no plot and some really weird scripting. If you like movies with no plot and no clear ending, this is a great movie for you. One of the best lines in the movie, "There's m-f arm bones in the front yard!" I gave this one star because the videography/camera angles and video transitions are well done. This is a keeper for my "Crappy Movies" collection.
Paul Andrews Edges of Darkness is set in the near future as a zombie apocalypse consumes the world, flesh eating zombies are everywhere & the few remaining human survivors have a hard time staying alive. Stan (Alonzo F. Jones) & his wife Stellie (Shamika Ann Franklin) are blood drinking Vampires that need fresh human blood for their own needs & when Stan brings home the young Natalie (Annemarie Pazmino) to provide the blood they need things start to look up but Natalie isn't what she seems. Despite a zombie apocalypse outside Dean (Jay Costelo) is still obsessed with his computer often ignoring his long suffering wife Dana (Alisha Gaddis) but the computer seems to develop a mind of it's own & is always on the look out for new power sources. Then there's tough girl Heather (Michelle Rose) who will happily kill anything, living or dead, to survive. However Heather seems to have met up with the Son of Satan who claims to want to save the world...Written & directed by Jason Horton & Blaine Cade with Horton on editing duties as well this pointless mix of horror anthology & apocalyptic zombie film is pretty bad in every aspect. Basically I assume the script for Edges of Darkness is trying to be a horror anthology with three separate stories connected by the wraparound zombie apocalypse scenario & it's as bad as it sounds. The thing that kills it is that all three stories (& the wraparound story as well) are complete crap, none have any shock twist endings with the evil computer story in particular feeling unfinished & pointless. The Vampire story has a neat set-up with two Vampires (I assume they are meant to be Vampires since they drink human blood but never have fangs & can go out in daylight) finding the zombie apocalypse has caused them a unique sort of problem as human blood has become very thin on the ground but what or who Natalie actually is is never explained & again there's no twist. The other story about Heather & the Son of Satan (who just happens to be black...) is also crap with no significant build up or pay-off although the twist that this little (black) kid is the Son of Satan is the biggest twist Edges of Darkness has to offer which says it all really. All three stories have supernatural &/or horror aspects but none work anywhere near as well as say an episode of Tales from the Crypt or the Hammer House of Horror television series or numerous other classic horror anthology films like The House that Dripped Blood (1971), Tales from the Crypt (1972), Asylum (1972), Tales that Witness Madness (1973) or The Vault of Horror (1973) to name but a few. The script leaves too many questions unanswered to be really satisfying & the vagueness of it all with possible Vampires, possible Son of Satan & a flesh eating computer processor that is just randomly thrown into the mix left me feeling underwhelmed.The special effects are cheap looking, if you like watching badly made up zombies biting into bits of meat in close-up then you may like what Edges of Darkness has to offer. There's some blood splatter, a ripped off arm & little else. According to the IMDb FAQ page Horton wrote & directed the Vampire story Overbite & the Anti Christ story Up the Ante while Cade wrote & directed the living computer story Entanglement. Obviously shot on a low budget Edges of Darkness is quite an ugly film, set in three small apartments & taking place during a zombie apocalypse where we only ever see about five zombies (people can still walk down the street safely it seems) the photography is bad, the lighting is bad & the whole thing looks very low budget.The IMDb says Edges of Darknes shad a budget of about $25,000 which sounds about right, that's all I need to say really. The acting isn't as bad as expected, sure it's not great but it's alright for the most part. Stan gets lots of one-liners full of profanity ('It's a zombie apocalypse and you got the f*****g curtains open!?') some of which are mildly amusing I suppose. I've never seen Annmarie Pazmino who plays Nathalie in anything else but she's hot.Edges of Darkness is a really bad horror anthology with three really weak stories that offer no twists or turns or even straight horror, I'm struggling to find any positive aspects about Edges of Darkness so maybe I should just say don't bother since there are much better films out there.
dbborroughs Interrelated stories about what happens in various apartments during a zombie take over of the world. After a great start that sets up the world of the film and shows one of the characters rescuing others the film settles into what is going on in three apartments during the nightmare. Most of what occurs is a great deal of talking as everyone talks about what is going on and the weird events that are transpiring. I'm not sure how all of it really relates, like the vampire stuff. As some one said in a review, its as if the writers took all the ideas they had for a bunch of short films and crammed them into one film. It really doesn't work and the stories differences seem to work against each other. For me the promise of the early scenes got lost in the talk and unrelated nonsense. I got to the point that when the phone rang I took the call and just let the movie run. Which is not a good sign. I'd take a pass
Scarecrow-88 Edges of Darkness is quite the odd duck. It features a variety of stories regarding characters during a zombie apocalypse. Two African American vampires chose the wrong girl as their next blood source for she's seemingly a junkie who is "contaminated". A married couple deal with boredom in their own way, the husband, an addict on his computer writing stories while the missus, ignored and depressed has fantasies involving a zombie pal she engages in small talk and dance..what the computer nerd doesn't realize is that the new word processor he installed has a life of it's own and seeks a power source, preferably from a human! A Lara Croft kind of female warrior aids a black kid who could be The Anti-Christ as he is being pursued by sadistic priests, soon becoming a sort-of protector. Each story alternates as the undead scour the earth outside the buildings where the movie is set.Rather ambitious despite the obvious limited resources, the movie tosses around a lot of ideas, none of which I felt ever quite hit the bullseye. Sometimes you bite off more than you can chew when taking on the challenge of incorporating your horror film with so many stories with only so much time to present each one. I admire the task of including such a variety of genres: zombie, vampire, religious, and the Cronenbergian aspect of flesh and technology fusing in an unusual way. The camera work and equipment used for the film is as mediocre as some of the special effects and acting. I credit the effort, the attempt even if it was a misfire. That said, Michelle Rose, as the Tomb Raider modeled heroine, is sure striking as the femme warrior, and the vampire tale has a rather funny punchline regarding what junk blood can do to the bloodsucker. The zombie plague remains a focus of conversation in all stories, although the actual carnage by the undead is lacking, probably, again, due to the budget. The filmmakers never allow any of their stories to lag too long, and there's plenty of quirky humor on display. Ultimately, the film felt as if it ends the way it does due to running out of cash(..particularly the religious parable regarding the female warrior and her possible Anti-Christ child, which has a lot of potential, rather untapped, ending rather abruptly, not particularly satisfying since it seems this was simply too much for merely a segment in a movie featuring other stories).