Dreams and Shadows
Dreams and Shadows
| 02 October 2009 (USA)
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Billy is a teenage outcast in search of his life's true meaning. Day by day, he slaves away at the local burger joint, only to return home to a paraplegic father, whose own dreams of happiness have faded away in an alcoholic haze. Nonetheless, Billy tries to bond with his delusional father, but cannot break through the many layers of pain and regret that surround him. Frustrated, Billy longs to escape the dead-end existence that has engulfed his father, and now appears to be closing in on him as well.

MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Eyesonscreen "Dreams and Shadows" is an excellent film. The acting is air tight with James Russo leading the charge. His character's flawed personality hangs on the balance between concerned father and crazy drunk. His son (played by Shawn-Caulin Young) is a fragile dreamer who ultimately becomes the anti-hero of the film. Slower paced than some might expect, this in no way detracts from the overall brilliance the film conveys. The character development is delicately wrapped in the plot and very richly told. It's truly and accurate social commentary on the sad, but at times bittersweet condition of the human heart and the dark things people will do for love. Add a dash of surrealism and you have a great film.
Quizar This is a mesmerizing film about the secrets that lie beneath the surface in all of us. A teen son looking to find his meaning in life. A drunkard father whose life has all but ended. The characters are raw and flawed in a way that makes you shift in your seat. At times I found myself disturbed by the dark turns the film took but from an artistic angle it was courageous for the story to snatch you out of your comfort zone. It's something many films are afraid to attempt.The director (Makonnen) knows how to tell a story with his use of sound, editing, and cinematography. Not to mention the haunting score that only adds to the overall emotion of the film. At times the film also has a very quite presence, but this serves as a platform for the disturbing and thought provoking finale. A truly independent film to the core, Dreams and Shadows is an engrossing, beautifully tragic film that you'll remember long after seeing it.
Movieconnect I must say this is a brave film. In this cookie cutting climate of movie making this is a breath of fresh air. The film juggles a series of premises that seem to be strange bed fellows but ironically work. Rugged actor James Russo breaks mobster stereotype playing an troubled alcoholic cripple who searches for salvation in the bottom of a vodka bottle. His visceral performance will leave you both angered and sympathizing for his character. Shawn-Caulin Young plays his day-dreaming son who wants a way out of a life that's plagued by his father's guilt. Not to mention the bully and his goons that seem to follow him everywhere he goes. There's some really cool Samurai images that pop up throughout the film as Billy's imagination rescues him from his chaotic "real life". If you're looking for a fast pace action film this is not the one. But for you dialog junkies who enjoy a drama that grows, builds and twists you'll enjoy Dreams and Shadows.
diggus doggus Something about this film leads me to believe the most used adjective that will be used in the reviews will be "poignant", together with the word "Drama".Well, here is my review: I knew something was wrong in this film when the main character pulls out a katana - a symbol of the young man's want of freedom - and it's a cheap $50 slasher you can get on the web; suspicion turns to horror as the film fails to develop past the dialogue stage, and after an hour i had enough.Don't waste your time with Dreams And Shadows, as it contains little of either. And little of anything, really. It's not "bad" film, its just not much film, really. And certainly it's not "poignant".. there are a million better films with the same content, and another million who are just as bad but have better production values.. now that i remember, this film has pretty bad production as well.Thats it. Final vote, 4/10