Dreams from My Real Father
Dreams from My Real Father
| 24 April 2012 (USA)
Dreams from My Real Father Trailers

This fascinating narrative is based in part on 2 years of research, interviews, newly unearthed footage and photos, and the writings of Davis and Obama himself. Dreams from My Real Father weaves together the proven facts with reasoned logic and speculation in an attempt to fill-in the obvious gaps in Obama's history. Is this the story Barack Obama should have told, revealing his true agenda for "fundamentally transforming America?" Director Joel Gilbert concludes, "To understand Obama’s plans for America, the question is ’Who is the real father?’"

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
timoconnor Absolute trash, verifiably false, produced by and for hate filled racist idiots. That's all the effort I am going to expend on this piece of crap.I felt like a needed a shower after watching this for fear of becoming infected with its malignant bacterial swill.Absolute trash, verifiably false, produced by and for hate filled racist idiots. That's all the effort I am going to expend on this piece of crap.I felt like a needed a shower after watching this for fear of becoming infected with its malignant bacterial swill.Absolute trash, verifiably false, produced by and for hate filled racist idiots. That's all the effort I am going to expend on this piece of crap.I felt like a needed a shower after watching this for fear of becoming infected with its malignant bacterial swill.
Steve Squared2 ***Spoilers Had Obama been a Republican, he'd have been swallowed in the primary process and spit out for eternity. His blatant lies about non-association with radical communists and/or criminals Davis, Ayers, Dohrn, Rev Wright, and Rezko would have been screamed from the highest mountains and echoed forever. The proof of these lies are so apparent for anyone who cares to look, but this film makes it easy for anyone who cares to know the truth.Also, anyone who has remotely studied Alinsky or just read Cliff's Notes for Rules for Radicals can see that Obama has check-boxed every aspect of attempting to turn our capitalist, democratic republic into a socialist cesspool; also well highlighted in this film. The damage to our country's businesses, citizens, and courts have been in many ways irreparably damaged by this conman who successfully sold lie after lie to the American people in a gross attempt to destroy our civil society through wealth redistribution, class warfare, race warfare, mass gov't regulation, and non-stop chaos. It's a shame this film has to show people in hindsight what could've easily been averted if our society hadn't been so ripe to seek easy answers from a socialist demagogue.
suzzel Here is how you do it:1. Listen to the "Obama quote" played over a montage towards the end of the film, where it sounds like he says the following: "There are millions of working families in this country who are now forced to take their children to food banks for a decent meal. The free market, it doesn't work. It has never worked."Doesn't sound quite right, does it?2. Type in "President Obama Speaks on the Economy" in a search engine and click on the video on the White House website. 3. Play minute mark 23:23-23:30 4. Go back and play 10:58-11:01 5. Go forward to 16:18-16:22 More concerned about those dirty pictures? They were published in the magazine Erotique, which was published 1955- 1959. All issues of Erotique are scanned and uploaded online, available for free on the website retrojunkie. See for instance issue 23, picture 2, which is featured in this film as a picture of Ann Dunham. The copywrite year, 1958, is visible. Since people who believe this movie have maintained that those are probably photoshopped (the irony), Collins also made a video where he flips through the pages of "The Complete Erotique" and zooms in on each featured picture. He posted it on youtube and it's titled "Fever Dreams of My Father".There is of course much much more I could add, but I think that gives a pretty good idea of the quality of this film.
charlieblues It is unclear whether this amateurish effort is meant to offend the political left or right. The left will find it generally offensive, and "Birthers" on the right will be frustrated by the undermining of their narrative.A curious Director's Note precedes the film, acknowledging that the contents are "based on actual events," of "probable events," and "approximated conversations." http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/805/dreamsfrommyrealfatherx.jpg/The whole of the film is presented in "Mockumentary" style (as are Director Joel Gilbert's other efforts, "Elvis Found Alive" and, "Paul McCartney Really is Dead-") with the first-person narrative meant to be the "true" voice of President Obama. The voice-over makes no real effort to sound similar to Barak Obama's tone or speech patterns, but continually presents fabricated emotional observations and descriptions as autobiographical.The film is entertaining. Although the narrative is pedantic, predictable, and clumsy in it's stereotypes; Jazz music, nude photography, college education, foreigners and minorities are presented as communist threats to America; The Federal Government of the United States is (curiously at odds with modern Conservative thinking) a font of righteous American morals, including McCarthyism, the CIA, Hoover's FBI and anything vaguely military.The writer is unable to reconcile his (again, Joel Gilbert) attempt at presenting Barak Obama's inner-voice with his own political agenda. The snide asides about Affirmative Action and habitual labeling of "Commies" are packed in with open attempts to paint President Obama as a race hater and devious subversive.It can be hoped that reactionary personalities on both sides of the contemporary American political divide will view this film as either a baseless Mockumentary, sarcastically intended to show the ridiculous ease of exaggeration and misdirection, or as an inept and markedly vicious effort at inflaming an already discordant political environment.For myself; I've seen plenty of this kind of garbage from both the liberal and conservative spectrum. If you find this kind of flailing and dishonest manipulation entertaining (as I do), I recommend Michael Moore's films, Glen Beck's books, and any commercial effort that purports to share a shocking and hidden truth. Think for yourself!