Dutch Kills
Dutch Kills
| 02 October 2015 (USA)
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A desperate ex-con is forced to gather his old crew for one last job to pay off his sister's debt to a dangerous local criminal.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
HottWwjdIam There is just so much movie here. For some it may be too much. But in the same secretly sarcastic way most telemarketers say the phrase, the title of this one is particularly apt.
Bessie Smyth Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
frederickgriffin Absolute garbage. Lousy script, lousy actors, no plot. Total waste of time.
vchimpanzee Dutch Kills is a street in New York City, as we see in one of the early scenes.Ash is out of prison. Tony the Bartender is ready to take him in and give him anything he needs. I have to assume since there was a parole officer in the credits that he is the voice telling Ashley all the things that he could do wrong which will send him right back to prison. Valentino (or Val) was in prison but he has been out for a while. He loses his job at a garage because there's not enough work for two people. As hard as she works, his sister Gina (who has a young daughter Janelle) is in debt to Lou and if Valentino doesn't do a job for Lou with his friends, Lou will find another way to collect.Ash is one of the friends that Val asks to help him with this job. There is also Cal, who plays guitar on the street for whatever people will put in his cup. And Daisy also joins the group.Lou is a drug dealer, among other things, and in addition to threatening people who owe him money, he owes money to someone whose goons beat him up to show she means business. There is one more detail you need to know about Lou, but it's better if you find out the way I did.Val starts dating his pretty neighbor Vane (sounds like Bonnie to me). Ash also has a romantic relationship with Daisy.There are two bars. Tony's is dark and depressing but the people are friendly. Tony is a great guy with a definite Irish accent. Charlie's looks good but people get threatened and beat up there. Plus one room apparently had Pol Pot do the designing.One job isn't enough for Lou. He wants the group to do another job, and once again, he shows he means business. This is a depressing movie. There are a few laughs, especially from Daisy's mom in one scene, but not enough.One positive feature of the movie is Val. Sure, he has committed some crimes and is forced to do so here, but he's a good guy. He's enjoyable to watch and you want to root for him.Lou has few redeeming qualities but the actor playing him does a good job. Ash is harder to like but I guess we want to see him succeed as well.This is not family friendly. So many words are bleeped out that in some scenes there's not a whole lot left to explain what's going on. But I suppose it's not excessively violent.If you like this sort of thing, I suppose this is a good movie.
Michael Ledo Ashley (Tama Filianga- co-writer/producer) gets out of jail after 3 years. His friend Valentino (R.L. Mann co-writer/producer) has been out for a year as his sentence was cut short. The crime they committed is not really explained. Val's smack head sister (Claire Jane Edna) has borrowed money from slim ball Lou (Mikaal Bates) and now Lou demands that Val get his old gang back together for ONE LAST JOB (original title).The film is low budget. The fight scene was filmed in horrible slow motion. The actual job we don't see, just people running around a corner with one person apparently shot in the arm. The acting wasn't that great and the dialogue slowed the film down. There is a twist, but when you introduce new characters half way through the film, it is a cheap way to achieve a twist. It wasn't well developed.Guide: F-bomb. Brief sex and nudity.
shide_85 Contains one small spoiler that won't ruin the plot line marked with * *.Short version: Semi original crime/drama that makes an unoriginal plot line its own. Dull cinematography that suits the realism theme. Recommended for those who like crime, action and thriller movies.Longer version: This is a low budget movie, but this rivals a lot higher budgeted movies. The plot is nothing new but it does make it into its own. The dull cinematography captures the storyline in a way (which is a trend that becomes more and more common and rightly so) where it emphasizes the experience rather than detract from it (camera angles and techniques and their target are actively used to strengthen the impression rather than to simply impress the viewer). * The plot line is mainly about two friends from the street of which one is just released from jail. The other one wants him back into crime, which causes complications when a corrupt police comes into the mix. * Overall a good watch, as far as crime movies go a strong 6 or weak 7. I gave it a 7 as I believe it to be somewhat low budget and considering that it is well made.Pro's • Script • Sound • Cinematography • Length (not too short not too long) • Tama Filianga - got a face suitable for cinema and decent actingCon's • Partly acting (up and down for a few of the cast) • Low budget - this movie could probably have reached a good deal of success with the right budget, cast and a few tweaks. • A bit slow at parts*I don't think this is the last time you get to see Tama Filianga on the screen. Even though R.L. Mann (pseudonym?) does a somewhat solid performance any roles in larger movies suitable for him are likely to fall into Casey Afflecks hands.