ECW One Night Stand 2005
ECW One Night Stand 2005
| 12 June 2005 (USA)
ECW One Night Stand 2005 Trailers

ECW One Night Stand (2005) was a professional wrestling PPV event produced by World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). It was held on June 12, 2005 at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York, New York.The main event was a tag team match between The Dudley Boyz (Buh Buh Ray and D-Von) and the team of Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman. Two of the matches on the undercard were Chris Benoit versus Eddie Guerrero, and Mike Awesome versus Masato Tanaka. Rob Van dam, who had proposed the idea to Vince McMahon, could not compete due to injury but would go on to headline the 2006 event against John Cena.

Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
jts0405 This was a hell of a lot better than that crap December to Dismember show in December 2006. This is the right way to utilize the ECW talent in one night.Match 1: Lance Storm vs Chris Jericho - Great opener. Both these guys pull off some impressive high flying action. Jericho was only in ECW for awhile, but since he was contracted WWE talent at the time and originally worked ECW he was put into this show. Storm really did great for his first match in a long time. In the end Justin Credible gives Jericho a Singapore cane shot so Storm can pick up the win. Nice opener.Match 2: Super Crazy vs Tajiri vs Little Guido - It was nice to see Nunzio using his original ECW name in this match. A truly incredible match. These three since the original ECW have put on classic three way dances. Guido is the first to go and then we are down to Crazy and Tajiri. Crazy hits all three of his moonsaults off the ropes to take the win. He also did an incredible balcony dive earlier in the match. Great candidate for match of the night.Match 3: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Psychosis - In the good spirit of WWE wrestlers taking their original ECW names we have Rey Mysterio competing as Rey Mysterio Jr. once again. These two tore the roof off the place. ECW didn't take time to slow down the event, instead they put on this classic contest between two fantastic luchadors. Rey in the end takes the win, but he earned it after some of the maneuvers he pulled off in this one.Match 4: Sabu vs Rhino - I know WWE pronounces it as Rhyno, but I will refer to him by his truly spelled named, Rhino. This was the first hardcore extreme match of the evening. Rhino attacks the injured Rob Van Dam during a shoot promo, Sabu then defends his former friend and takes Rhino on in the ring. In the end Sabu his the Arabian Skull Crusher off the top rope through the table, getting him the well needed win over ECW's last World Champion Rhino.Match 5: Chris Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero - As if the matches couldn't get any better we now have Benoit vs Guerrero once again. It would have been cool if Dean Malenko would have come out of retirement for this event or even participated as a special guest referee, but still this match was great either way. Guerrero and Benoit both shine like they used to in the old ECW. In the end Benoit picks up the win, but both shake hands in respect for one another.Match 6: Mike Awesome vs Masato Tanaka - These two stole the show once more. Many were upset with Mike Awesome after he left ECW for WCW in 2000, but he made them take that bad taste out of their mouth after some of the things he did in this particular contest. Tanaka was in top form as well for this one. They did so many table spots that I really couldn't count. In the end Awesome wins the final encounter match between these two. He then Awesome Bombs referee John Finnegan for the hell of it.Match 7: The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von) vs Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman - This was the greatest match of the evening. All four of these guys have respect for each other and it played into this memorable main event. Spike Dudley even comes down to help his brothers. The match takes awhile to start because many ECW alumni ensue in a huge brawl before the match. In the end the Dudleys put Tommy Dreamer through a flaming table for the win. Incredible finish.Then in the end Stone Cold comes down to the ring with the ECW alumni to wage war on the WWE invaders. In the end Taz makes a surprise appearance and chokes the hell out of JBL.
wrestlingsitewebmaster This was a FANTASTIC, BRILLIANT, UNBELIEVABLE PPV! I LOVED everything about this PPV, and I just hope McMahon does another one, one day.Joey Styles was clearly emotional as he entered the ring at the beginning, and he shouted the famous catch phrase "Oh, My God!" The fans were shouting "Joey!" and "ECW, ECW!" Match one kicked off as Lance Storm took on 'Lionheart' not 'Y2J!' Chris Jericho in a fantastic battle. The Lance Storm and Dawn Marie partnership brought back fond memories. This was a fantastic technical battle, and that's a shame when you think about it because WWE will not allow Jericho to use this kind of wrestling in the WWE. Storm won when Justin Credible hit Jericho with a kendo stick. All perfectly legal! Next up one of the best Cruiswerweight matches I have seen in my 13 years as a wrestling fan, Yoshiro Tajiri took on Little Guido and Super Crazy in a crazy match! Highlights included Super Crazy jumping off the balcony onto Guido and The FBI! and Mikey Whipwreck took Little Guido out with a neck breaker off the top rope! Crazy won this amazing battle! Even though this was good, it featured too much interference from Mikey Whipwreck and The Sinister Minister and was 6 minutes long. Then the Smackdown! invaders which consisted of JBL, Kurt Angle, The Basham Brothers, Carlito, Matt Morgan and Orlando Jordan 'invaded' the arena. The fans shouted " You suck d*cks" and Angle shouted back " Yes I got that off your mothers!" This was brilliant and then RVD's music hit the arena as he made his way out with Bill Alfonso! RVD's mic skills were ace during this, as he said things like "Remember when I had a vocabulary?!" and " This is EC f*ckin