Drunken Fist
Drunken Fist
| 01 January 1984 (USA)
Drunken Fist Trailers

Accidentally discovering the operations of the Blood Ninja gangsters, a mischievous young man masters the skills of the Drunk Fist and proceeds to fight against them. But the gangsters join forces, vowing to kill him before the young master destroys them all.

Interesteg What makes it different from others?
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Delight Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
BA_Harrison The evil Blood Ninjas are out to kill the Drunken Master and his students. Drunken Kid escapes with his girlfriend but is pursued by the Ninjas, and also by a mysterious bounty hunter clad in white.What at first appears to be a fairly routine old school kung fu film eventually becomes a more memorable affair thanks to some crazy comedy and a few truly bizarre scenes. Director Godfrey Ho has taken a well worn basic plot and filled it with enough martial arts wackiness and original touches to ensure that the proceedings never become boring.Witness the wonders of acupuncture kung fu: our hero, Drunken Kid, is a dab hand at acupuncture as well as Kung Fu, and is able to make people laugh uncontrollably with a well-aimed needle.Tremble at the sight of the evil leader of the Blood Ninjas: his chair fires arrows, he has a one-eyed gimp, and he uses flying cymbals to attack his enemies.Scratch your head in confusion at the relationship between the bounty hunter and his female companion: he rescues her from bandits, proceeds to rape her, and yet somehow becomes the object of her affection.Laugh out loud at the dubbing: I am sure one of the characters was voiced by Zippy from Rainbow!The fight scenes between these strange happenings are also pretty good, and the action comes thick and fast. Revenge of the Drunken Master is perfect post-pub entertainment and is recommended for all fans of martial arts madness.
danklewis "This film is great! I watched it with some friends and we thought it was proof that a film doesn't have to see commercial success to be a hit!" ...is what I would love to be able to say about this film. In the words of the film itself "you are very very bad!" I went to see an unlicensed acupuncturist once so generally agree with the moral of the film though.i'd include a spoiler, but the lack of plot makes this very tricky. overall, a cinematic disaster.quotes; 'you're not a leper at all!' 'you're beautiful, and i bet you're nice too' 'have you ever seen a naked man's body?' 'you couldn't break a piece of straw.'cameos in dubbing; Micheal cane x3, harold bishop, steve erwine, benjamin netinyahoo, yoda.
foolfm I couldn't disagree with the other commenter more. For a start the dubbing on this film is pure genius, i don't know what the voice over people were on but i want some. SOME SPOILERS----The blood Ninjas want to terminate the drunken fist gang, The leader of the Blood Ninjas is a hard man with a one eyed gimp as a sidekick (very symbolic). So they try to hunt down the drunken master with no success.So they look for the Drunken kid instead. Also looking for the Drunken Kid is a patriarchal, misogynist, law man.Drunken kid hides in a leper colony where he finds the drunken master living in the dirt (message). He improves his Drinking skills, then goes of to rescue his girl from the blood ninjas clutches.And fails miserably, and then gets panned...Until, the mysterious law man comes to his aid. With their powers combines the two opposites "come together to form thunder" and defeat the Ninja boss.How can anyone say the martial arts in this are no good. Eagle Han, man, he's one of the best. And being let in on the drunken fists stone body technique, opened my eyes to the structural composition of Eastern Martial arts. hmhm Great film with some great reasons for being.
kurt this is a below average martial arts films which is worth watching for the comedy value due to the part where a pair of symbols are used as weapons. Thats it really there is much to say about this film it lacks in every department because the martial arts are not that great either and with all movies of this type the dubbing as BAD