| 12 June 2006 (USA)
Earthstorm Trailers

A massive asteroid impact on the moon begins causing storms on earth due to the sudden changes in ocean tides. But when further examination is conducted it's discovered that the moon's structure is now entirely unstable -- threatening all life on earth. With time running out, a team of scientists turn to one man, demolitions expert John Redding, in effort to find a solution and secure the moon.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
a_southern_knight I watched this film because some bozo at Dish Network gave it 3 stars. I expect a 3-star movie to have decent credentials while this one had ***NONE***.I don't need to list all its faults seeing as other IMDb reviewers have already done so quite eloquently. In a nutshell, it is SciFi without the Sci. For example, preparing a Space Shuttle for launch would require several weeks at the very least even if one was already at the launch facility. Simply moving the Shuttle to the pad takes the better part of a day yet somehow ASI managed to launch one within a few hours. And, by the way, it's an orbiter meaning capable only of attaining earth orbit.... just one of the countless technical glitches in this turkey. Actually the entire movie is just one gigantic mistake and an utter waste of time to watch with one possible exception.... it might be just the ticket for a kindergarten during a sudden blizzard if there was nothing else for the kiddies to do and nowhere they could go. A few of them might actually enjoy it.
Keith Pangilinan As usual, I have the TV on to Telefutura 'cause I'm waiting for "NCIS" on CBS & I'm playing the Wii. I coulda just said this is another run-of-the-mill TV-movie about some killer space turd heading to Earth set to kill millions. Governments & top management have their fears but use their authority to slow down progress to stop the menacing meteors. But some renegade blue-collar worker who's grieving over someone steps in & defies the naysayers into leading the mission to stop the deadly asteroids & save the world in a visually epic fashion. Hero gets the girl (& maybe a medal). The end. Such a film would've made me rate it 2 stars. But that was b4 I began asking questions as I watched the crucial part of "Earthstorm." "Why the hell is the space shuttle launching on a rainy day?" "Why the hell is Stephen Baldwin standing on his own 2 feet in the shuttle in outer space?" "Why the hell is the space shuttle moving like the Millennium Falcon?" You might assume that the writers were high upon writing this, but I think they might've been sober but w/ just a deadline in their rectums. "C'mon, damn you! You got till 3 o'clock!" "Umm, the space shuttle uses a magnetic bomb to fill in the lunar chasm?" "Hmmm. Good enough." I actually was making some tasteless riffs while watching this shuttle scene like, "Well, if Perseus didn't end up like the Challenger maybe it'll suffer Colombia's fate." (one spoiler: The Perseus' return to Earth was so successful that it needed not be shown in the film. How convenient!) Damn, now I got a deadline up my keister so I better state my major points. Yes, the characters appeared to be typical of such disaster films that it deprived "Earthstorm" of chemistry. In fact I watched the film so casually that when the hero kissed the redhead in the end I didn't know (nor care) that there was a spark between the two & joked, "I thought they were brother & sister!" or "I thought one of 'em was gay!" I might understand why space shuttle Perseus got souped up as in reality, many of the space shuttle missions had been mundane, such as visits to the International Space Station & just doing research on astronomy or astrophysics & using shuttle-loads of math. Stephen Baldwin now has another movie alongside "The Flintstones" to be ashamed of. All the while brother Alec is hotter than ever as he wins Emmys, opens his liberal pie-hole, & does Capital One ads. & at least Adam did a film w/ Cindy Crawford despite the negative notoriety for "Fair Game." That reminds me. Considering how atrocious "Earthstorm" was, I only wish this attracted enough votes to vie for the IMDb Bottom 100 but it's only a TV movie & the list is full of films from MST3K (it's cool; I'm a MSTie fan), Paris Hilton movies, & Razzie winners & nominees. To summarize, if possible, rent or download "Earthstorm" but make it a social event, invite friends, & riff your butts off like Joel, Mike, Crow, & Tom Servo used to over the flaws of "Earthstorm," especially on the TOTALLY AWESOME scene where, like, the space shuttle, like, flies through the asteroid field & stuff & like, takes off at Warp Speed? Like, completely epic!!! Incidentally I tweeted to Rifftrax, something done by 3 guys from MST3K, if they'd view "Earthstorm" & riff it; I hope they respond although I think many fans make suggestions to riff many movies. Oh yeah. It's not NASA (who musta LOL'ed upon being asked for permission for using their name) but ASI...I think. It coulda been SNASA for all I care (as in something used in Barney's mating calls on "How I Met Your Mother.") "Earthstorm" sucks! I'm done.
Hubert Jassol This is just awful. Where to start? The moon has a crack in it which is causing horrific storms on earth and meteors crashing to earth as well. Some genius decides to fly the space shuttle to the moon and drop nuclear explosives in the crack to make it implode and seal itself. There's your plot.Dirk Benedict plays the formulaic snide, condescending administrator (with a direct line to the president) pretty well. The rest of the cast is nondescript except our old pal, Stephen Baldwin. Stephen is the demolition expert. Oh, Stephen, what hath thou wrought? I have to admit, Stephen Baldwin makes me nuts. This is just another in a long line of roles that he was totally suited for. He looks like a man who is uncomfortable in his own skin and that doesn't translate well to the screen. Well, neither does this movie.The whole thing is just foolish. I mean, I had no idea that you could fly the space shuttle to the moon. I also didn't know that the shuttle cockpit was finished in sheetrock with little hex-shaped portholes, no less. And those portholes have nice windowsills where you could put a potted plant, or your chia pet! Also, you can apparently walk around inside the shuttle while in space, as if you were walking around in your living room, amazing! This movie is a joke. Totally appropriate for Mr. Baldwin's acting chops. Which is to say - don't bother. 1/10.
foxhound-9 It pains me to be so negative as the the idea of the movie i liked the idea and it had been a while since i had seen a good disaster movie. It is still a while since i have seen a good disaster.Now moving on to the scientific fact, there is none. Astronauts wandering around as if they are on earth instead of zero gravity, a nuclear space shuttle that never runs out of fuel and can have spare parts of it converted to make a fancy bomb while the moon does a good impression of the death star.So feel free to watch this movie, but somewhere a puppy will die and it will be your fault. I gave it a two just because i have seen worst movies (only just)