Eddie of the Realms Eternal
Eddie of the Realms Eternal
| 05 November 2015 (USA)
Eddie of the Realms Eternal Trailers

A young boy is transported to a magical realm to become its hero.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
wysfarm This animated film rocks!! The voices truly match the characters!! The story is awesome!! The music is absolutely epic!! The colors are beautiful and hypnotic!! The animation is top notch!! This is a true winner!! When you put out more shows, it will have thousands of fans and devoted watchers. Our whole family has thoroughly enjoyed this show!! Watch the whole thing and I'm sure you will agree. Thumbs up Amazon. Too often pilots attempt to sell a show by giving background that only serves as something to wet your appetite. This show however gives you the background of the past and a glimpse of the future. It shows how a boy and his sister are being raised by their Grandfather. Their Grandfather tells them beautiful stories of magic and wonderful tales of good versus evil. The children know that their Grandfather is a true hero as he was a firefighter and they truly respect that, and Eddie's sister cheers and believes in the magic of all of the stories and is delighted to hear them and cheer for her Grandfather while Eddie only gives a polite yea when he hears the stories. However, when he experiences the real Realms Eternal after being summoned by Hobi, he comes home truly appreciating his Grandfather and his historical past. It shows that a Grandfather and his grandchildren can bond in a special way of respect and honor. Bravo Amazon for your bold choice. More please.
Horst in Translation (filmreviews@web.de) "Eddie of the Realms Eternal" is an animated 22-minute short film and if enough people like it there is a chance this gets picked up and turned into a whole series. Director Paul Ó Muiris has only made one short film so far, so he is still fairly new to it all. The writer duo, however, is clearly more prolific as they have worked on several sequels to famous Disney movies. I personally thought this short film was okay. There is no aspect that is truly great, but story, characters and voice acting are all decent and there's nothing really that stays memorable for bad reasons. I am not familiar with any of the voice actors though. There is a touch of "Prep & Landing" to it. All in all, I am not too sure if I would keep watching in case this really gets picked up, but I wouldn't say I definitely won't either. Thumbs up, decent effort for an animated television movie.
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