Dudes & Dragons
Dudes & Dragons
| 10 October 2015 (USA)
Dudes & Dragons Trailers

When the powerful wizard, Lord Tensley, is jilted by Princess Ennogard, he vows to rid the land of love. He commands his fire-breathing dragon to destroy any sign of affection seen throughout the kingdom. As the death toll rises, Camilan, a brave but arrogant warrior seeks to marry his true love despite the curse upon the land. In order to fulfill his destiny, he seeks the help of his estranged brother Ramicus, a bounty hunter with no desire to get involved. It takes an enchanted distress message and the promise of great reward from the beautiful Princess Ennogard, to lure Ramicus into the quest to defeat the wizard and his terrible beast.

Steinesongo Too many fans seem to be blown away
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
GazerRise Fantastic!
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
wabooradley One afternoon I blindly stumbled across the last 10 minutes of this film, and those 10 minutes (plus the post-film "bloopers") made me chuckle so much that I recorded the next full airing. This proved a great move!"Dudes and Dragons" (or "Dragon Warriors", as it is also known) is simply slapstick comedy done well - lots of pratfalls and wisecracks that are certain to tickle your funny bone, provided you have one. It isn't the beneficiary of a rich budget, but the costumes are decent and the acting more than passable. If you just want to spend a lighthearted two hours snorting out your beer at one joke after another, you could do worse than this one.
indeedy I saw this at Dragon Con, and have been looking forward to watching it again ever since. This isn't a movie to watch all alone on your computer. It's a movie to invite a bunch of like-minded fantasy film fans over to watch while playing drinking games. Fantasy tropes abound, as well as out-and-out spoofs of films you should know - and probably do. It's an indie film, not a big budget affair, but if you are a fan of indies, this one is worth your while. Name that original... and have a great time.
marctams Awesome in the way that sometimes when you go to the toilet for a number 2 you come away feeling as though all your senses have been reinvigorated: The nostril crushing stench, the Dolby surround bombardment of splashes and farts, the 3D Imax onslaught of brown streaks on tissue paper.The difference between a good poo and this movie is that a good poo will stimulate your vagus gland whereas this movie will make it shrivel up and die.Were I challenged to sit through this movie again or go for a giant sweaty dump I would choose the dump without a doubt.
lospanaderos I just got back from watching the Salt Lake City premiere of "Dragon Warriors" and I LOVED it! This was a rollicking adventure, and I highly recommend it. It had all kinds of intertextuality, with references to "Star Wars," "The Princess Bride," "He-Man," and even a little "Titanic!" It's a love story with a little sorcery, and a lot of laughter. I can tell you this-- ask your theater to order this movie, and then take all of your friends to go see it. I can't give away too much more of the plot without revealing spoilers, but I think it's a stealth hit in the making. What's not to love when you have beautiful maidens in need of rescuing, an evil wizard with a bad temper and a fondness for his cousin, a couple of brothers who would like to become heroes, and a couple of sidekicks who steal the show?!