Duck Season
Duck Season
| 10 March 2006 (USA)
Duck Season Trailers

Flama and Moko are fourteen years old; they have been best friends since they were kids. They have everything they need to survive yet another boring Sunday: an apartment without parents, videogames, porn magazines, soft drinks and pizza delivery.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
MartinHafer "Temporada de Patos" is a very frustrating film to watch. Again and again, the film appears to be about to do or say something profound...and again and again it falls flat. By the end of the film, I felt extremely annoyed as the story just didn't go much of anywhere.The setting is an apartment in Mexico and begins with a mother leaving home--with her teen and his friend there to spend the day. Through the course of the time they are there, a pizza guy shows up...and stays. The same goes for a neighbor teen, as she comes to bake a cake....but just stays. This story is done in black & white. The film has little energy and many times it COULD have gone interesting places. But, in most cases the story just doesn't go anywhere and instead of entertaining the film just leaves many viewers (like me) annoyed that more wasn't made of an interesting scenario.By the way, if you watch the film, and I don't advise you to do so, there is a scene with a stack of dead dogs....real dead dogs. Some viewers might have a hard time with seeing that.
Bene Cumb What did I see within about 1 hour and 20 minutes? A black-and-white depiction of things what 2 young schoolboys and 1 older schoolgirl do when/if they are left alone... And if a pizza man refuses to leave. Well, mostly trivial things, and non-trivial ones are not inviting, as they are partially over-sophisticated, partially incomplete... True, directing and camera-work are distinct and uncommon, but they are the main values of Temporada de patos to me. Performances are so-so, not memorable, and the logic of events is not always clear or well explained. The ending leaves to be desired as well.Yeah, it is a film about young teens - but not for teens, especially who live "in the now", who prefer more eventful fun and hanging about. Thus, a film for art's sake - or vice versa, but its means and goals did not get through my head in full.
Dart_Adams ***SPOILER ALERT*** (KINDA, ANYWAYS)I love independent films. I love international films. I love character driven films without special effects set in few locations that are sometimes in black and white. I saw the trailer for "Duck Season" on IFC (A channel I watch regularly) a year ago...I thought that it looked interesting so I put it on my Netflix queue. I just watched it yesterday and I have to say that I was bored out of my mind. I was completely uninterested in anything that happened to these kids...I waited for some element of the film to spring up and draw me in someway. I really wanted to like this movie. It was dull, bland, uninspired and I pretty much had to FORCE myself to see it all the way through.I understood the symbolism, the coming of age tale, the friendship, the pizza delivery mans internal struggles, the gay undertones, the symbolism of the duck painting that the parents are fighting over, blah, blah, blah....The problem is that I just didn't care for ANY of the characters. Nothing the director did made me care about their plights, nothing that happened in that film made me want to invest anything in them. Not the *ahem* "action", not the dialogue, not the "conflicts", nor the characters....NOTHING.I was bored after an hour and the film is UNDER 90 MINUTES LONG! I felt like I was sitting there waiting for something to happen...nothing did....Well, it DID...I just didn't care when it did. Who lets a stranger take a bath in their tub? Especially an adult? Fifteen minutes of high people staring at a painting of ducks doesn't do it for me. The last time I was this frustrated and disappointed in a film was Junebug. This gets a 3 out of 10 from me...I don't know what the rest of you were watching but this "film" did NOTHING for me. One.
samzpan compared to some of the best movies out of Mexico, ( et tu mama etc.) this one is pretty tame. but I smell a rat here. first off, why does what is basically a teen movie get rated R? There is nothing hard core in this movie, NOTHING. I just can't figure the reason for the rating. Plus, I can't seem to find evidence to back me up on this, but, I believe the scene where the teen age boys are on the couch near the end of the movie was censored for the American version. In the very first scene in the movie when Moko is watching the other boy get dressed, it is obvious he has a sexual interest in him. And when they are both stoned later in the movie and alone on the sofa I think this scene went beyond holding hands and licking ears. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know, but censorship in American is running rampant. The TV show, "With out a trace", being fined over a scene that didn't even happen, to me just shows what an era of repression we are experiencing. This is a harmless, funny little movie, it never should have been rated R, and if I am right about scenes being cut, then my attitude is: don't even show it in America. I don't want to see censored movies or TV or anything else. These neo-fascists want to determine what we can watch, that is bull crap, and I think it is about time we started to raise a little hell about it.