Easy Come, Easy Go
Easy Come, Easy Go
PG | 14 June 1967 (USA)
Easy Come, Easy Go Trailers

Navy frogman Ted Jackson balances his time between twin careers as a deep-sea diver and nightclub singer. During a dive, Ted spots sunken treasure and returns with the hope to retrieve it.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Steineded How sad is this?
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
slapstck2000 This is just pure @#$%^&$#@ this is just AWFUULLLLLLLLL! This is one time Elvis should have been horse whipped with a live horse! my-god even the songs are horrible! I find my self throwing my hands up and over my face and saying, (oh Elvis! please! please stop just stop please stopppppp1 oh this is just awful, Now this is desperate, this is one of the most embarrassing Elvis movies, And yes I find myself wanting to find Tom Parker and report him as being an illegal immigrant, if just to get him away from Elvis! If Tom Parker likes these types of movies then why don't he star in them? just don't do this to Elvis!and the acting is actually as bad as watching a soap opera.AAAAAAAAAAAA!! slapstck2000
funkyfry Most Elvis fans might approach this with some amount of fear, as I did, because so many of his late 60s films are awful. But I really did enjoy this one. It's zany, it's fast paced, it's colorful. Unlike some of the other late 60s films Elvis and the other co-stars don't seem to be embarrassed by the film.I was surprised at the amount of integration in the score. A lot of the songs relate directly to the film's story. There are a number of very amusing novelty songs. For example Elvis' friend has a "love machine" that is basically a big wheel of fortune with different girls' names and pictures on it. Elvis sings a song about the wheel, it's very amusing. Then later on of course the girls turn out to be hags. The best novelty song is "Yoga Is as Yoga Does" which Elvis sings with Elsa Lancaster.
estabansmythe "Easy Come, Easy Go" is hardly the King's best - but still, it ain't that bad. I certainly prefer it to "Harum Scarum."And it does have a few killer songs, including "The Love Machine" & the irresistible "I'll Take Love," performed as the finale (it should have been a hit single).But having said that, Elvis looks bored at various times. As he put it, by then he was tired of beating up the bad guys and then singing to them.It's too bad that he never got a role in a truly serious film directed by a truly serious director later in his career because I believe he could have been taught, encouraged and coaxed into some truly terrific serious dramatic performances - and not just the brooding, pouting youth roles a la "Wild In The Country" or "Jailhouse Rock." Perhaps in a smaller serious role.Imagine him as naive good old boy male prostitute Joe Buck in Jon Voight's shoes in "Midnight Cowboy"? I really think he could have done something special with a serious role like that in a serious film. Roles such as that could have changed his entire career - and how people viewed him.
pooh-24 Please don't get me wrong.I respect the talent of Elvis Presley,a great singer,good dancer,and decent actor. But Easy Come Easy Go is just a lousy film for him to do.His final film with Hal Wallis,who made all those Elvis formulated films in the 1960's,Easy Come Easy Go is about Elvis as a Navy frogman who finds a buried treasure deep in the sea an sets out to retrieve it.He gets some help and has his love interest,as usual in these films,and has an evil counterpart,this time Skip Ward,who plays the heel that Elvis gets the best of in the end. As with the movies he made in this time period,Elvis sings some songs here that are just horrible and,clearly,Elvis is uncomfortable singing them as they don't sound right for him at all.The yoga scene was one of the worst he ever was did as an actor. Playing a U.S.Navy frogman,and being in a town that runs counter to his character's conservative ways,Presley,sadly,comes off as a square,in a time when so much was changing in America.The people,especially the young at the time,must of felt Elvis was as corny and square as the older actors he worked with in this and other movies of this period.Easy Come Easy Go is a light breezy film,but it comes off as a bad tv movie,and it makes its' star,Elvis Presley look even worse.