W!" But then Rhyno ran in and gored RVD out of his boots until the fans shouted "Sabu, Sabu!" The lights went out and there he was the man himself! The match was on, Rhyno vs Sabu, this was a fantastic battle, which saw RVD getting involved despite his injured leg. He hit Rhyno with a Van Terminator, and this caused Sabu to jump on top off Rhyno on a table for the win! Brilliant! Next up Rey Mysterio battled Psycosis. It wasn't that good. It featured a sleeper hold from Psycosis which was booed and a non ECW move 619 which was also booed. Mysterio won. Then Eddie Guerrero battled Chris Benoit in a fantastic battle. Benoit won with the cross face. One funny moment during this match was when half the arena shouted "Lets go Benoit" whilst the other half shouted " Lets go Eddie!" LOL! Next up I just could not believe my luck. Mike Awesome took it to Masato Tanaka in a cracking battle. To be honest this was probably the best match of the night. Awesome flew out of the ring onto Tanaka, he powerbombed Tanaka out of the ring onto a table and powerbombed him again on a collapsed table in the ring! Awesome won, and the fans loved this match up, and so did I! This match was...... Awesome! Then the main event took place as the Dudley Boyz took on The Sandman and Tommy Dreamer in a blood filled match. The fans were all over The Sandman who whacked his head several times with beer cans! This was hardcore, bloody and damn right dangerous! They used cheese graters, kendo sticks and even put Tommy Dreamer through a FLAMMIN TABLE! for the win! Then at the end, the Raw and Smackdown! invaders got in the ring and had a BIG fight with the whole of the ECW locker room. But the story was that JBL actually beat up The Blue Meanie for real during the brawl. Then they all beat the crap out of Bischoff, and they all drank beers! Thank you Paul Heyman, Thank you Vince McMahon and thank you to all the wrestlers who made this very special.The only real disappointments on the PPV were Mick Foley's awful commentary. Even though Joey Styles was fantastic, Foley wasn't. It reminded me of Art Donovan at King of the Ring 1994, but old Art had an excuse he was meant to be clueless. Secondly the repeated camera shots of the Raw and Smackdown! invaders and thirdly a WWE version 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin coming to the ring. But these details aside this was awesome.A tribute video to those wrestlers who are no longer with us, was touching and upsetting, but thank you for showing this and making sure that are still not forgotten.Overall Grade A**
johndertaker I sat Up and watched this Pay-Per-View last night (Sunday Jun 12th) in awe, At the start I never liked ECW but the things that I saw that night was just unreal. Thank You Paul Mr. Heyman Thank You. The matches in this event had blockbusters written all over them, From the opening contest right to the end. The biggest blood bashing, Slobber-knocking Hard Hitting Pure Bread No Storyline Wrestling. A great night for any-one that was there and for the millions and millions watching at home.Finally Like I say before if you a big wrestling fan this show will definitely appeal to you and if you think wrestling is fake, watch this AND THINK AGAIN.
Hoodfella my thoughts.1.Lance storm with dawn Marie vs Chris Jericho.Great way to open the show lance storm gets the win in his last match.8.5/10 2. 3 way dance Tajiri vs Lil Guido vs super crazy. Another short match but it didn't need to be long they used the time they were given in this great match. super crazy does a crazy moon salt off the balcony on to the FBI. this match should open the company's eyes to there little guys.Lil Guido is pinned first then its down to tajiri and super crazy. super crazy wins with a beautiful moon salt off the ropes. 9/10.3.Rey vs Psicosis. Another short match that was great. This match had a lot of back and forth action in it. When psychosis doing a crazy leg drop on Rey while he was laying on the guardrail. A lot of high flying moves in this match. Rey even got booed for doing the 619 but he got the pin.9/10.Smackdown and raw invade. Jbl talks trash about the ecw fans calls himself a wrestling god. Kurt angle talks trash to. that promo was actually good. not to long just strait to the point.Rob comes out with bill Alfonzo and does a shoot about wee not giving him a chance on the Mic. And how he held the belt for a year. He basically tells the truth in his shoot promo. Rhyno comes out a takes out Rob. The lights go out and its Saba setting up the next match.4. Sabu vs Rhyno. THis match was short but it had a lot of good hardcore action including a hard chair shot from Saba. And tables getting involve in the match. Rob even kicks the chair in rhinos face. Sabu does a leg drop from the top rope with the chair underneath him while he puts rhino threw the table. 7/10 match because of the length but it was good for what it was.5. Paul hey-mans awesome shoot on the wee,edge,WC,and Eric brushoff. This is the best shoot I've ever heard. He also tells the truth. IN the shoot he shoots on edge saying he takes peoples wife's, and he says Matt freaking hardy. to a massive you screwed Matt chant.He says that Bradshaw was the champ for a year because triple h didn't want to work on smack down. And he said many things about Eric. Basically saying that this was Ec F****** W. 10/10 for the shoot fest.Match of the night-Mike awesome vs Tanaka- This match rules chant during the match. Need I say more. Tables,crazy dives,Hard shots with the chairs.Mike wins. 10/10.Second match of the night.THe Dudley boys vs sandman and dreamer. This match had everything. Tables,ladders,chairs,barbwire,cheese graters. And plus is had tons of interference in the match but that didn't hurt the match it actually made it better. THe ending was tommy going threw a Flaming table.Holy s*** chant rang threw the arena.At the end of the show. stone cold came out. And said he wanted it to be wee vs ecw. ecw won and beat the H*ll out of Eric brushoff. Stone cold drunk beer with sandman. Joey styles said-ECW's alive................ the show was great.Better than wrestlemania 21.